16/2058/FUL: 3 Storey office building. William James House 50 - 55 Cowley Road

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Added by Roxanne (CEO)

A planning application that was missed at the time of registration. A decision is now forthcoming and we may want to be aware of it.

16/2058/FUL | Three storey office development (B1 use). | Coulson Group William James House 50 - 55 Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WU


Summary from the Design and Access Statement:
This building comprises of an ‘L’ shape layout and extends to 3 storeys in height, comprising circa 1780sq.m of B1 office floor space, together with circulation spaces, welfare facilities, meeting rooms, and breakout space, amounting to circa 2593sq.m. An external car park for 103 cars is proposed. The existing number of spaces within the application site totals 55, and will be reconfigured to reflect the proposed site layout together with 48 new spaces. A secure cycle shelter will be provided with 88 new cycle spaces which also includes cycle parking for visitors. Refuge and recycling collections have been integrated into the proposal


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