Lack of cycle parking in Fison Road Estate council flats

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Added by Roxanne (CEO)

We've been contacted by a concerned resident of the Fison Road estate:

The Freehold of the above 2 storey block of flats (part of the Fison Road Estate) is owned and managed by Cambridge City Council.

Due to a number of thefts the residents of the 3 upper flats of this particular block secure their bicycles on the first floor landing adjacent to each front door (this is a covered open air space not an enclosed stairwell).

Following receipt of a recent Fire Risk Assessment, the City Council have instructed the occupants of all the flats to remove all the bicycles from the landing.

Cambridge Fire & Rescue visited the property on Monday (29 January 2018) and have advised that as the bicycles are secured back to the wall/railings and do not obstruct access to the front doors of each flat then they do not pose any significant fire risk and as far as they are concerned could remain.

The City Council however have responded that it is a requirement of the Lease that all landings are to be kept clear of all items.

The City Council were asked (as Freeholder and Management Agent) to investigate the possibility of providing suitable secured cycle parking so that the bicycles don’t need to be stored on the first floor landing.

There are a small number of cycle racks on the ground floor under the concrete staircase but these only allow the front wheel to be locked, and one bicycle has been stolen in the last month from this rack.

The City Council have responded that they are “not obliged” to provide cycle storage despite the arguement that they should be encouraging sustainable transport (especially for residents of their own properties).

Suitable covered secured cycle storage would be a planning requirement of any new block of flats.

Can Camcylce suggest if there is any support or advice that may be available to persuade the City Council to either relax its position on where the bicycles are currently stored, or for them to provide suitable and reliable secured storage facilities?

The City Council have given 14 days for the bicycles to be removed (i.e. by next Thursday 8 February 2018).


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