Things tagged 'strategy'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'strategy':

  • Cambridge Cycling Campaign's "Project Orange"

    Created by // 12 threads

    Project Orange is an attempt develop our general strategy during the year 2013.

    It involves

    1) Should Cambridge Go Dutch (or Copenhagenize)

    2) A more assertive stance in our interactions with agencies: Demanding of them to make feasible what seems infeasible

    3) focus on a regional area 10 miles (15 km) around Cambridge and a dartboard network structure to connect villages,

    4) the development of a Bicycle Infrastructure Assessment Tool (BIAC) which will allow us to grade and praise provision

    5) Priority over sideroads as part of a Dutch-style approach

    5) Development of Visualisation Tools for major projects (Chisholm Trail, Newnham to Newmarket Rd, Mitcham's Corner)

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2 threads found for 'strategy':

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