Things tagged 'station'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

14 issues found for 'station':

  • Station Road cycle lanes needed

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Station Road has a bit of cycle lane provision, but it is spotty.

    There should be cycle lanes on both sides of the road, the full length.

    Taxis should have to queue in the station area car park itself, not 250m away on Station Road.

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  • 21-month closure of cycle path from Cambridge North to Milton Road

    Anon // 1 thread

    At the end of this blog post, it's reported that the segregated cycle path from Cambridge North station to the north of the Business Park will be closed to cyclists from March 2019 to December 2020 (a period of 21 months), for utility works relating to development on the Cambridge North site. Cyclists are to be diverted to the south side path (along the busway); pedestrian access on the north side will apparently be maintained.

    In particular, this appears to prevent cyclist use of the recently opened gate at the south end of the Business Park for the duration of the works (unless perhaps one pushes one's cycle). Getting from or through Cambridge North to the Science Park will be less convenient, too.

    Full text from Camcycle blog post. (Robin Heydon tells me this information originally came from Brookgate.)

    Development at Cambridge North

    Early works have begun on the further development around Cambridge North, where new offices and a hotel will be built. Within the next couple of months, a major cyclist diversion will be put in place which reroutes cyclists accessing the station via the segregated path along Cowley Road. This will be closed to allow utility works from Milton Road down to the station. Cyclists will be redirected along the Busway cycleway from Milton Road. There will continue to be road access for cyclists to the industrial and residential units off Cowley Road (including the Camcycle office), but not beyond this point. Note that there will be a signifidant increase in construction traffic along Cowley Road.

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  • Cambridge North railway station

    Created by Robin Heydon // 15 threads

    New station that will serve the northern part of Cambridge, specifically the Science Park - but also by extension through the guided bus, villages to Northstowe.

    This provides a good opportunity to construct another section of the Chisholm Trail (especially a link over the river and on to Newmarket Road). We must also ensure that any footbridge provides facilities for those with bikes AND that there is adequate cycle parking.

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  • 12/1608/FUL Station Area Redevelopment Land To The North Of Station Road

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    I was unable to find this issue in Cyclescape. While the deadline has passed I am posting here for our records as there are certainly implications for cycling. Hopefully, these were previously dealt with in other threads.

    Planning Application 12/1608/FUL

    Demolition of existing buildings (City Roomz Hotel and former railway offices) and construction of a new office building comprising:14,326 sq.m office floorspace (Class B1a) and 1,205 sq.m of retail/cafe and restaurant floor space (Class A1/A3/A4/A5), including ancillary accommodation / facilities with a single level basement (4,020 sq.m) to accommodate 92 car parking spaces, associated plant and 568 cycle parking spaces; roof level plant and hard and soft landscaping, including the final phase of the Station Road Open Space.

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  • Green End Road redesign

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 2 threads

    I've long thought the Green End Road area, specifically the section closest to Milton Road, is prime territory for a big reallocation of space, with segregated cycleways, pavements and a narrowed road.

    There is a *small possibility* of including an ambitious plan for this in the station project.

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  • Addenbrooke's Station proposed

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    A third railway station for Cambridge, at Addenbrooke's has long been proposed, and there are signs of increasing interest in this proposal.

    Obviously we will want to ensure that any such development is as cycle-friendly as possible.

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  • Cambridge Station Eastern Entrance

    Created by John Hall // 1 thread

    The Greater Anglia franchise is due for renewal in October 2016 and the process has already started. It is quite unsusal to have a station serving such a large number of passengers with access on only one side o the tracks. This situation leads to many more and longer car journeys along Mill Road, Cherry Hinton Road and Hills Road.

    There is an existing access via (non-residential) Clifton Road to the east side of the station and there is vacant land. We need to argue the case for an eastern entrance to the station, along with cycle parking and pedestrian access. There is a mainly empty car park on the other side of the tracks. We should also try to include a link from the Carter bridge to the new cycle park.

    Interested parties
    3 shortlisted franchises
    local MPs
    Minister responsible (Clare Perry MP)

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  • Proposed extra pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park.

    Created by Richard Taylor // 1 thread

    Proposal for three new pedestrian and cycle access points to Cambridge Business Park. The proposals are being made in light of the plans for an new station nearby.

    Representations from companies with premises on the business park - Redgate and Autonomy - have expressed concerns about security and the potential for people to try and park on the business park and then get on a train.

    The proposals are for the new accesses to be gated to restrict general public access.

    The proposals include a connection to the potential cycleway along the line of the disused railway.

    Cambridge Business Park Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WZ

    Application reference: 15/0919/FUL

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  • New cycle racks at cambridge station

    Created by Colin Rosenstiel // 1 thread

    Apart from the miserable remote location, has anyone else been having issues with the new exclusively double stack cycle parking?

    1. My bike, a pretty normal size town bike, won't fit on the lower level because the basket won't fit under the beam mounting the upper level of the rack
    2. Twice my bike has fallen out when removing it from the upper level. The wheel, also a standard size, isn't held firmly enough in the sliding rack when unlocked. The frist time it fell on me, causing minor injuries
    3. The level of maintenance is abysmal, with obvious work required being left undone for weeks. The first instance of my bike falling out was a rack that wouldn't slide in so I was removing my bike to put elsewhere. Another time the bolts hoding a rack in had come off so the frame was loose and unusable. There are two frames on the side by the back of the racks which need refixing and have done as long as the racks have been where they now are
    4. Why has the roadway got those obstructive plastic barriers all the way along, making access to the cycle parking very awkward? Such barriers are not placed between carriageway and pavements elsewhere

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  • Milton road underpass closure

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 1 thread

    Separate thread about this to separate from the main rail station thread..

    The pedestrian/cycle underpass on Milton Road will be closed from August - December (currently) to facilitate rebuilding it for the busway extenstion.

    Road works will be in place during this time.

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  • HGV and LGV traffic on Nuffield Road

    Created by Klaas Brümann // 1 thread

    Campaign for a 300m section of the unguided busway between Milton Road and the pedestrian and cyclists access at the end of Nuffield Close to be built as a road, providing a more direct access for lorries and cars to the trading estate.

    Nuffield Road’s residential section should then be cut-off for motorised through traffic just past Discovery Way, turning the first part of Nuffield Road into a residential close.

    Picture Gallery:

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  • Carter Cycle Bridge Western Access Improvements

    Created by Edward Leigh // 2 threads

    Hidden away in the planning application for the Skanska development around the new Northern Access Road to Cambridge station are detailed proposals for the redesigned cycle access to the western end of Carter Bridge:

    My concern is that the new junction with the bridge on-ramp will be difficult and dangerous to negotiate for cyclists and pedestrians. With 450 cycle movements towards the city at peak time, this will be a busy junction where cyclists are moving rapidly as they descend the slope. Those cyclists heading for the station will have to break hard before turning across the path of oncoming cyclists and across the footway in order to join the new link path.

    This is undoubtedly an improvement on the existing arrangement (which involves crossing Devonshire Road twice to access the station), but two options that seem to have been considered in the past but rejected would be safer and more convenient:

    1) Opening a route via Ravensworth Gardens through the existing wall at the boundary of the station car park.

    2) Adding a cycle-only ramp joining the south side of the bridge opposite the stairway.

    Any thoughts?

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One library item found for 'station':

No planning applications found for 'station'.

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