Things tagged 'cycling'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

33 issues found for 'cycling':

  • A users first approach to cycle infrastructure design.

    Created by Jonny Camp // 1 thread

    How can we tell whether a bicycling environment is good or bad? How many times have you been cycling along a piece of existing infrastructure only to find the word 'end' written on the pavement and yourself forced back onto the road into traffic? 

    With this in mind, I am undertaking a piece of research as part of my masters dissertation at Queens College, University of Cambridge. I am  gathering primary data of existing users of the current cycling network across Cambridge. From this data I will be able to assess the coherence and directness of the existing cycle network and identify potential 'bottlenecks' and issues from the point of view of the users. 

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  • Changes to Market Square

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 2 threads

    There are a number of Greater Cambridgeshire Partnership (GCP) projects that could present opportunities for improvements to Market Square. What improvements would Camcycle suggest for safer walking and cycling?


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  • Cambridge South West Travel Hub

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    GCP project:

    Junction 11 of the M11 is a key entry point into Cambridge. With significant growth in housing and employment in the area, upgrading the existing transport infrastructure in this area is vital to reduce congestion and improve access into the city.

    Congestion impacts on current bus journey times making journeys unreliable, unattractive and longer than necessary, as well as affecting the convenience and comfort of cycling trips on the corridor.

    By expanding the existing Travel Hub in Trumpington and creating more Travel Hub provision (either by creating multi-storey parking at the Trumpington site or a new Travel Hub to the west of Junction 11), car drivers can be encouraged to complete their journeys by bus. More Travel Hub use would help the flow of traffic and make employment sites such as the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, West and North Cambridge easier to reach.

    A consultation on increasing Travel Hub spaces to the south west of Cambridge ran until 21 December 2018. Thank you to those who attended our events and responded to the consultation. We will now collate the responses and publish a report in the Spring of 2019.

    The Cambridge South West Travel Hub Project is a component of the West of Cambridge package, which includes review and development options for Travel Hub facilities, creation of new Travel Hub locations, and enhancement or upgrade of existing facilities.

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  • Difficult crossing at airport way roundabout

    Created by Jacob Bramley // 1 thread

    There are better-than-average cycle paths either side of this junction, but actually crossing at this point is very difficult because there is a near-constant stream of vehicular traffic leaving the roundabout to head into town.

    Alternative routes (avoiding this crossing) involve lengthy detours.

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  • New Wheelsports Facility - Trumpington Recreation/King George V Playing Fields

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The City Council is consulting on a new wheelsports facility at Trumpington Recreation Ground / King George V Playing Fields. 

    More information:

    "We are proposing to install exciting new wheelsports tracks on Chesterton recreation ground and Trumpington recreation ground.

    The tracks will offer more inclusive and dynamic play and sport opportunities for 4 to 12-year-olds.

    We’d like to know what you think about the plans. Your comments will help us finalise the designs and carry the proposals forward to implementation."


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  • Dangerous cycling

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    Following one incident involving a death from one person's dangerous cycling, a new law is proposed.

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  • New bus stop(s) on Addenbrookes site

    Created by Sam Webster // 1 thread

    A new bus stop has been created on Francis Crick Avenue just south of the junction with the busway on the east side. The problem is that there's a mandatory cycle lane there. Currently buses park in the cycle lane. It's also only 10m from the toucan crossing.

    According to there might also be another stop outside the MRC on the west side, also with a mandatory cycle lane.

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  • Fixing none optimal lanes

    Phil Wigglesworth // 1 thread

    I cycle past this junction a lot, and sometimes the lights are red so I wait and look at the lanes and wonder why they're like this.

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  • Closure of Garret Hostel Lane

    Created by // 1 thread

    Garret Hostel Lane is closed since Sunday. There is no information posted about reason, duration of closure. Alternative route (Silver Street) is a poor alternative. What is going on? This is a crucial piece of car-free bicycle infrastructure that should not be removed from the network.

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  • St Andrew's St - Emmanuel St Junction

    Created by Rosalind Lund // 1 thread

    further to the piece in newsletter 128, I wonder if any thought has been given to the difficulty of turning right into Emmanuel Street if you are coming towards the town centre from St Andrew's Street? We go fairly often to the Arts Cinema and this is the obvious way for us to go home, but it is impossible to turn right on the correct side of the bollard at present as it is designed only for left turning cycles coming out of town. There is, however, nothing to suggest that such a right turn is illegal.

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  • VeloCity 2021 "Cycling and Health"

    Created by // 1 thread

    Velocity is an annual cycling conference with approx 1000 attendees from 50 countries. The deadline for the competition to host VeloCity 2019 has passed in August 2016. Now would be a good time to think about 2021 (!) (Odd numbered years in Europe, even numbered years out of Europe)

    It was previously hosted in Bremen, London, Groningen, Copenhagen, Milano, Montréal, Nottingham, Basel, Perth, Barcelona, Graz & Maribor, Amsterdam, Edinburgh & Glasgow, Paris, Dublin, Munich, Brussels, Copenhagen, Seville, Vancouver, Vienna, Adelaide, Nantes, Taipei, Arnhem & Nijmegen, Rio de Janeiro

    Hosting it in Cambridge would have to be done by or through a University (which?). It would have the benefit of bringing together and amplify the academic research already underway in the health area. CEDAR, Centre for Diet and Activity Research would be a major asset. I think there would be a good chance that the Addenbrooks biotechnology firms may see an opportunity to create academic-local community credentials: One of these firms is even called Bicycle Therapeutics with Trinity Master Gregory Winter at the helm.

    I met vice chancellor Borysiewicz once and I had the impression that hosting such a event which creates the connection between science and community benefit would suit him very well: He said that cycling is very much on his radar.

    Another potential funding source could be the US based Robert Wood Johnson foundation. They give grants in the area of healthy communities with an academic profile, they "very infrequently support foreign organizations or organizations that are not tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code" but one could try.

    This is a major project which will need a professional conference organizer. The ECF want EURO 300.000 fees in advance, clearly far beyond the campaign to undertake. But I think it would be for the campaign to get the ball rolling.

    If the committee thinks this is a priority I could write some emails to test the waters

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  • Lack of westbound cycle lane before M11 on Madingley Road

    Created by Ben Brierton // 1 thread

    The new road layout on the westbound approach to M11 turning on Madingley Road has poor provision for cyclists.

    Cyclists going westbound now have to take the second lane for a few hundred metres with traffic passing at speed on both sides. Traffic passing in the left lane will be taking the slip road onto the M11 and traffic in the second lane will be going straight on.

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  • East Road-safe cycle route needed to ARU and Petersfield

    Created by jennifer Kirner // 1 thread

    I am bringing up the problem that cyclists and pedestrians have crossing East Road to get to ARU and the neighbouring residential area. It would be helpful have a discussion about how to create safe routes in this area and how to get them implemented.

    When I am cycling, I find it dangerous and difficult to cross East Road from Petersfield or Bradmore Street and I resort to using the pedestrian crossings with my bike because it is.
    This area that really needs addressing for improvements to safe cycling and I don’t understand why given the expansion of ARU this has not been addressed.

    The junction of Mill Road/East Road is also pretty scary for cyclists and pedestrians. The crossing at the slip road at the corner of Petersfield is difficult for pedestrians because it has no traffic controls and cars come quickly round this corner making it dangerous for anyone who is not alert , who is not tall enough to see, or who can't move quickly. This includes the young, the old, someone in a wheelchair. I wouldn't fancy pushing a child in a buggy across either.
    Basically, it seems to me that the Junction and East road are designed for motor vehicles and traffic flow not for pedestrians and cyclists. Can we try and address this?

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  • City Deal funding for restrictions to car parking

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread

    The Greater Cambridge City Deal has allocated £22 million over the next 5 years for:
    "City Centre capacity improvements/cross-city cycle improvements"

    Removal of car parking is an easily achievable way of making cycling more pleasant (and safer) Both the removal/relocation of Pay and Display and restrictions to all day commuter car parking on residential roads that form part of 'quiet roads' for cycling should form part of this funding stream.

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26 threads found for 'cycling':

No planning applications found for 'cycling'.

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