Things tagged 'grafton-centre'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

One issue found for 'grafton-centre':

  • Grafton Area of Major Change - Masterplan and Framework SPD

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 2 threads

    The draft Cambridge Local Plan 2014 designates the area around Fitzroy Street, Burleigh Street and the Grafton Centre as the primary location for providing additional comparison retail in the City Centre along with other mixed uses including leisure uses under Policy 11: Fitzroy/Burleigh Street/Grafton Area of Major Change.

    The Council, as the Local Planning Authority, has been working in partnership with local stakeholders to prepare an SPD for change for the Fitzroy/Burleigh Street/Grafton Area of Major Change (AoMC). The work has been guided by input from local stakeholders, including residents groups, local Councillors and other interest groups, at a series of workshops.

    The SPD will help guide the development of the area, promoting a number of key strategies for change. These aim to take advantage of the opportunities to provide better streets and space as well as a positive and attractive destination to support the vitality and viability of the centre for retail and associated uses. The SPD envisages a phased approach to ensure the area continues to perform as a City Centre location while ensuring phased improvement will deliver the area’s longer-term strategy.

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