17/1541/FUL: Restaurant & student accom. Cambridge Union Society. 9A Bridge St
Demolition of ancillary buildings and removal of 1930's facade at the Grade II listed Cambridge Union Society. Construction of replacement facade, reinstatement and refurbishment of historic features and internal and external access and refurbishment works including enlargement of existing cafe (Use Class A3) and re-opening of 'footlight's' entertainment space (sui generis). Demolition of squash courts and un-listed 3-5 Round Church Street in the conservation area. Construction of new link building for access and ancillary uses for the Union Society. Construction of adjacent new building with ground floor restaurant (Use Class A3) with 45 room post-graduate student accommodation above (Use Class C2) together with basement storage and services.
9A Bridge Street Cambridge CB2 1UB
Application reference : 17/1541/FUL