Planning application: 16/1884/FUL sports pavilion, access, cycle shelter

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Added by Roxanne (CEO)

Demolition of an existing sports pavilion, erection of a new sports pavilion, alterations to an existing car park and a vehicular access, a cycle shelter, new flood-lit artificial surfaced sports pitches and associated soft and hard landscaping.

St Marys School Playing Field Long Road Cambridge CB2 8PX

From the Design & Access Statement:

9.4 Cycle Parking
The Cambridge City County Local Plan 2006 Appendix D obligates schools to provide 50% of cycle spaces for children aged 5 to 12 and 75% for children over 12 years old. Under the same Local Plan, the college is obligated to provide cycle spaces for all students plus 1 for every 2 members of the staff.

The proposed pavilion will provide a changing space for maximum 4 teams of 20 players plus 2 staff each, therefore we declare to provide cycle stands for a minimum of 84 bikes.

Current site layout allows for 62 cycle spaces under roof canopy and 64 uncovered stands, therefore exceeds the minimum requirement defined in the Local Plan.


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