S/0122/18/RM - Willingham 72 dwelling units reserved matters

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Added by Matthew

They promise a 1:1 cycle parking:dwelling unit ratio for the flats. The 10 flats will have cycle parking in a shared shed that appears to be approximately 3.5m wide and 2.5m deep, so it is unimaginable that 10 cycles could fit in there.

The remaining houses all have 'cycle storage in rear gardens with hard landscaped paths to access it' but not shown in diagrams.

Reserved Matters application for 72 residential dwellings, includin Parking, Public Open Space, Local Equipped Area for Play, Pumping Station, Swale, Landscaping and associated infrastructure, pursuant to outline planning application S/2833/15/OL. This is not EIA development.

Land off Rockmill End & Meadow Road, Willingham, Cambridgeshire, CB24 5HY


South Cambridgeshire

Application reference : S/0122/18/RM



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