CU Abbey Stadium proposed move to junction 35
Proposed football stadium move.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
sound+fury // 1 thread
Proposed football stadium move.
Created by David Green // 1 thread
I will be running four Wheel Building Workshops in Cambridge during 2020 (dates on website). It makes a great Christmas present for anyone who is a keen cyclist, or interested in cycle maintenance and repair.
Potential redesign of junction looks very poor - The usual set of issues with cars cutting across bikes, no real segregation, lanes starting/stopping etc. etc. etc.
Created by Matthew // 1 thread
The permissive route between Shire Hall and Magrath Avenue has issues (not the least of which being there are steps) however it does cut through the middle of what is otherwise an overly large block between Victoria Road and Chesterton Lane. There is also some irony in the fact that it appears to be the last remnants of a way that was once a Roman Road from Castle Hill heading due north.
Naturally, it is under threat from the sale of Shire Hall. We received the following e-mail:
Can you help ? As you may be aware the County Council has leased the
Shire hall and some of the surrounding buildings to a development
company. At present the situation regarding public access to the
permissive path that runs between the top of McGrath Avenue and Castle
Hill remains unclear. There is to be a public meeting sometime in
December or early January where Suffolk County Council as arbitrator
will take submissions.
Some neighbours and I are collecting data on the numbers of pedestrians
and cyclists that use the cut through during rush hours - at present the
number of journeys made per hour range from 116 (49 cyclists) to 149 (69
cyclists)which is just over 2 journeys per minute.
Thus as you can see closing this path would be a tremendous loss to the
local community forcing many people into taking busier routes along
Victoria Road and other major routes increasing the risk of accidents.
We would be very grateful for your support. There is to be a link on
the County Council website for submissions but alternatively you can
send statements to Jocelynne Scutt , copying in Claire Richards ( both
County Councillors). These statements will then be forwarded to Suffolk
County Council in batches rather than receiving them
individually.Please see above for Jocelynne's and Claire's email
Section 73 to remove Condition 5 of C/02/0136/RM (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of non food retail units and garden centre, Drive thru retaurant with associated servicing, Car Parking, Landscaping, new access and relocation of existing amenity car park (reserved matters - to original application C/99/1121/OP)) - removal of bollard.
Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 19/1500/S73
Created by Matthew // 1 thread
Cambridgeshire County Council proposes to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police the effect of which will be to :-
Amend the no loading and unloading restrictions on Mill Road, Cambridge from Monday to Saturday 8.15 – 9.15am and 5pm – 6pm to Monday to Saturday 7.30 - 9.30am and 4.30 - 6.30pm in the follow locations;
I have attached a copy of the public notice and plan, showing the location and extent of the proposed restrictions.
A copy of the draft Order and plans can also be seen online from Wednesday 20th November 2019 at
If you wish to make any comments on these proposals we would appreciate them in writing to the address below or by email to no later than the 11th December 2019 quoting reference PR0594.
Technical details consent for construction of 9 dwellings and means of access, following demolition of redundant Health Authority offices (pursuant to grant of 19/0769/PIP for Permission in Principle for residential development of 9 dwellings).
Cambridge And Huntingdon Health Authority 18 Vinery Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3DX
Application reference : 19/1389/TDAMIN
There's a whole bunch of locations reported for this Cambridge Cow sculpture exhibit.
I've already spotted one that gets too close to a dropped kerb in Station Square. More eyes needed to look through all the proposed locations.
Created by Chris Howell // 1 thread
This is a suggestion to create a Dutch style cycle map for the area around Cambridge and get the waypoints and routes marked on the ground to help navigation by bike, and then use it to measure progress on creating better routes.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
A new path is being added to the west side of the B1049 to connect the Greanleas estate to the Buxhall farm school. It is too narrow for shared used. Can we improve this?
Demolition of existing buildings and proposed development of nine residential apartments, landscaping and associated works.
15 & 16 Emmanuel Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 1JW
Application reference : 19/1361/FUL
Hybrid planning application comprising; a) Reserved matters for 406 dwellings including affordable housing provision, non-residential floorspace, landscaping, open space and associated infrastructure (the Reserved Matters include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL); b) Discharge of conditions 9 (Design code), 10 (Fire strategy), 11(Housing (Market mix)), 12 (Housing - Lifetime Homes (Affordable and market dwellings)), 19 (Surface water Drainage), 20 (Foul Water drainage), 23(Landscape and design), 24 (Landscape Management and Maintenance plan), 27 (Ecological Management plan), 31 (Longstanton conservation area), 32 (Low Carbon Strategy), 33 (Energy delivery strategy), 34 (BREEAM Standards), 38 (Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)), 41(External Artificial Lighting), 42 (Operational Noise - Non Residential use classes), 43 (Operational Traffic Noise Mitigation Scheme on-site), 45 (Waste & Recycling Management Strategy), 48 (Transport - Equine, Walking and Cycling Routes), 57(Transport - Cycle parking) and 64 (Self-build and custom build) pursuant to outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL and c) Full planning permission for the temporary change of use of two dwellings to show homes.
Phase 2A, Land South of Longstanton Road, Northstowe, CB24 3AB
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/3499/19/RM
Created by Mark Troll // 1 thread
A friend of mine had a head-on collision with an invisible , un-lit cyclist on the DNA trail about 2 months ago. The end of his handlebar went through his face, breaking his jaw and many facial bones, and he also had serious damage to his hip and leg. He was in hospital for about 2 months, and was very nearly paralyzed. As many of you know, the trail is narrow and very dark at night, when many people are coming home from the Adenbrookes campus. I am trying to persuade the County Council to make the path wider (there is a total of 17 feet on either side) and have it lighted with overhead lighting (solar powered ones are commercially available). Please let your County Council person know, and also please consider signing the petition at:
I really want to reduce the chances that others will be injured on this heavily used path
Created by DB // 1 thread
I am cycling on the snakey trail every day, and there is a high risk that somebody falls into the Cherry Hinton Brook one day. The path and bridge is really too narrow and many people are taking it both ways.
19/1212/FUL | Demolition of the existing octagonal building and erection of two new student accommodation buildings comprising 23 rooms. Replacement of existing gardeners accommodation with free-standing gardeners' building, replacement of cycle storage, new boundary and entrance treatment. | St Chads 48 Grange Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 9DH
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 1 thread
As part of the City Council's plan to build 500 new homes in Cambridge by 2022, Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP) is proposing to build around 78 new council-rented homes and a new community facility on Campkin Road.
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
Planning for a direct action to close Station Road.
Created by Paula Downes // 4 threads
The road is unloved, has very few trees, has a lot of traffic, moving fast or jammed. Air quality is poor. Cyclists cycle along the pavement very fast which is dangerous for pedestrians. The cycle lanes on the road are not safe. It is difficult for cyclists to cross the road since there are not enough crossings. A lot of people park near Coldhams Common on Saturdays. Many people have created driveways to avoid people parking in front of their houses in the parking bays. Crossing the little roads (Brampton, Vinery Road, Vinery Way) is difficult because the cars block the path as they wait to get onto Coldhams Lane and greenery prevents pedestrians from going behind those cars.
Outline application (all matters reserved except for means of access in respect of junction arrangements onto Worts' Causeway and Babraham Road) for erection of up to 230 residential dwellings (including affordable housing), community facilities within Use Classes A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D1/D2, new landscaping and public realm, car and cycle parking, infrastructure, other associated works following the demolition of all existing buildings on the site.
Richard G // 1 thread
Default traffic light phase is for red on the vastly more used busway/cyclepath, rather than for the infrequent crossings of Hobson Avenue.
How to go about changing it
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
GCP project:
Junction 11 of the M11 is a key entry point into Cambridge. With significant growth in housing and employment in the area, upgrading the existing transport infrastructure in this area is vital to reduce congestion and improve access into the city.
Congestion impacts on current bus journey times making journeys unreliable, unattractive and longer than necessary, as well as affecting the convenience and comfort of cycling trips on the corridor.
By expanding the existing Travel Hub in Trumpington and creating more Travel Hub provision (either by creating multi-storey parking at the Trumpington site or a new Travel Hub to the west of Junction 11), car drivers can be encouraged to complete their journeys by bus. More Travel Hub use would help the flow of traffic and make employment sites such as the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, West and North Cambridge easier to reach.
A consultation on increasing Travel Hub spaces to the south west of Cambridge ran until 21 December 2018. Thank you to those who attended our events and responded to the consultation. We will now collate the responses and publish a report in the Spring of 2019.
The Cambridge South West Travel Hub Project is a component of the West of Cambridge package, which includes review and development options for Travel Hub facilities, creation of new Travel Hub locations, and enhancement or upgrade of existing facilities.
Created by Edward Leigh // 1 thread
We know we need thousands more cycle parking spaces in future to meet ambitions to reduce car trips into the city and cope with the huge population and employment growth that the region is already committed to in its Local Plans. There is very little highway space available in the city centre, so we need to re-purpose other spaces, such as multi-storey car parks. I want to see if we can develop a policy to put to the City Council that they could act on. We've been discussing locations for new cycle parks for years (see linked Camcycle article), so what's the hold-up?
Demolition of existing building and construction of 3no two storey dwellings, with additional living accommodation in the roof of each, and 1no 2 storey detached dwelling, with private access drives to the front and rear, amenity space and landscaping.
EIA screening opinion for up to 4,801 sqm of operational police accommodation and ancillary functions
Land at Milton
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/3011/19/E1
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 37 threads
We're moving forward on our policy project. This thread is to discuss the various policies and move them towards publication.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by David Earl // 5 threads
Greater Anglia has just issued a consultation on cycles at stations and on trains
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
The cycle lanes here are a mish-mash of narrow legacy infrastructure, and are often awkward to use.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?