Things tagged 'transport'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

9 issues found for 'transport':

  • Transport Restart Group

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread

    The government said that it expects Combined Authorities to lead the restart of the transport system following the Covid lockdown. The Transport Restart Group is chaired by the Combined Authority (its leads are James Palmer and Paul Raynes) and brings together the two highways authorities, police and public health colleagues, the two main city councils, a representative bus operator, Network Rail, Highways England, and the Department for Transport. It has met weekly since 1 June. 

    The group has three main tasks:

    (a) ensuring the public transport restarts to as near 100% of pre-Covid network as possible;

    (b) ensuring a package of active travel measures is implemented to mitigate potential increases in private car use;

    (c) monitoring data in relation to the impact of Covid – 19 on transport and considering what further measures might be needed to maintain the transport recovery.

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  • Cambridge region climate change strategies

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 4 threads Have your say about our Climate Change Strategy for 2016 to 2021 Consultation runs from 14 October 2015, 12:00am to 12 January 2016, 11:59pm Introduction and background Cambridge City Council is committed to supporting international efforts to mitigate climate change and to taking steps to support residents and businesses to respond to the effects of climate change. Consultation information We have produced a new draft Climate Change Strategy 2016 to 202 to provide a framework for our action from April 2016 to March 2021 to help address climate change. You are invited to give your views on the draft strategy by completing this consultation survey: Climate Change Strategy 2016 to 2021: Online survey This survey forms part of the public consultation on the Climate Change Strategy, which runs from 14 October 2015 to 12 January 2016. The strategy will replace our current Climate Change Strategy 2012 to 2016

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  • Mill Road (transporation) Survey (for edit)

    Created by Aldo // 1 thread

    In the coming weeks we, UoC Students from the Cambridge Hub, are going to do a survey on Mill Road in order to find out how people get to Mill Road and how they interact with it. The survey will be compared with the survey done last November in order to build momentum for the car-free Mill Road project.

    We would love your input. Please give suggestions below.

    For the survey, click on the link below.

    Deadline for edits is this friday.

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  • Cambridge Live lab: Stimulating ideas and actions

    Created by JanT // 1 thread

    Cambridge Ahead and Grant Thornton are planning a Cambridge Live Lab to discuss key areas considered essential for future growth and prosperity including:
    • Education and skills
    • Housing and commercial space
    • Infrastructure: connectivity and transport

    I thought cyclists might like to register their interest to attend and give their views.

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  • University Technical College UTC

    Created by // 1 thread

    University Technical College (UTC) Cambridge is to be launched at the Long Road 6th From site.

    The UTC will open in new build facilities in September 2014 and will deliver a technical education to 670 students aged 14 to 19

    It is a collaboration of Cambridge University Health Partners, Cambridge Regional College, Babraham Institute, Napp Pharmaceuticals, Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Long Road Sixth Form College, Parkside Federation Academies, Cambridge Cleantech, Cambridgeshire County Council, East of England NHS, Anglian Water, The Cube, AmeyCespa

    Public Exhibition 11 April 2013
    4pm to 8pm
    Long Road Sixth Form College

    Cambridge Regional College in association with Long Road Sixth Form College, their industry partners and Cambridge University Health Partners are developing designs for an exciting new University Technical College on the Long Road Sixth Form College site.

    Project Manager is Laurence Wells
    c/o Cambridge Regional College
    Kings Hedges Road
    CB4 2QT
    Tel 01223 418502

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  • Transport Corridor Funding

    Created by cobweb // 1 thread

    On a bi-annual basis, the funding for S106 projects is to be reviewed with Area Committee recommendations going to Cabinet for final approval.

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No planning applications found for 'transport'.

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