S/1428/17/FL : 22 new affordable dwellings - no cycle parking

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Added by Roxanne (CEO)

Development of greenfield land under the exception housing site, with 22 new affordable dwellings and associated external works

Land South and East of 77, Station Road, WILLINGHAM, CB24 5HG


South Cambridgeshire

Application reference : S/1428/17/FL

Transport statement refers to the cycle catchment and the importance of cycling but provides no mention of how residents will be encouraged to use this form of transport.

The Design and Access statement refers to the Cycle Parking Standards (page 12) but doesn't mention the development's provision. There is no further reference to cycling in the Design and Access Statement. No cycle parking is shown in the drawings.

Although this may be outside of Camcycle's 'range' if there is someone who wants to take on an objection I think it would be worthwhile as a precedent. As this development is near the Guided Busway it is reasonable to think that people might be commuting from here to Cambridge by bicycle.

I've not reviewed for cycle access and connections etc.



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