Things tagged 'cyclepath'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

17 issues found for 'cyclepath':

  • Planned layout of new cycle/pedestrian crossing on Milton Road near Ascham Road

    Created by Ruth Corns // 1 thread

    I noticed that on the plans for the ongoing Milton Road development, the plan for a new double split cycle/pedestrian crossing across Milton Road near Chesterton Hall Crescent/Ascham Road has the cycle crossing on the East side and the pedestrian crossing on the West side. The problem with this is it is the opposite way round from the way cyclists/pedestrians approach the crossing from Chesterton Hall Crescent (cyclists on the West, pedestrians on the East). In the mornings, this crossing is extremely busy with pedestrians and cyclists travelling from South to North (to reach Milton Road primary school and Chesterton Community College), and at the north side of the crossing, cyclists need to be on the West side to travel up Ascham Road and the pedestrians tend to walk on the east pavement.  The new crossing plan would mean cyclists having to cross the flow of pedestrians on both sides of Milton Road. This would lead to queues of bikes on the crossing (in the road) and seems quite dangerous. I think it would create a natural flow if the crossings were switched to have the cycle crossing on the west (and this is how cyclists and pedestrians naturally organise themselves on the current toucan crossing)? I've included a photo where I've drawn arrows showing the cyclist/pedestrian flow lines in the current plan and if the crossings were switched. It hasn't been built yet so I wondered if there is a way to suggest this to GCP and do you think a change would be considered at this stage?

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  • Rubble used to fill potholes in Daws Lane

    Created by Justin // 1 thread

    Someone appears to have dumped large rocks and rubble into the pot holes in Daws lane. This might make the area more passable to cars that use it to access the allotments but poses a severe danger to cyclist given the size of the rocks, and that the area is poorly lit and frequently flooded.

    I tried reporting the issue to the council but received the response:

    The issue you raised with us is the responsibility of the landowner. Unfortunately we do not have records of who is responsible for this location and we are therefore unable to take any action.

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  • Multiple potholes descending Hills Rd rail bridge

    Created by David Green // 1 thread

    The cycle lane on the Northside of the Hills Rd rail bridge has many potholes where the red tarmac surface is missing. This is extremely hazardous for cyclists to avoid whilst descending with car lanes on either side. You could easily fall off into the path of motor traffic. 

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  • Stow-cum-Quy no cycle path

    Created by Robbie397 // 1 thread

    There is now a nice new fully separated cycle path from the north end of Stow-cum-Quy along Colders Lane and Quy Road, which provides easy access to Anglesey Abbey, Lode, and a useful connection between cycle routes 51 and 11, with onward access to Wicken Fen. This is really great. However, to get onto this path from cycle route 51, just after the Newmarket Road junction with the A14, requires cycling along half a mile of busy, narrow, 30 mph road with no cycleway, and traffic calming (islands) that encourages wreckless overtaking of bicycles. The only safe option is to cycle on a narrow footpath with no signage. 

    Could at least painted cycle lanes be added to the road here, and with a 20 mph speed limit to make the village nicer for cyclists, residents and pedestrians? This could also encourage many more visitors to Anglesey Abbey from Cambridge to go by bike, and to go more regularly, benefiting the National Trust. 

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  • Closure of Netherhall school off road cyclepath

    Created by Phillip Barnett // 1 thread

    (Originally sent to Camb cyclist mailing list)
    Does anyone know why the off-road cyclepath from Cherry Hinton park to Netherhall school has been closed all week? The northern half of this is locked by gates at both ends, (private land, belonging to school) and is open daily just before school, and just at end of school, half hour at a time, for children to get to school off road. Apparently, the primary school at the south end of the path has objected (don't know why? Maybe worried about possible accidents with their children?)
    So for the first time in decades, it's been closed.
    And so now my children are being forced onto longer routes, on busy schoolrun roads, when they had a perfect off-road route, door to door offroad cyclepath all the way!
    I'm sure it's a backwards step in terms of child safety. I will take it up with the school but wondered if anyone knew what's going on?

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  • Path from Riverside to Newmarket Road next to Tesco

    Created by Matthew // 3 threads

    Umbrella 'Issue' for several issues facing the path alongside Tesco:

    1. Poor junction design at Riverside
    2. #AbsoluteBollards along the way
    3. Wacky chicanes at Cheddars Lane rendering the path unusable by many people

    and anything else.

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  • Improving Green Dragon Bridge to Riverside

    Created by Chris Howell // 1 thread

    The stretch of NCN51 along Stourbridge Common between the Green Dragon Bridge and Riverside is hopelessly inadequate for the high volume of traffic, too narrow, surfacing badly breaking up with a number of hazards - rowing coaches, cows, joggers with headphones etc.

    Would anyone else support campaigning for a new two way cycle path through that stretch of Stourbridge common to the south of the existing path (through the middle of that bit of common) from the Green Dragon Bridge to an improved access at Riverside, and leave the path by the river to its myriad of other users? Its only going to get busier when the new station opens...

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  • Water Street access to Haling Way

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    A proposal has been floating around for a while for a change to this area. The opportunity needs to be taken to avoid the right-angle turn and remove pavement cycling entirely between the parking and the river.

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  • Petersfield Green - Widening of path

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The path running in front of Petersfield Mansions (identified below in red) is only 1.2m wide. This means that when passing each other pedestrians and cyclists often have to use the grass which is problematic when it is wet and muddy. It is also difficult for residents of Petersfield Mansions when exiting their properties as there is very little space for people to manoeuvre around each other.

    Usage of this path has increased over the years with more cyclists using the path to access the cycle racks which have been installed on Bradmore Street as part of the expansion of Anglia Ruskin University. It is therefore proposed to widen the path by 1metre to cater for this increased usage and to improve access from Mill Road with the removal of a short section of railing and the installation of a flush kerb.

    Petersfield is owned by the City Council and the path in question is maintained by the County Council as highway.

    The cost of these works is approximately £20,000 and this project will be joint funded by Cambridge City Council and Anglia Ruskin University.

    The path marked in blue is maintained by the City Council and we hope to improve the surface of this path at the same time if funding can be identified.

    If you have any comments regarding the widening of this path or would like more information please contact cyclingconsultations @ by 14th September 2015.

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  • Proposed extra pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park.

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    Proposal for three new pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park. The proposals are being made in light of the plans for an new station nearby.

    Representations from companies with premises on the business park - Redgate and Autonomy - have expressed concerns about security and the potential for people to try and park on the business park and then get on a train.

    The proposals are for the new accesses to be gated to restrict general public access.

    The proposals include a connection to the potential cycleway along the line of the disused railway.

    Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ

    Application reference: 15/0919/FUL

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  • Milton Road Housing Development in Back Gardens 12/1537/FUL

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    A new development is proposed behind 231-247 Milton Road in Cambridge.

    The entrance driveway / road will need to cross the popular off-road cyclepath on Milton Road.

    The crossing needs to be designed to be cycle friendly; ie. level for cyclists, with good visibility for cars to be able to see cyclists on the path, and with cars required to give way for cyclists.

    There is a need to watch this development through the planning process.

    Alternatively an access to the development from Woodhead Drive might be the safer option.

    There appears to be potential for a cycle and pedestrian route through the site; but that is not currently planned for.

    My article on the proposals is at:

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  • Wadloes Road - Ditton Fields - Path Lighting

    Created by Richard Taylor // 0 threads

    The path between Wadloes Road and Ditton Fields is popular with pedestrians and cyclists.

    It is unlit though, and as it has buildings and high hedges on either side sofeels enclosed and it is much darker on the pathway than it is out in the open.

    Lighting on this pathway would I think make it feel safer, and I think would actually improve safety for example through helping cyclists spot pedestrians earlier.

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  • Cycle path on Lammas Land

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    A proposal to put in a new cycle path on the southern side of Lammas Land. The comment next to this in the report dismisses it because of the access road. They feel the loss of green space outweighs the need for it.

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53 threads found for 'cyclepath':

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