Cambridge Cycling Campaign
Cambridge Cycling Campaign was formed in 1995 to provide a voice for cyclists in Cambridge and the surrounding villages. We aren't a cycling club, but an organisation of volunteers campaigning for the rights of cyclists and promoting cycling in and around Cambridge. We lobby for better and more convenient conditions for cycling, safer roads, and more people on bikes. It is now a charity, registered number 1138098. More information at
Lack of cycle parking options in council-owned flats
New thread to discuss the lack of cycle storage options for leaseholders.
Cambridge Retail Park redevelopment
Railpen are consulting on changes to the Retail Park on Newmarket Road
DNA Cycle Path - Biomedical Campus to Shelford
Anything to do with the DNA path - lighting, vegetation, obstructions
24/01905/FUL Sidney St and Hobson St - office space, demolition of cinema
Creation of additional storey above existing single storey (middle) part of the site and redevelopment of rear part of the site comprising: demolition of existing building and structures and creation of five storey office building.
16 - 17 Sidney Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 3HG
Application reference : 24/01905/FUL
Driving on Mere Way
On a recent ride up The Mere Way I noticed that the wooden pillar had been removed and that cars were being driven on the route .
24/00889/FUL Clarendon House
Partial demolition, alterations and extensions to Clarendon House, new ramped vehicular access, delivery bay, cycle access and parking, etc etc
Quite a lot of cycle parking, and some reduced car parking, in the basement. Cycle and car movements cross with potential visibility issues.
24/00922/FUL Erection of seven dwellings, with access, car and cycle parking
Erection of seven residential dwellings along with access, car and cycle parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure works following demolition of existing buildings.
195 Perne Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3NT
Application reference : 24/00922/FUL
Quy Mill Planning Application 24/00688/LBC
Planning application not addressing cycling issues credibly.
Sidgwick Avenue: General condition and future
Poor surfacing of the road with potholes, cracks and very limited space for pedestrians