Things tagged 'consultation'

limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

47 issues found for 'consultation':

  • York Street area residents' parking zone

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council has published proposals and consultation to introduce a residents’ parking scheme in the streets around York Street and New Street.

    This is a long-overdue scheme.

    There are a couple of issues:

    - Builders vans and so on, never mind deliveries, are difficult, resulting in blocked pavements, etc.

    - Making the case for the scheme in the face of opposition in a few streets because of a reduction in spaces where there is currently parking on both sides of the street (which means domination of the space for private motor vehicle storage).

    - At last, elimination of pavement parking and the ability to enforce any pavement overrun.

    - Building support for the scheme - residents' parking proposals have a key strategic role in reducing unnecessary traffic, by almost eliminating circulation by drivers speculatively looking for parking.

    - No cycle parking is proposed.

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  • Chesterton Recreation Ground - Wheeled Sports Facility

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    In 2017, councillors approved the use of Section 106 developer contributions for a new wheeled-sports facility on Chesterton recreation ground.

    We consulted on proposals in 2019. Your responses suggested support for the proposal, and identified some opportunities for improvement. We have revised the proposals to address these.

    The proposed facility is aimed at young people aged 4 to 14. It comprises a continuous circuit of turns and jumps, to appeal to a variety of wheeled-sports users including BMX and mountain bikes, skateboards and scooters, and roller skates.

    It’s aimed at beginners and users of intermediate skill, with the intention that they can graduate to using other, more challenging facilities elsewhere in Cambridge.

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  • Cambridge region climate change strategies

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 4 threads Have your say about our Climate Change Strategy for 2016 to 2021 Consultation runs from 14 October 2015, 12:00am to 12 January 2016, 11:59pm Introduction and background Cambridge City Council is committed to supporting international efforts to mitigate climate change and to taking steps to support residents and businesses to respond to the effects of climate change. Consultation information We have produced a new draft Climate Change Strategy 2016 to 202 to provide a framework for our action from April 2016 to March 2021 to help address climate change. You are invited to give your views on the draft strategy by completing this consultation survey: Climate Change Strategy 2016 to 2021: Online survey This survey forms part of the public consultation on the Climate Change Strategy, which runs from 14 October 2015 to 12 January 2016. The strategy will replace our current Climate Change Strategy 2012 to 2016

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  • PR0597 Amend loading restrictions on Mill Road

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridgeshire County Council proposes to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police the effect of which will be to :-


    Amend the no loading and unloading restrictions on Mill Road, Cambridge from Monday to Saturday 8.15 – 9.15am and 5pm – 6pm to Monday to Saturday 7.30 - 9.30am and 4.30 - 6.30pm in the follow locations;


    • South side from a point 8 metres south east of its junction with Argyle Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 41 metres.
    • South side from a point 18 metres south east of its junction with Stockwell Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 35 metres.
    • North side from its junction with Sedgwick Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 55 metres.
    • South side from a point 27.5 metres south east of its junction with Cockburn Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 52 metres.
    • North side from a point 6.5 metres south east of its junction Catharine Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 40 metres.
    • South side from a point 11 south east of its junction with Thoday Street in a south easterly direction for a distance of 39 metres.
    • South side from a point 19 metres east of its junction with Romsey Terrace in an easterly direction for a distance of 46.
    • North side from a point 16 metres east of its junction with Ross Street in an easterly direction for a distance of 47 metres.


    I have attached a copy of the public notice and plan, showing the location and extent of the proposed restrictions.


    A copy of the draft Order and plans can also be seen online from Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 


    If you wish to make any comments on these proposals we would appreciate them in writing to the address below or by email to  no later than the 11th December 2019 quoting reference PR0594.


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  • Meadows Centre and Buchan Street consultation

    Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 1 thread

    It is proposed that a new Community Hub is built on the site of the Meadows.

    This will replace both the current Meadows Community Centre and Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre, with the new facility integrating priority community groups and activities into this one new community space. In addition to the new Community Hub, the scheme will deliver approximately 100 affordable homes in total across the two sites in order to assist with the delivery of 500 new affordable homes across the city.

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  • Two-way driving in Sedgwick Street for 54m requested by Tesco

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Tesco appear to have asked the County Council to enable them to drive lorries into their store from Sedgwick Street (despite moving in in 2009 knowing that this was prohibited).

    The proposal would make Sedgwick Street two-way for driving for 57m, then one-way for driving after that.

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  • Chesterton Road Tree Lining - Project Consultation

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council through the Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) have allocated funding to improve the streetscape by increasing the number of trees along on Chesterton Road. We have identified a number of potential locations for new trees as shown on the 2 maps below.  

    Currently we have funding available for a smaller number of trees then shown on the plans below.  We wish to prioritise a number of these trees for the first phase of works.  We would hope to be able to plant further trees when and if we get additional funding.  

    This consultation gives local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to comment on and rate the potential tree location options put forward.

    All the potential locations will need to take into account highways infrastructure and underground utilities services, which may affect the locations currently being considered. 

    This consultation will end at noon on Friday the 15th of February 2018.

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  • NICE consultation on active travel

    Created by TJ // 1 thread

    NICE - (national institute for Health and care excellence) are running a consultation on active travel for encouraging the general population to travel actively.

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  • Redevelopment proposed for land south of Coldham's Lane

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Developer Anderson Group is hosting a community planning weekend later this month to give residents the chance to draw up a masterplan for land south of Coldhams Lane.

    “It’s about building good quality houses in good quality communities,” the company’s Christian Criscione told the Cambridge Independent ahead of a launch of the project on Tuesday (October 30).

    The former quarry and landfill site includes the Cherry Hinton lakes and land parcels to the north of the railway line.

    It has been identified by Cambridge City Council as an “area of major change” and the authority has been actively promoting the land for regeneration with “appropriate redevelopment”.

    As well as built development such as housing, the council has expressed ideas including the opening of the lakes, environmental improvements, outdoor recreation areas and a new urban country park.

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  • Cambridge Northern Fringe Area

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The City and South Cambridgeshire councils are working in collaboration to prepare an Area Action Plan (AAP) to govern the future redevelopment and regeneration of the Cambridge Northern Fringe area.

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  • Consultation on Cambridge Air Quality Action Plan

    Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 1 thread

    Air quality in central Cambridge is not as good as it should be. The city is not compliant with EU limit values or UK national air quality objectives for nitrogen dioxide in the city centre and on busy roads – although it is improving slowly. The City Council's Air Quality Action Plan was approved unanimously at Environment Scrutiny Committee on March 13 and they are now opening it out to consultation (21 June - 18 September 2018).

    Many of the proposed actions are of interest to Camcycle, but in particular:

    • Reducing Heavy Goods Vehicles emissions in the city centre by promoting ‘greener’ methods for making deliveries of goods, such as by cycle or electric vehicles

    • Using planning policies to ensure new communities are designed to make it easy for people to use sustainable modes of transport

    • Improving public health by providing information about the health impacts of air quality and encouraging everyone to have a more active lifestyle, including walking and cycling

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  • DEFRA consultation - ends May 8th

    Created by TJ // 1 thread

    Is the Cycling Campaign writing a response to the DEFRA consultation on how to reform the CAP post-Brexit ? Does anyone know if other (national) cycling groups have responded ?

    I was thinking that the public good of opening up private farm tracks would be beneficial to commuter and leisure cyclists. For instance I'm sure there's a farm near Grantchester which allows cyclists through, but you need special permission (live in a specific village ?). There must be other examples, where opening up to all cyclists would help commuters from villages.

    The documentation is here:

    online consultation form here:

    It is long winded form, but you can skip pages which you have no interest or knowledge of. However, this is the question which may be of most interest to us:

    1. How can we improve the delivery of the current Countryside Stewardship scheme and increase uptake by farmers and land managers to help achieve valuable environmental outcomes?

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  • DfT Consultation - Reporting road accidents to the police

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    At the moment if you need to report a road traffic accident you must do so in person at a police station or to a police constable.

    This proposals in this consultation would allow police forces to offer drivers the option of submitting accident reports by other methods.

    The proposals would require changes to Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
    This consultation closes at 11:45pm on 24 April 2018

    1 Section 170 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (“the Act”) requires drivers involved in
    certain traffic accidents which occur on the road or other public place to report the
    accident in person at a police station, or to a constable.
    2 Reporting accidents in person puts burdens on drivers, businesses and police forces.
    Therefore the Government proposes to amend the Act to allow police forces to offer
    drivers the option of submitting accident reports by other methods.
    3 We expect that, as a result of this change, police forces will offer drivers the option of
    reporting accidents online or by telephone. This will make it simpler, quicker and
    cheaper for drivers to fulfil their statutory obligation to report the accident, and for the
    police to record the accident details.

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  • Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS) safety review

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread


    ``Invites those with an interest in improving safety of cyclists and pedestrians to provide evidence, drawing on experience from the UK or other countries, that can be used to shape future policy decisions.


    Active travel, making journeys by physically active means such as cycling and walking, has huge potential benefits both for individuals and for our wider society. The Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, published in April 2017, set out our aim to make cycling and walking the natural choices for shorter journeys or as part of a longer journey.

    We have made good progress to date; Government spending on cycling trebled between 2010 and 2017, and on average people are cycling further than they did ten years ago. In some cities, notably London, there has been a sharp increase in the level of cycling. But there is much more to do, and our ambition in this review goes further still: to make cycling the natural mode of transport even for a 12 year old.

    Since the cycle safety review was announced, the Department has worked closely with cycling, walking and wider road safety organisations to identify the main issues that should be tackled as a priority to improve safety between cyclists and other road users. During that process of engagement, it became clear how many actual and potential policy areas were relevant to cyclists and pedestrians alike.

    Given our strong commitment to cycling and walking, we have therefore decided to use this review to consider safety measures that will bring cycling and walking closer together as part of our overall ambition to increase active travel.

    Cycling, like walking, needs to be universally seen as easy, fun and safe. Safety, and the perception of safety, are vital if we are to create a rapid increase in the use of active travel.

    The truth is that cycling is generally very safe, and serious accidents are rare. But we need to make it safer still, for all road users, so that it becomes a default mode of transport, whatever one’s age or background. But safety does not simply include road safety - it also includes physical health and well-being, in a clean and green environment. The evidence is clear: cycling and walking have the capacity to transform the health and well-being, not only of people who walk and cycle themselves, but of everyone in society.

    We now have a great opportunity: to recast local and national approaches to active travel, and create a new world of genuinely multimodal transport. But to do this we need your help, ideas and evidence. This consultation document summarises some of the key evidence for change, and then highlights key areas in which we are seeking your views.

    We are looking for great ideas, for evidence of what works, for examples of good practice from other countries, for innovative technologies, for imaginative solutions, and for idealism tempered with a sense of the practical. Over to you!


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  • Consultation: reinforcement of path edges on Parker's Piece

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council, using S106 funding, plan to reinforce the 1 metre wide grass edges of the footpaths on Parker's Piece, where issues of ground churn (mud) have been identified.

    The reinforcement implementation method is proposed to be via plastic geo-cells, set on a suitable sub-base, wrapped in geotextile and covered with turf and/or grass seed.

    The construction is designed to be porous, with the foundation being able to store excess water thereby reducing puddles and muddy areas that are currently forming on the path edges.

    This should improve the grass edges for pedestrian and cycles without losing the grass covering.

    The proposed improvement sections are the paths running from the centre of the open space around Reality Checkpoint to the University Arms Hotel, and to the kiosk/toilets adjacent to Gonville Place.

    The majority of the reinforcements will be 1 metre wide. At the access near the kiosk/toilet, this width will be increased due to the high volume of traffic in the area and historical damage.

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  • DfT consultation on Major Road Network

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The latest in the government's insatiable thirst for blowing money on roads (induced demand, what's that?) might have a silver lining as one of the objectives is 'support all road users'. I think we should submit a response. Basic outline: they should apply IAN 195/16 on this proposed Major Road Network.

    Regarding Cambridge, the most immediately affected road would be the A10 north of the A14, and possibly south of Trumpington. The 'Major Road Network' in the vicinity of is the A14, M11, A11, A505 and the A10.

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  • City Council car parking charges consultation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Consultation on changes to Cambridge City Council’s car park prices from 1 April 2018.

    We wish to consult with as wide a cross section of the community as possible to highlight the changes we would like to make to car park prices and season ticket costs on 1 April 2018.

    We continue to look for effective ways to manage congestion, especially during the 8 to 10am morning rush hour, and so this year propose the introduction of an additional charge for vehicles parking between these times together with a high increase in car park season tickets for business users.

    We hope this will help to encourage the use of vehicles in the less busy periods of the day, and ideally help people transfer to alternative methods of accessing the city that cause less congestion and pollution.

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  • Lighting on Driftway, Newnham

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, through the Minor Highways Improvement Programme funding, propose to make lighting improvements to the Driftway road.

    The Driftway accesses Lammas Land public car park, and links to one of the main cycle and pedestrian commuter routes from the city centre to the west of the city, and vice versa.

    The Driftway currently has no lighting, and as a result is very dark along the whole length. The lack of light makes this route potentially dangerous for users, particularly cyclists and pedestrians.

    This consultation gives local residents and stakeholders an opportunity to comment on issues relating to this proposed project.

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532 threads found for 'consultation':

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