Things tagged 'combined-authority'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

4 issues found for 'combined-authority':

  • Combined Authority Board

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread

    The Combined Authority Board is chaired by the elected Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The purpose of the Board is to ensure that the decisions and actions of the Combined Authority deliver key outcomes for the people of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

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  • Transport Restart Group

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread

    The government said that it expects Combined Authorities to lead the restart of the transport system following the Covid lockdown. The Transport Restart Group is chaired by the Combined Authority (its leads are James Palmer and Paul Raynes) and brings together the two highways authorities, police and public health colleagues, the two main city councils, a representative bus operator, Network Rail, Highways England, and the Department for Transport. It has met weekly since 1 June. 

    The group has three main tasks:

    (a) ensuring the public transport restarts to as near 100% of pre-Covid network as possible;

    (b) ensuring a package of active travel measures is implemented to mitigate potential increases in private car use;

    (c) monitoring data in relation to the impact of Covid – 19 on transport and considering what further measures might be needed to maintain the transport recovery.

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  • A10 Ely to Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads

    The Ely to Cambridge Transport Study is a wide-ranging multi-modal study which has made recommendations on the transport schemes needed to accommodate the major development planned at a new town north of Waterbeach, Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) and the Cambridge Science Park (CSP). The study has three strands:
    - Strand 1 looks at the overall transport requirements on the corridor
    - Strand 2 looks at the specific requirements for growth at Waterbeach
    - Strand 3 looks at the specific requirements for growth at CNFE/CSP

    The commission has delivered:
    - An options study and Strategic Outline Business Case for the overall package of
    interventions on the Ely to Cambridge corridor;
    - A transport study that identifies the infrastructure package and phasing of that
    package to provide for the transport demand of the development of a new town north
    of Waterbeach,
    - A transport study supported by modelling which provides evidence for the level of
    development which could be supported in the CNFE/CSP area and its phasing, in transport terms.

    The scope of the study was drawn up to incorporate three separate, but interlinked issues; namely the need for a Strategic Planning Document or Area Action Plan for both Waterbeach New Town and the CNFE, hence providing a Transport Evidence Base for Plan Making as required by National Planning Practice Guidance. Early thinking was also required on the requirements of the whole corridor to inform Tranches 2 and 3 of delivering the Greater Cambridge City Deal.

    The study is separate to, but links with the A10 Ely to King’s Lynn Study which was reported to the Committee in September and to the M11-A47 Extension Study which has been commissioned by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and is due to report in summer 2018.

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One thread found for 'combined-authority':

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