Things tagged 'cyclepaths'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

5 issues found for 'cyclepaths':

  • Petersfield Green - Widening of path

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The path running in front of Petersfield Mansions (identified below in red) is only 1.2m wide. This means that when passing each other pedestrians and cyclists often have to use the grass which is problematic when it is wet and muddy. It is also difficult for residents of Petersfield Mansions when exiting their properties as there is very little space for people to manoeuvre around each other.

    Usage of this path has increased over the years with more cyclists using the path to access the cycle racks which have been installed on Bradmore Street as part of the expansion of Anglia Ruskin University. It is therefore proposed to widen the path by 1metre to cater for this increased usage and to improve access from Mill Road with the removal of a short section of railing and the installation of a flush kerb.

    Petersfield is owned by the City Council and the path in question is maintained by the County Council as highway.

    The cost of these works is approximately £20,000 and this project will be joint funded by Cambridge City Council and Anglia Ruskin University.

    The path marked in blue is maintained by the City Council and we hope to improve the surface of this path at the same time if funding can be identified.

    If you have any comments regarding the widening of this path or would like more information please contact cyclingconsultations @ by 14th September 2015.

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  • "Sustrans’ Cycle-Friendly Design Manual" COMMENTS PLEASE

    Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread

    Sustrans invites comments by 30 June on its draft chapters of a "Cycle-friendly Design Manual".

    This document, once published, could influence local authorities to provide better, safer cycle routes, and so persuade people who are not yet cycling their every day journeys to do so.

    Your comments please to by 30 June.

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  • Community maintenance of cycleways

    Created by Philip Shore // 2 threads

    With very limited maintenance on cyclepaths, should the local community:

    - volunteer time and effort to increase maintainance eg cutting back hedgerows?

    - if desired, how could volunteer effort be arranged?

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  • Francis Crick Avenue

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    At yesterday's BUG-WAG meeting, it was clear that Addenbrooke's themselves have heard dissatisfaction about this area. I said I'd forward comments from members, of which I remember many, but in no detail at all, just a lot of comments. However, doing a search for "Francis" or "Crick" pulls up no results, so either any thread on this is so obscurely labelled I can't find it, or all the traffic I remember seeing is on the members' email list which I don't have archives for.

    I've been asked to send comments asap, as I get the feeling they want to lean on the developers to fix snags.

    Either, can someone point me to the correct Cyclescape thread, or, assuming that doesn't exist, can people, if they can remember what they said (or think every day), can they repost here. I will collate comments anonymously into a file and send to Katharine Smith. The new LMB already had comments about how you are supposed to actually get a bike to the cycle parking from the road as that didn't seem to have been thought of!

    I get the feeling this is needed fairly soon, hence the plea so early on a Saturday morning, so I can try to do a dossier tomorrow or Monday.

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2 threads found for 'cyclepaths':

No library items found for 'cyclepaths'.

No planning applications found for 'cyclepaths'.

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