Things tagged 'addenbrookes'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

11 issues found for 'addenbrookes':

  • CBC Wayfinding Survey

    Created by Finlay KM // 1 thread

    Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC) is currently in the process of developing a new wayfinding system for the communal, external spaces within the campus. This system will include new maps and signage to improve navigation in public spaces for staff, patients and visitors to the site and help to reduce stress when visiting the campus. In order to fully understand how the campus is currently used and the key issues, we would like to gain your invaluable input.

    Note that the new wayfinding system will be focussing on the public space rather than the internal space of individual buildings, please limit your feedback to your experience of finding your way through the external public space on campus. Thank you in advance.

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  • Cycling route sign in Cherry Hinton points in wrong direction

    Created by Sergei Shishlov // 0 threads

    The blue road sign which indicates the cycling route towards Addenbrookes, Trumpington and Newnham is pointing in the wrong direction. It currently points along High Street to the north, whereas the in fact both locations are to the south. So the sign is pointing in the opposite direction and needs to be turned at 180 degrees. Two other signs attached to the same pole pointing to Fulbourn and various other locations in Cambridge are positioned correctly. 

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  • New barrier on Addenbrookes busway bridge

    Created by Finlay KM // 1 thread

    A new set of barriers has appeared on the hospital side of the usway bridge at Addenbrookes.
    Creates the usual set of problems for cargo bikes and less confident bike users, with the added bonus of being on a steep hill that ices up regularly, and right next to a busway with a record of squishing people who fall onto it.

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  • 16/0165/FUL Erection of a building for Biotech and Biomedical research. Abcam Building Cambridge Biomedical Campus

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads

    Erection of a building for Biotech and Biomedical research and development and production together with associated supporting Headquarters and Logistics function along with associated infrastructure to include; access, services, drainage, electric and gas infrastructure, external ancillary structures, car and cycle parking and hard and soft landscaping.

    Land South Of Dame Mary Archer Way Cambridge Biomedical Campus Cambridge Cambridgeshire
    Application reference:
    Date application was made:
    Official application:

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  • Hills Road cycleway extension to Addenbrooke's - City Deal scheme

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Hills Road and Addenbrooke's Route is one of the five City Deal 'cross-city improvements' schemes.

    "This is a key route for people accessing local schools and sixth form colleges as well as the Biomedical Campus. The cycle facilities at the junction of Hills Road/Long Road/Queen Edith's Way are limited. The two proposed options aim to provide safer crossing for pedestrians and cyclists accessing the Biomedical Campus and local area."

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  • Addenbrooke's Station proposed

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    A third railway station for Cambridge, at Addenbrooke's has long been proposed, and there are signs of increasing interest in this proposal.

    Obviously we will want to ensure that any such development is as cycle-friendly as possible.

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  • Contractor's fencing part-blocking cycle path

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    Contractor's safety fencing for some of the work going on adjacent to Addenbrookes has been put up on the adjacent cycle path, presumably because it's easier to to that than put it up in the building site itself. Unfortunately this obstructs about a third of the path.

    Whoever did this obviously realised that this was problematic, since they have painted the path side of all the bases yellow. Unfortunately this doesn't help in the dark.

    I can't see any obvious contact details for the contractors, apart from 'Tamdown' on an attached 'Danger - Deep Excavation' sign. Anyone any idea how to get this addressed?

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  • Addenbrookes cycle shelter transformed into smoking shelter

    Created by // 1 thread

    Forwarded message:

    I noticed that half of the bicycle shelter was fenced off, and I wondered whether we may be getting some new racks. In Connect I read the Trust was considering two tier bike racks so I was half expecting we would get these. Today however I learnt that the area will be transformed into a smoking shelter! Is this true?

    I think it is fair to state 30% of the people working in the S-block cycle into work. Losing half of our cycle parking facilities is not very helpful. The area is heavily used and often overflowing with bikes.

    If the area will indeed be turned into a smoking shelter, can you please explain why this decision was made and why it was not communicated to the staff concerned?

    This is outrageous and a good press story. Robin - are you up for this?

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One thread found for 'addenbrookes':

No library items found for 'addenbrookes'.

No planning applications found for 'addenbrookes'.

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