ATM proposed next to Hills Road cycle lane
ATM proposed next to Hills Road cycle lane
limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
42 issues found for 'cycle':
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
ATM proposed next to Hills Road cycle lane
Created by Simon FitzMaurice // 1 thread
Redevelopment of site to form 6 self contained 1 bedroom flats following demolition of existing HMO dwelling house.
43 Elizabeth Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1DB
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
16/1389/FUL | Demolition of the existing office building and removal of the 145 associated car parking spaces (use class B1a) and construction of College accommodation (comprising 243 en-suite rooms and 24 studios), landscaping and access arrangements (use class sui generis) | Mount Pleasant House Mount Pleasant Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0RN
Student and Staff Accommodation for St Edmunds College on Castle Street/Huntingdon Road.
243 ensuite bedrooms for the Colleges and 34 studio apartments
demolition of the existing Mount Pleasant House o ce building and the removal of the 145 associated car parking spaces
Total bed spaces of 277
Cycle parking spaces 278 (double stack & Sheffield). Plus 28 visitor spaces.
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Proposed mixed use building incorporating a commercial unit at ground floor to be used for A1, A2, B1(a) and D1 (in the alternative) and six residential apartments comprising two 2xbed units, three 1xbed units and one studio unit including associated cycle and bin storage provision.
Albert House Young Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2LZ
Application reference : 16/1243/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Erection of a mixed-use development comprising a library and community facility at ground floor with 10No 1xbedroom residential flats on the upper floors along with cycle parking and associated landscaping, following the demolition of the existing building on site.
Milton Library Ascham Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 2BD
Application reference : 16/1130/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Proposed change of use of existing club building to form four 2-Bed flats and five 1-Bed flats, including additional storey in new roof extension. Erection of new two storey club building at rear with basement and a one 2-Bed flat, along with car and cycle parking and associated landscaping.
Cherry Hinton Constitutional Club 142 - 144 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7AJ
Application reference : 16/1108/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Change of use from dwelling to 6 bed HMO with up to 8 persons (Sui Generis) and first floor rear extension. Ancillary garden room in rear garden.
63 Darwin Drive Cambridge CB4 3HQ
Application reference : 16/1054/FUL
Created by Rose Eichenberger // 2 threads
The proposed conversion and new residential development of 48 Verulam Way/15 Ellesmere Road, Cambridge, CB4 2HL to form 8 one bedroom studio apartments.
Eight secure cycle spaces are provided but only at the rear of the development. Is there a risk that cycles are left on the pavement? the proposal includes 6 off-road car parking spaces.
Consultation closes Thu 07 Jul 2016
see link to Council website:
Application reference : 16/1071/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Erection of a residential development containing eight units (one 2xbed flat, five 1xbed flats and two studio units) following the demolition of the existing buildings on the site
19 - 21 Godesdone Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8HR
Application reference : 16/1002/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Demolition of existing building and the erection of two new buildings to provide 2no. Maisonettes and 3no. 1bed flats, together with bin & cycle store and landscaping.
30 Davy Road Cambridge CB1 3QW
Application reference : 16/1067/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Small development, there is very little information about cycle however a quick look at the drawing suggests that cycle parking layout is problematic.
From the Planning and Heritage statement.
The accompanying block plan clearly demonstrates that the proposed site arrangements provide for convenient and adequate locations for refuse collection, recycling and on-site cycle parking to provide opportunities to create an attractive setting with suitable hard landscaping and the use of coordinated materials of appropriate colour and texture would ensure a high quality build.
It is considered that although no on-site parking has been made available to the proposed dwellings, the application site’s highly sustainable location and on-site secured cycle storage would encourage future occupiers depend less on private vehicles and travel via other more sustainable methods.
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Erection of 68 student rooms, 8 student kitchens, 4 college flats, 3 college offices, music practice room and seminar rooms, commercial unit (420 sqm) including the provision of a connection to the Todd Building and associated landscaping and cycle parking (following demolition of existing buildings)
Christs College St Andrews Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 3BU
Application reference : 16/0904/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
Mixed used development comprising a Day Nursery at ground floor and 40 self-contained 1xbed student rooms at the rear and on the upper floors along with a vehicle drop-off zone, cycle parking and associated landscaping.
Romsey Labour Club Mill Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3NL
Application reference : 16/0821/FUL
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
16/0594/FUL | Erection of restaurant and landscaping including outdoor seating area and children's play area, together with relocation of cycle parking, revision to servicing bay and associated infrastructure. | Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
16/0641/FUL | Residential development comprising 8 x 3 bedroom houses, 5 x 1 bedroom apartments and 1 x 2 bedroom apartment, formation of access including demolition of no. 74 Perne Road, landscaping, open space, drainage and supporting infrastructure. | 68 - 80 Perne Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3RR
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 2 threads
The City Council is launching a consultation on community facilities. This may be a good opportunity to review the cycle parking arrangements at these locations and ask for improvements where required.
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads
Erection of a building for Biotech and Biomedical research and development and production together with associated supporting Headquarters and Logistics function along with associated infrastructure to include; access, services, drainage, electric and gas infrastructure, external ancillary structures, car and cycle parking and hard and soft landscaping.
Land South Of Dame Mary Archer Way Cambridge Biomedical Campus Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference:
Date application was made:
Official application:
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
42 low-energy cohousing dwellings plus ancillary facilities including a common house, workshop, car and cycle parking, refuse storage, relocation of an electricity substation, associated access and landscaping
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
The demolition of Jupiter House and the construction of a new office building comprising 5,654 sqm (GIA) of Class B1(a) floorspace including ancillary accommodation/facilities with a single basement of 1,715 sqm (GIA) providing 37 car parking spaces, with associated plant and new sub-station, 193 cycle parking spaces at street level and two options for provision of access to the development and for hard and soft landscaping.
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads
Erection of 50 new affordable houses, following demolition of 26 existing dwellings (Nos 46-60 and 66-75 Eastfield), and associated highway works, landscaping and public open space provision.
See pages 20 and 21 of D&A statement for car parking and cycle storage. (No specifics provided)
Created by David Green // 1 thread
My employer is planning to relocate from central cambridge to the Cambridge Business Park (near Waterbeach). There is currently no decent cycle (or footpath!) access to this business park which avoids riding along the A10. I am a confident cyclist but I am not looking forward to riding to work along sections of the A10.
Are there any plans for cycle route construction which the campaign can, perhaps, help accelerate?
Richard G // 1 thread
A new research institute is planned for the Addenbrookes campus, plans are due to be submitted within a few weeks
There has been a exhibition of the overall plan & I have concerns about the cycle parking provision
Created by Colin Rosenstiel // 1 thread
Apart from the miserable remote location, has anyone else been having issues with the new exclusively double stack cycle parking?
1. My bike, a pretty normal size town bike, won't fit on the lower level because the basket won't fit under the beam mounting the upper level of the rack
2. Twice my bike has fallen out when removing it from the upper level. The wheel, also a standard size, isn't held firmly enough in the sliding rack when unlocked. The frist time it fell on me, causing minor injuries
3. The level of maintenance is abysmal, with obvious work required being left undone for weeks. The first instance of my bike falling out was a rack that wouldn't slide in so I was removing my bike to put elsewhere. Another time the bolts hoding a rack in had come off so the frame was loose and unusable. There are two frames on the side by the back of the racks which need refixing and have done as long as the racks have been where they now are
4. Why has the roadway got those obstructive plastic barriers all the way along, making access to the cycle parking very awkward? Such barriers are not placed between carriageway and pavements elsewhere
Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread
Creating this in order to allow a discussion thread about it.
Created by Oscar Hughes // 2 threads
Large numbers of cyclists and pedestrians access Cambridge station from Devonshire Road and from the pedestrian and cycle bridge through the car park. This is unsafe, unpleasant and dangerous. How could we develop alternatives? A better route along Station Road and Tenison Road? Direct access to the station from the east doesn't really seem feasible.
49 threads found for 'cycle':
A discussion on issue
New cycle racks at cambridge station
Phillip Barnett
A discussion on issue
A30, A33 and town centre strategic routes
Heather Rainbow
A discussion on issue
Meadrow Improvements
Ian taylor
A discussion on issue
Planning application : 16/1071/FUL for 8 one bedroom studio apartments.
Rose Eichenberger
A discussion on issue
Planning application : 16/1071/FUL for 8 one bedroom studio apartments.
Matthew Danish
Cycle Ipswich
A discussion on issue
Low lighting on river path under bridge between Boss Hall Road and Riverside Road
Shaun McDonald
A discussion on issue
Little Ealing Lane cycle track
Space Pootler
A discussion on issue
Vauxhall Cross public consultation
Jon D
A discussion on issue
Vauxhall Cross public consultation
Simon Munk
A discussion on issue
Parking in cycle lane is excessive
Eli Appleby-Donald
A discussion on issue
Consultation on Delancey–Pratt , August 2015
Jean Dollimore
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
TfL Consultation on Finchley Road - Boundary Road
Dominic Fee
A discussion on issue
University Arms hotel reconstruction
Philip McBrien
A discussion on issue
Donetsk Way tram accidents / off road cycle path?
Dexter Johnstone
A discussion on issue
Cycle Proofing falls at the first hurdle
A discussion on issue
Cycle provision for new research institute
Richard G
A discussion on issue
Additional Cycle Parking In East Sheen
Cycle Ipswich
A discussion on issue
Southern end of Foundation Street should stay closed
Shaun McDonald
A discussion on issue
SCR 2 - West Denton
A discussion on issue
cars parked in cycle lane
Chris Lowe
Camden Cyclists
A discussion on issue
Consultation on Proposed Pedestrian and Cycling Improvements at York Way / Goods Way junction
John Chamberlain
Cycle Ipswich
A discussion on issue
Dangerous cycle route at Heath Road
Shaun McDonald
A discussion on issue
SCR 6 - Benfield
Newcycling - Newcastle Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
SCR 6 - Benfield
Katja Leyendecker
Newcycling - Newcastle Cycling Campaign
A discussion on issue
SCR 4 - Gosforth
Katja Leyendecker
5 library items found for 'cycle':
No planning applications found for 'cycle'.