Things tagged 'business'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

3 issues found for 'business':

  • Working with local businesses/employers

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 7 threads

    2017 will be the year that we launch our corporate sponsorship programme and also look at other projects through which we can collaborate with, influence and raise funds from local businesses. This is a catch-all issue for the various initiatives.

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  • Bicycle Friendly Awards

    Created by // 3 threads

    Campaign to issue annual Bicycle Friendly Awards to business, colleges, universities, departments, shops, employers, delivery business, taxi companies, places of worship etc.

    This process frames, develops and establishes local bicycle "culture," gives positive feedback and publicity.

    Evaluation could focus on
    1) support for employees and customers who cycle
    2) education of (professional) drivers on how to safely interact with cyclists on the road

    Precedent could be the League of American Bicyclists They issue such recognition annually to cities, campus, business etc and involve local members in the evaluation process

    Threads on various categories of recipients to design process and assemble contacts

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  • Business Improvement District (BID) proposal

    Created by // 0 threads

    Proposal for a Business Improvement District which would replace (?) "Love Cambridge".

    Proposal is all about safety, cleanliness, city ambassadors, ultimately revenue

    Beverly Carpenter from has a very spirited and serious response in the local paper (does not include the "threat to diversity" argument present in the print version)

    She calls it an attempt to privatise public space, privatise policing, (BID's don't honor Freedom of information requests) and turning the city centre into a shopping centre

    I have seen these BIDs working in other places: ambassadors whizzing around on strange wheeled things, trying to enforce "no cycling" rules, but also a large budget which funded an annual festival.

    The proposal has no language about car parking this is a topic that needs to be very closely watched from the bicycle saddle.

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One thread found for 'business':

One library item found for 'business':

No planning applications found for 'business'.

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