Things tagged 'lighting'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

12 issues found for 'lighting':

  • Scout Hut Path - Corrie Road / Rustat Road link

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Scout Hut Path is an important link between the Carter Bridge and the Corrie Road neighbourhood. It is narrow and marred by a sharp blind bend in the middle, making it difficult to use for many people especially at night due to personal security and collision concerns.

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  • Guided busway hazard

    Created by User 3428 (deleted) // 1 thread

    Sunday 26th of September 10.15pm I was cycling from Cambridge North to Histon.  I collided with a fence immediately after exiting the A14 tunnel and sustained a dislocated shoulder along with other injuries.

    There is definitely a hazard here because 

    1) the busway and tunnel from Cambridge North are brightly lit.  The busway after the tunnel towards Histon is unlit.  

    2) about 30m after the tunnel the width of the busway tarmac surface suddenly reduces due to the introduction of the gravel strip (approx 1m wide).  There is also a fence near the start of the gravel strip (I assume for the small animal tunnel)..

    I cycled through the tunnel and noticed a cyclist coming in the opposite direction (without lights), so I took avoiding action by moving to the left.  I may have then glanced at my mobile phone on my handlebars.  When I looked up I saw the fence in my headlight.  I then hit or clipped the fence.

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  • LED Lighting

    Created by Daniel Dignam // 1 thread

    Maybe it because I ride a bike with narrow tyres, or am over cautious, but ....

    The new LED lighting they've installed has effectively made the path narrower (and it's already too narrow). I don't want to ride over slippery glass, and in a few places they've actually installed them on the bend (Shelford end on the inside of the bend, which was already tricky because of the manhole cover), and at the Addenbrooke's end when joining after coming under the bridge.

    Why didn't they install them between the white lines like the old ones.

    Am I worrying too much (I cycle 400+ miles a week, so like to think I'm relatively good at looking out for dangers) ?

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  • Bin Brook solar studs consultation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    City Council consultation:

    Solar-powered stud lights are a cost-effective way of lighting paths. We propose installing them on the path alongside Bin Brook between Cranmer Road and Gough Way.

    As well as helping people find their way, the lights will improve the safety and usability of the pathway.

    We propose to install about 40 stud lights along the centreline of the footpath, between 8 and 12 metres apart.

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  • Lighting on Driftway, Newnham

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, through the Minor Highways Improvement Programme funding, propose to make lighting improvements to the Driftway road.

    The Driftway accesses Lammas Land public car park, and links to one of the main cycle and pedestrian commuter routes from the city centre to the west of the city, and vice versa.

    The Driftway currently has no lighting, and as a result is very dark along the whole length. The lack of light makes this route potentially dangerous for users, particularly cyclists and pedestrians.

    This consultation gives local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to comment on issues relating to this proposed project.

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  • Lighting for Green Spaces

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    We have been invited by the City Council to join a meeting to discuss lighting for green spaces. Is this something we would like to partake in and if so who is the best representative for the Campaign.

    The draft agenda is:

    · Introductions

    · Where we are now

    · What we want to achieve

    · Discussion on Lighting for Green Spaces

    · AOB

    The meeting will be held at the Guildhall in Cambridge, final details to be confirmed once the date and agenda are agreed.

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  • Wadloes Road - Ditton Fields - Path Lighting

    Created by Richard Taylor // 0 threads

    The path between Wadloes Road and Ditton Fields is popular with pedestrians and cyclists.

    It is unlit though, and as it has buildings and high hedges on either side sofeels enclosed and it is much darker on the pathway than it is out in the open.

    Lighting on this pathway would I think make it feel safer, and I think would actually improve safety for example through helping cyclists spot pedestrians earlier.

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  • Lighting Gough Way

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    A proposal to light the Gough Way cycle/footpath with solar- powered, directional cats eyes. The footbridge will be upgraded soon, so this is the next step. The route is well used.

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5 threads found for 'lighting':

No planning applications found for 'lighting'.

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