Jesus Lock bridge closed for maintenance 6 January 2014 for 8 weeks
County Council press release:
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
County Council press release:
Created by Clare Gibbons // 0 threads
I propose the creation of bike/bus scheme: a bus service for Sundays and Bank holidays leaving Cambridge Rail Station, heading out through Barton Road and linking Burwash Manor, Wimpole Hall, Gamlingay Woods, Great Gransden Woods etc in a circular route. Short cycle routes to be developed around villages along the route. Cyclists can choose the length of journey they want to make and be assured of a ride home by bus if they do not wish to cycle back to Cambridge...
A 24 cycle bike-trailer can be towed behind a 20 seater bus, providing sustainable tourism access to South Cambridgeshire and passenger transport services for settlements that do not currently have Sunday services. Please respond and state whether you would be interested in such a service.
The new layout at this junction is an improvement for pedestrians. But turning right into Newmarket Rd from Coldhams Lane, all traffic passes through a narrow constriction between traffic islands: not wide enough for a car + cycle, let alone a larger vehicle + cycle. Any other comments on this?
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
The County are going to do work on the boardwalk under the railway bridge on NCN51
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
The annual university societies' fair is an opportunity to suggest to the student body the existence of the campaign.
Historically we get few students joining, but it can be a useful networking opportunity.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 5 threads
Issues regarding sharing of space on commons in central Cambridge
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Richard G // 1 thread
At a recent BUG-WAG* meeting, the Trust reported that the council will be modifying the Long Road/Adrian way junction.
Those of you that know the area will know that the exit from Addenbrooke's is 'no right turn' with a small shaped island to direct traffic westbound onto Long Rd
plans were shown to create a cutout in the small island for bikes to exit eastbound. Presuamably with signs to indicate this too
The trust said that suggestions to the junction would be welcome in the planning of further changes to Long Rd
*BUG-WAG - the Bicycle User Group, Walking Action Group of interested parties on the Addenbrooke's campus
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
Dropped bike off for service at Grand Arcade and walked to get Uni4 bus from outside Pembroke at around 8.30am today. At least four separate lorries stopped on double yellow lines between Little St Mary's Lane and Fitzwilliam Museum, causing traffic chaos. This is really dangerous for cyclists since even if a cyclist has had the courage to get past the obstruction, or has right of way, drivers just don't seem to see them or think they really are only about six inches wide. This also causes massive traffic hold-ups. Congestion (where there is no mandatory or advisory cycle lane) is generally dangerous for cyclists as it tends to lead to "white lining" or squeezing through gaps. This is a busy cycle route. I'm sure Peterhouse have a back entrance for lorries for example.
Why is loading allowed on double yellow lanes on busy cycle and bus routes during the rush hours? OK, I know there's an alleged loading ban on Hills Road which is rarely, or if ever enforced, but at least there is a ban there. I've highlighted that bit of Trumpington St as road users were having to do a slalom there this morning, but this is a Cambridge-wide problem and I'm sure members can also provide evidence of other examples.
I can't quite believe that certain businesses being allowed to hold up the traffic willy-nilly is good for the Cambridge-wide economy in general.
Do we have a position on this? Should the new Police and Crime Commissioner have a position on this? Should Stagecoach (who probably find it causes them a problem, even though they're not our favourite people) have a position on this? Is there a Chamber of Commerce? What do they think about employees who are late for work or deliveries they are expecting being delayed by these sort of hold-ups?
I have lots of photos which will tell me how long I was standing at the bus stop observing these lorries, which I will unload when I have the means.
Created by Adrian Taylor // 0 threads
Fulbourn School's travel policy leaflet this year suggests that kids should cycle to school along Pierce Lane. This is also what is suggested in the documentation for the Ida Darwin planning application.
I don't particularly fancy taking my kids to school along such a busy road each day.
Wouldn't it be more sensible to recommend a nearly traffic-free route through the village making use of the path connecting Dunmowe Way and Swifts Corner. This connects straight into the school, and using Caraway Road and Cherry Orchard is low-traffic almost all the way to the new Ida Darwin redevelopment.
No changes are required; the route is already good enough. However, removal of the bollards between Cherry Orchard and Caraway Road would allow cycle trailers through, and a few more dropped kerbs would help here and there.
Created by Phil Lee // 1 thread
Are members aware that this bill would prevent us from virtually any activity at all during the 12 months before each and every election in the UK?
Details can be found at various sources online, but there is a summary on Youtube at
If this bill isn't defeated (or amended beyond all recognition) it will effectively stop us - and any similar group - from functioning at all.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
The County Council are proposing to move to a model where both the car parking and the bus element of park and ride are charged for. Effectively this is presumably aimed at stopping park and cycle, which seems counter-productive in transport strategy terms.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
The cycle lanes here are a mish-mash of narrow legacy infrastructure, and are often awkward to use.
Created by David Earl // 5 threads
Greater Anglia has just issued a consultation on cycles at stations and on trains
Created by Al Storer // 4 threads
A citywide (and indeed beyond) problem is poor consideration given to the needs of cyclists and pedestrians during road works- eg "cylist dismount" sign use
Created by Aidan Van de Weyer // 0 threads
The Hills Road / Regent Street axis of the Catholic Church junction was resurfaced overnight (28-29 August) as part of the junction upgrade.
Many of the damaged iron works (manhole covers, etc) have not been changed. Some are in a bad state and quite dangerous because they have worn smooth, sunk or tilted.
I have contacted the Traffic Signals team at CCC, as they seem to be responsible for the works, and they should be getting back to me.
If anyone else fancies having a go at finding out what is going on and whether anything can now be done, it would be very welcome.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
Changes to car parking in the Kite are proposed.
Cycle parking is not being included.
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
Planning application for flats near the Busway Cycleway
Created by Robert Asher // 1 thread
Hello, I'm wondering how many other Cambridge cyclists have shared the experience I've had (about once per month now) regarding a particular elderly lady who insists that bikes are not allowed on the "footpath" adjacent to the Trumpington allotments, between Shelford Rd & the new busway in CB2. This path seems clearly demarcated as a shared pedestrian-cycle path on the cycle maps provided at the council link (below). However, it is not clearly labeled as such on the path itself, leading her to become quite angry with any cyclist who gets near her & her dog while they're out walking (and obstructing the path to underscore her point). "It's a footpath" she yells, and storms away.
So my questions are 1) am I correct in interpreting the council map (below) as permitting bikes on this path and 2) how might one go about requesting proper signage, clearly saying bikes & pedestrians are both welcome?
Thanks for any feedback, Robert
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
According to the Cambridgeshire Road works register, Pembroke Street is going to be closed for a long period starting September 2 by the museum of Zoology. Not clear what, if any, the impact on cycles would be, but the hole will be a dramatic 10m deep, so the works will presumably be quite extensive. Also, Tennis Court Road closed for one day on August 9 to prepare.
Created by Chris Sandbrook // 1 thread
I have just watched a police car over-run the advanced stop lines twice on Gilbert road, once at the Carlton Way cross roads and then again at the Milton Road T-junction. Both times the police car was approaching an already red light, so they had ample time to stop before the line. The second time they filled at least half of the box. If the police in Cambridge can't be relied on to respect the advanced stop line, how can we expect the general public to do so? Does anyone have similar stories or any suggestions on what to do about it? I didn't get the number plate unfortunately, because I thought turning round and photographing a police car on my phone might be more trouble than it's worth!
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
The Cambridge News reports that new traffic calming is to be installed on Fen Road.
Cyclists' views ought to be included so the opportunity is taken to improve things for cycling rather than make things worse.
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
Contractor's safety fencing for some of the work going on adjacent to Addenbrookes has been put up on the adjacent cycle path, presumably because it's easier to to that than put it up in the building site itself. Unfortunately this obstructs about a third of the path.
Whoever did this obviously realised that this was problematic, since they have painted the path side of all the bases yellow. Unfortunately this doesn't help in the dark.
I can't see any obvious contact details for the contractors, apart from 'Tamdown' on an attached 'Danger - Deep Excavation' sign. Anyone any idea how to get this addressed?
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Martin Lucas-Smith // 29 threads
Proposed route along the rail corridor through Cambridge, part of which is in the Cambridge Local Plan.
Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread
I've visited Riverside to Waterbeach with William Rayner of county cycling team. He's revising signage here and providing it along the St Ives corridor, with the old NCN 51 being renamed Regional Route 24 (blue patch). We've decided finally to continue to sign NCN 11 from Riverside Bridge to Waterbeach Station, and he's looking at suitable (hopefully temporary) wording to advise to follow NCN 51 to Bottisham for destinations beyond Waterbeach, which will hopefully eliminate misrouting those from outside the area.
Our inspection of existing signs showed that only one new signboard was provided on completion 5 years ago of Riverside Bridge. Signboards still send people via Green Dragon. Sustrans considers signage is an important part of any route project.
The intention is to sign Milton Country Park as a destination, not as part of the route, removing route signs within the park, and probably retaining Coles Road as the signed route through the village, though it would be much preferable to have improvements past the shops and the village green, pubs etc.
Retaining the route to Waterbeach as NCN will help keep the gap in people's awareness.
I am planning to contact again the landowner of the missing link between Bottisham Lock and Fen Road, Lode with a suggestion for a low-level route, southeast side of the Bottisham Lode floodbank which is the route of the public footpath, where signs forbid cycling. It might be considered more visually acceptable. All parish councils are for the route, including the one of which he is a member.
Created by David MacKay FRS // 1 thread
Our campaign for safer walking and cycling to/from NWCambridge now has a petition and a first video (of five) summarising our position.
See our new video summarising our petition:
I’d be delighted if you could promote this to your networks. Time is of the essence because a Senate House discussion is coming up [3 Nov 2015], and I will report the number of signatures on our petition there. (But signatures after the date will still be useful.)
More information:
The petition:
Anyone is welcome to sign the petition; we ask people to use the Comment field to let us know if they are University Member / University employee / City resident / SouthCambs resident / etc.
For twitter purposes the recommended hashtag is #EddingtonSafety and there is an @EddingtonSafety account too.
Thanks very much
David J C MacKay FRS
Regius Professor of Engineering,
Cambridge University Engineering Department
Author of “Sustainable Energy - without the hot air”
and “Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms”
Girton resident and parent.
Cambridge Cycling Campaign Member
Created by David Green // 1 thread
My employer is planning to relocate from central cambridge to the Cambridge Business Park (near Waterbeach). There is currently no decent cycle (or footpath!) access to this business park which avoids riding along the A10. I am a confident cyclist but I am not looking forward to riding to work along sections of the A10.
Are there any plans for cycle route construction which the campaign can, perhaps, help accelerate?
Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread
There is a campaign for a cycle route between Bar Hill and Cambridge, also connecting Dry Drayton, Madingley and Coton to North-West Cambridge.
Currently cycle provision for these villages is poor. Bar Hill has lower rates of cycling than other villages that are closer to Cambridge.
The campaign site is:
Created by Simon Nuttall // 19 threads
The Reach Fair ride takes place on the early Bank Holiday Monday (May Day) in May.
The web page for it is:
The planning overview is summarised:
I've created this issue to help plan this event.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
The permeability gate between Hooper Street and Kingston Street is obstructive as it only allows passage in one direction at a time.
Given the ever-increasing amount of cycling in areas like this, it's time to get this replaced with a simple bollard arrangement that would allow two-way passage whilst still enable the emergency services to unlock for access in an emergency.
As the bridleway crosses Milton Road, it swaps sides of the busway, so most pedestrians and cyclists want to cross diagonally. However the toucan crossing only protects people crossing Milton Road. It doesn't stop busway traffic.
This is confusing and dangerous. When the road traffic stops at red lights, and the Toucan crossing turns green, it feels very safe to cross the busway. Yet buses can come from three directions (busway west, busway east, Milton Road south) at speeds of 30 mph.
Cyclists in particular are tempted to cross diagonally from north west to south east. Last week I saw a near accident.
Created by Robin Heydon // 9 threads
The A14 is a very hostile, dangerous road for cycling.
Improvements to it, as well as broader changes to the national framework for cyclist crossings of major roads, are needed.
Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread
The County appointed an officer back in June to review parking policy across the County, starting with the City.
Vehicles are continually abusing cyclists who use the road here because the bus lane on the other side forces the carriageway to be narrow.
Although there is the cycleway, it has the usual problems of loss of priority at sideroads, bins in the way, people going in and out of driveways, etc.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 10 threads
Milton Road, like other main roads in the city, is a mix of typically bad bits of cycle infrastructure. There is considerable scope, possibly within the City Deal funding, to rework the whole streetscape to Dutch standards.
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
The Cottenham to Histon cycleway needs improvement.
Created by Anne Clarke // 1 thread
The current Barton to Cambridge off road cycle path starts at the White Horse in Barton. During term time Cambridge bound traffic is now backed up and slow moving throughout Barton along the A603. This leaves no clear safe route for cyclists. The road has white hatchings down the middle and would be wide enough for a proper on-road cycle lane to leave a safe passage past the queuing vehicles.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
There's a very poor dogleg right-angle with barriers at the entrance/exit from the West Cambridge site to Clerk Maxwell Road.
This should be turned into a wide splay with good visibility.
Created by Colin Bell // 1 thread
Has there been any improvement in the "new" NCN 11 route from Waterbeach to Lode since last summer? Last time I went that way I had to wheel the bike across fields and carry it over two or three stiles.
Any information, including a forecast date when a proper route is likely to be built, welcome. Thanks.
Starting a thread about this application here so we can continue on from the previous planning list discussion.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 11 threads
Major planning application here - c. 10,000 homes
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
The railway line from Cambridge to Newmarket turns out across Coldham's Common and right through the middle of Cherry Hinton, and then carries on passing to the north of Fulbourn.
There are currently (2013) two main routes from the east of Cambridge to Cherry Hinton - the Tins and Snakey Path. However both have long very narrow sections involving pedestrian conflict.
The railway line is single track - but satellite images show the bridges crossing Barnwell Road and Coldham's Lane were both built for dual track. So this means there should easily be enough room to accommodate a cycleway alongside the railway.
This route could then connect up with the Chisholm Trail and provide a direct fast cycle route to and from the city and the Science Park area.
Created by Robin Heydon // 2 threads
The Landbeach Parish Council would like the bridgeway from Landbeach to Cambridge to be upgraded to a cycleway.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
London Cycling Campaign has reorientated its policy towards a 'Go Dutch' approach.
This aims to learn from best practice abroad rather than continuing with the 'hierarchy of provision' that, in 20 years in the UK, has arguably failed to deliver meaningful change.
This is an overarching issue for conceptual discussion of this issue.
Created by Jamie // 1 thread
At the moment it is possible to cycle from Cambridge Road, near Madingley, to Girton, on a bridleway that crosses over the A428 and then passes under the M11 at the Girton Interchange. You can then cross three roads (A1307) and reach a pavement on the North-East side of the Interchange. Using the pavement you can then reach Washpit Lane and cycle up towards Girton. (The pavement is marked as a shared-use route on the OSM Cycle map, although I am not sure that it really is.)
Apart from having to be careful when crossing the A1307 junction it is a rather pleasant route to ride.
The Girton Interchange is being "improved" to reduce the bottleneck for cars. Does anyone know what plans there are to ensure that the current route through remains open and whether there are plans to improve the bridleway route through? Or will this be another example of roads being developed to the detriment of footpaths/bridleways.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
Cherry Hinton Road is currently mainly typical 'blue sign on a pavement' provision, despite having the edge-to-edge width in places for proper cycle provision. A longer-term objective should be to upgrade this.
Created by David Earl // 4 threads
There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences
Created by // 12 threads
Project Orange is an attempt develop our general strategy during the year 2013.
It involves
1) Should Cambridge Go Dutch (or Copenhagenize)
2) A more assertive stance in our interactions with agencies: Demanding of them to make feasible what seems infeasible
3) focus on a regional area 10 miles (15 km) around Cambridge and a dartboard network structure to connect villages,
4) the development of a Bicycle Infrastructure Assessment Tool (BIAC) which will allow us to grade and praise provision
5) Priority over sideroads as part of a Dutch-style approach
5) Development of Visualisation Tools for major projects (Chisholm Trail, Newnham to Newmarket Rd, Mitcham's Corner)