Things tagged 'greenways'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

8 issues found for 'greenways':

  • Greenway: Lode to Swaffham Bulbeck

    Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread

    Because of a combination of subsidence and grass tussocks growing through the path, my wife's e-trike tipped over on the Greenway path between Lode and Longmeadow this afternoon.  Fortunately she is only bruised and shaken but it could clearly have been a lot worse. I have reported it to Cambs Highways as an emergency.

    Unless and until it is repaired, I would advise extreme caution on this section of the Greenway or use the Bottisham Greenway, Tunbridge Lane, Park End and Swaffham Bulbeck High Street instead. The on-road sections of the latter are usually pretty quiet.

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  • CCC/20/033/FUL A1307 / Haverhill Road / Gog Farm shop junction

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    CCC/20/033/FUL | Construction of a new staggered junction, footway / cycleway; an at grade unsignalised crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists at the A1307 / Haverhill Road / Gog Farm shop junction; a new right turn filter lane and upgraded crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists at the Gog Farm Shop entrance, including associated engineering and landscape works. | Junction Of A1307 Babraham Road With Haverhill Road / And The Access To Gog Farm Shop Heath Farm Shelford CB22 3AD, (within The Parish Of Stapleford).

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  • Cambridge Great Park

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Proposals for a Cambridge Great Park have been made through the local plan process. 

    Taking in the Gog Magog hills, the banks of the River Cam and Midsummer Common, the park would encircle the city and it is hoped could be enjoyed by generations to come.

    The group behind these proposals (BCR Infinity Architects) would like to know our thoughts about the park and cycling connectivity to and through the park. 

    You can learn more about the proposals in a recent Cambridge Independent Article:

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  • Linton Greenway

    Created by wookey // 1 thread

    One of the Greenway radial routes is Linton, Abingtons, Babraham, Babraham P&R, Addenbrookes.

    It is being consulted-on in sections:

    * Addies <-> Babraham P&R, 

    * Babraham P&R <-> Babraham research roundabout

    * Babraham research roundabout <-> Linton

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  • Proposed mineral workings threat to Greenways/A10 path near Hauxton/Haslingfield

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    We've received some documentation courtesy of somebody who noticed that in Peterborough planning (for some reason) the Rectory Farm between Haslingfield and Hauxton is being considered for a mineral workings site. This would destroy the existing land, including important bridleways and footpaths, and potentially cut off portions of the Haslingfield Greenway and A10 Greenway paths that are being consulted or plan to be consulted. The proposed works would begin in 2022-2024 and last for 9 years. There would be 50 lorry movements a day at the A10 access point, crossing the A10 cycleway.

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  • Cambridgeshire Area Greenways Repot

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 10 threads

    Nigel Brigham has produced a report for the County which reviews existing links out to villages, and suggests improvements that would provide better standard links away from busy roads. I gather it is hoped that some money may be available from the City Deal especially for bits that could be delivered early. The link to the report on the County Council website is below

    I suggest an issue for each route:
    Waterbeach, Horningsea, Swaffams, Bottisham, Cherry Hinton, Linton, Sawston, Melbourn, Haslingfield, Barton, Comberton, St Ives

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