S/0101/18/CC Histon - New Primary School north of Garden Walk

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Added by Matthew

Proposes new access onto Glebe Way cutting across shared-use pavement, interrupting it, putting give-way markings on the pavement and dropping the kerbs. Visibility splays are drawn to to the kerb instead of to the back of the pavement.

Proposed pedestrian crossing further south will also place poles, obstructions and potential conflict into the narrow shared-use pavement.

This is a real mess considering that they have plenty of space to widen the pavement and do it right.


Erection of a 2FE (420 place) primary school and single storey 52 place pre-school nursery with associated vehicle and pedestrian access, car and cycle parking, vehicular drop off area with landscaping and playing fields, a pedestrian crossing, footpath widening and ancillary works.


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