S/4208/18/RM Northstowe Phase 2 strategic engineering works
Northstowe Phase 2 strategic engineering elements including cycleways.
See 'Town General Plans'
Interesting that they plan significant stretches of protected & segregated bidirectional cycleway including protected & segregated junctions. Although in some sections these mysteriously turn into shared-use pavements, and it's not clear why, since there's plenty of space...
Cycleway / footway kerb is a 45-degree type, better than 90-degree but still steeper than a forgiving kerb.
There's also a link from Dry Drayton Road included & also an overpass of that road for some reason (part of A14 works?).
Reserved Matters for landscaping and layout for Strategic Engineering Elements in relation to Phase 2 following outline planning permission S/2011/14/OL. An Environmental Impact Assessment was required at the time of the Outline submission and an Environmental Statement was submitted at that time.
Land South Of, Longstanton Road, Oakington, Cambs, CB24 3AB
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : S/4208/18/RM