868 issues found for 'planning':
17/0924/FUL: Six 2-bed apartments. 80 Maids Causeway, (Former Zebra pub)
Demolition of existing building and erection of six 2-bedroom apartments.
80 Maids Causeway Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8DD
Application reference : 17/0924/FUL
17/1101/FUL: Cycle parking. Kettle's Yard, Northampton Street Cambridge
Installation of new cycle parking provision, including reorientated path and steps, repositioned parking metre, waste bin, and installation of 16 sheffield hoops and 1 cargo bike stand.
Land Adj. Northampton Street Green Northampton Street Cambridge
Application reference : 17/1101/FUL
S/2256/17/FL 7no. flats and cycle parking. Cambridge Road, Great Shelford.
Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of 7no. self-contained flats with associated amenity space, parking, and bike/bin storage.
129, Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 5JJ
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/2256/17/FL
Parking space provided for 7 cycles should be inadequate for 7 flats including some of 2 bedrooms (However this may be acceptable according to South Cambs policy). Based on the drawings in the Design and Access statemetn some of the sheffield stands may be inaccessible.
17/1008/FUL Darwin Green resubmission
17/1008/FUL | Resubmitted application (previously approved under application reference 14/0063/FUL) for the construction of vehicular road link across the north-west green corridor of consented development 07/0003/OUT to provide access to the proposed secondary school parcel of land within South Cambridgeshire District Council. (Resubmitted due to the expiration of three years from the date of the previous permission). | Land Adjoining Whitehouse Lane, Part Of The Darwin Green One Land Between Huntingdon Road And Histon Road Cambridge
New 'Greater Cambridge Planning Service' being set up
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but couldn't find anything sensible to tack it onto. I got a press release via the City Council email alerts, and, since we look at and comment upon planning applications, it is relevant to us. Not sure if it will make things better or worse. It may be helpful to have unified cycle parking standards for both South Cambs and the City for example, if that is the way things are going. Anyway, link and copied and pasted press release below. But could it make things less accountable? My impression is that we tend to get listened-to more by the City than by South Cambs, but that's only an impression. I guess it depends on what officers are appointed to the joint service, where it is based, etc etc.
New 'Greater Cambridge Planning Service' being set up
News release from 21 June 2017, 3:26pm
A NEW integrated planning service for the Greater Cambridge area, transformed to provide an improved service for customers along with greater capacity and resilience, is set to move a step closer.
A business case for the new service, to be considered by councillors of both councils involved – Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council – early next month, sets out how the transition to a service covering the two council areas would be introduced over the next two years.
As set out in the business case, the proposed new Greater Cambridge planning service would offer clear benefits, including:
Capacity to meet the growing need for strategic planning and development across the area at a time of rapid growth here; with work on a single joint future plan for the two councils due to pick up pace when work on the current two joined-up Local Plans is close to a conclusion;
Providing a service of regional or national significance which would be more capable of attracting, developing and retaining a larger team of talented staff;
Offering an increased capacity and a more flexible approach to deliver a quality services for local residents and businesses and respond rapidly to the frequent changes to national planning policy.The shared service will also be looking to update computer systems to help local people have their say on applications and support council officers and councillors with good access to planning proposals by making use of new technology.
Work towards creating a new ‘Greater Cambridge Planning Service’ started in 2015. The two councils agreed then to work towards a new shared planning service that would deliver more capacity, support high quality development and provide better customer service at a time of increased development activity in the region.
Developments have included the appointment of Stephen Kelly as Joint Director of Planning and Economic Development and a project board to develop these proposals and wider joint initiatives by the two councils on planning and transport, working closely with the City Deal and in the future with the new countywide Combined Authority.
The plans councillors will now debate have been developed alongside managers in the planning teams to make sure they take on board the views of the people doing the job.
The first full phase of the transition to the new service would see a new senior management team appointed and staff transferred from Cambridge City Council to South Cambridgeshire District Council, who would be the employer authority. In total the two councils currently employ just over 150 planners, making it one of the bigger non-urban planning teams in the UK. The procurement of a new common ICT system would also start to be investigated
The second phase will consist of detailed work to design and implement the wider staff structure and assess the impact on other council services.
The new Greater Cambridge Planning Service is expected to be fully operational by early 2019. It would continue to have offices in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire to provide a planning service to both areas.
Cllr Peter Topping, Leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “This new planning service is more than just a merger of the two existing teams. Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire are experiencing growth on an unprecedented scale outside of London. We owe it to our residents, as well as the businesses who want to create jobs here, and to the house builders - of all sizes - that we create a planning service that is resilient, protects what we value about our heritage and our environment, demands excellence in design, and keeps pace with the ambition for prosperity in this part of the country.
“Without this capability, we cannot expect developers or government to listen to us, and we are determined that we will be listened to, on planning matters, on behalf of our communities."
Cllr Lewis Herbert, Leader of Cambridge City Council, said: “We are determined that the proposed Greater Cambridge Planning Service will be one of the most effective planning teams in the country, providing a reliable, more straightforward service for customers and the wider community at a time of major growth in the area that is no respecter of council boundaries.
“The business case sets out how clear is the joint commitment and depth of agreement on key issues between the two councils and the route to reach our goal of a transformed planning service for the whole area, which builds on the great work the two councils have been doing together in recent years such as on our Local Plans and future planning strategy.”
The business case for the Greater Cambridge Planning Service is being discussed at Cambridge City Council’s Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee on 3 July and at South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Scrutiny and Overview Committee on 6 July and Cabinet on 13 July.
17/0925/FUL: relocation of cycle parking spaces. Cambridge Retail Park
Erection of new management suite and A1 retail pod unit and relocation of cycle parking spaces.
Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 17/0925/FUL
It looks like this will move cycle parking to a more convenient location in front of Boots.
17/0951/FUL: Two detached houses and five flats, Newmarket Road
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of two detached houses and five flats.
585 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8PA
Application reference : 17/0951/FUL
17/0927/FUL Pub & nine units 2 x 1xbed & 7 x studio. 80 Campkin Road, CB4 2QA
New building comprising of a Public House at ground floor with nine residential units on the upper floors (two 1xbed units & seven studio units) along with car and cycle parking and associated landscaping following the demolition of the existing buildings.
The Jenny Wren 80 Campkin Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2QA
Application reference : 17/0927/FUL
17/0957/FUL :12 residential units & cycle storage. 190-192 Mill Road, Cambridge
Reconfiguration and extensions, incorporating dormer windows, and alterations to roof of building to provide 12 residential units (net increase of 9 units) along with bin and cycle storage.
190-192 Mill Road And 2B Cockburn Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3LP
Application reference : 17/0957/FUL
14/0922/COND12 - Cycle parking - Westminster College, Madingley Road
Condition 12 - Cycle parking
Westminster College Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0AA
Application reference : 14/0922/COND12
17/0822/FUL: 3No 2bed flats and 1No 1 bed flat. Milton Road
Conversion of existing dwelling house to form 3No 2bed flats and 1No 1 bed flat following a two storey front and side extensions and part two storey part single storey rear extension
35 Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1XA
Application reference : 17/0822/FUL
S/1868/17/FL : 2 New Dwellings. School Lane, Swavesey
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1868/17/FL
No Cycle parking facilities mentioned or drawn in D&A or plans.
S/1824/17/FL S/2999/16/FL: 5 new dwellings. Desmonds Close, Hauxton
Residential development comprising 5 dwellings and associated garden land, road infrastructure, landscaping, and new access from Desmonds Close following demolition of existing agricultural buildings (revision to S/2999/16/FL).
Land to the West, Desmonds Close, Hauxton, Cambridgeshire
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1824/17/FL
No indication of cycle parking in the new application (S/1824/17/FL). I am unsure if the documents in the original planning application apply (S/2999/16/FL). Have had a quick look at the original application. I can't read part one of the planning statement as it downloads as blank pages. Part 2 (pages 19 and 20) of the planning statement notes the policy requiring cycle parking but fails to respond with any explanation of how it will be provided.
Without further information we have to assume that no cycle parking has been included.
17/0761/FUL: 5 Flats. 4no 1bed, 1no studio. Fulbourn Road, Cambridge
Demolition of an existing dwelling and the development of a single new building containing 4no 1bed flats and 1no studio.
65 Fulbourn Road Cambridge CB1 9JL
Application reference : 17/0761/FUL
Design & Access Statement:
Vehicular & Cycle Parking and Access
The current dwelling includes a separate garage to the north of the site with space for 2no cars. However, it is believed that this is garage used only for garden storage etc. and that parking for the property is generally on street. The proposal retains this current arrangement but ‘formally’ converts the garage in to a bin and bike store with the addition of a pedestrian door to Headington Drive.
The proposal promotes the adoption of low carbon transport through its location close to several bus routes, cycle ways and local amenities, and reinforces this through the provision of 10no secure, covered cycle parking spaces.The ground floor plans show a shared bike and bin store with 5 sheffiled stands making 10 spaces. There are no measurements to show whether these will all fit in the garage but based on the picture it looks like it might be a bit of a squeeze.
17/0732/FUL: Two new dwellings. Romsey Terrace, Cambridge
Erection of two new dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, and infrastructure.
Land To The East Of 37 And To The Rear Of 27-37 Romsey Terrace Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3NH
Application reference : 17/0732/FUL
S/1834/17/FL: New 4 bedroom dwelling, Church Street, Great Shelford
Demolition of existing dwelling and proposed new dwelling.
10C, Church Street, Great Shelford, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 5EL
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1834/17/FL
No cycle parking specified.
S/1812/17/OL: Outline planning application for 90 dwellings in Comberton
Outline planning application for up to 90 dwellings and associated infrastructure works
Bennell Farm, West Street, COMBERTON, CB23 7EN
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1812/17/OL
I have not reviewed this application but have posted it now to inform any volunteers interested in this area.
S/1535/17/FL: New three bedroom detached house - no cycle parking
Construction of three bedroom detached house
12, Granhams Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5LQ
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1535/17/FL
No cycle parking mentioned in Design and Access Statement or shown in drawings.
S/1614/17/FL: Dwelling Adjoining Existing House - Hinton Way, Great Shelford
Construction of Dwelling Adjoining Existing House (Retrospective)
19, Hinton Way, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire, CB22 5AX
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/1614/17/FL
17/0662/FUL Change of use to large scale HMO - Panton Street Cambridge
Change of use from a C3 dwelling house and outbuildings to large scale HMO (sui generis).
20 Panton Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1HP
Application reference : 17/0662/FUL
17/0847/FUL: 2No 4 Bedroomed semi-detached houses - Highworth Avenue Cambridge
Demolition of Bungalow and construction of 2No 4 Bedroomed semi-detached houses, car and cycle parking and landscaping proposals.
57 Highworth Avenue Cambridge CB4 2BQ
Application reference : 17/0847/FUL
16/1087/FUL: 4no 1 bed and 1no studio flats. 423-425 Newmarket Road
16/1087/FUL | Demolition of existing and construction of 4no 1 bed and 1no studio, replacement flats. | 423-425 Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8JJ
This application has already been decided but I have added to Cyclescape to include it in our record of developments on Newmarket Road.
It has come to attention due to the Traffic management report which may still be of interest: https://idox.cambridge.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=relatedCases&keyVal=OQ56H4DX08G00
17/0801/FUL : Four 1-bedroom flats at rear of 454 Milton Road.
Residential development containing four 1-bedroom flats along with cycle parking and associated landscaping following demolition of existing buildings at rear of site - land to the rear of 454 Milton Road.
454 Milton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1ST
Application reference : 17/0801/FUL
172 threads found for 'planning':
10 library items found for 'planning':
- London Cycling Design Standards - inc Cycling Level of Service Assessment tool or CLoS
- Cambridge City Council updated Sustainable Housing Design Guide 2022
- Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD 2020
- NEC Community Forum 27 August 2019
- South Cambs Local Plan 2018
- Cambridge Local Plan 2018
- Cycle Parking Guide for New Residential Developments 2010
- Transport Toolkit
- Cambourne School Planning Report
- Cambridgeshire Quality Panel Meeting Minutes 12.12.11
No planning applications found for 'planning'.