Stall bike events 2023
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This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
This is a container issue for event threads.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Cambridge City Council have launched this new consultation as part of the Our Cambridge programme which aims to shape the council of the future. This may be relevant to our work because it includes thinking about how the council works with its stakeholders.
sound+fury // 1 thread
A previous application was refused in part because of the cycle parking provision. What's the new one like?
Created by David Green // 1 thread
Are you confident at what to do if something goes wrong with your bike when you're miles from home? Could you repair a puncture by the side of the road? Yes? Great! No need to read on.
No? You may be interested in the following Saturday workshop I am running again. This will be a repeat of the popular workshop held last year where attendees gave feedback such as:
"Excellent - would recommend it to all inexperienced riders."
"Following the course I really feel I understand the workings of my cycle."
"It was very clearly explained and covered very useful topics."
"Thoroughly informative workshop. To be highly recommended."
David Green
Survival Skills for Cyclists
Venue: Coleridge Community College, Radegund Road, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
Date: Sat 25 March 2023, 10am to 4 pm
Description: A one day bike maintenance course for local cyclists. Bring your bike and get confident you can cope with common roadside cycling breakdowns. Women members especially encouraged to sign up! Places are limited to ensure you learn in a small friendly group and get all the assistance you need. Topics will include: checks before you set off, tools to take along, fixing punctures, handling chain problems, gear and brake adjustments.
Equipment: Your own bike to work on, pump, puncture repair kit, and any tools you normally ride with.
Refreshments: hot and cold drinks provided, but please bring your own lunch!
Fee: £20 (CTC and CamCycle members) £50 (non-members). Subsidy available for those on a low income - please don't be put off by the price. Primarily funded and supported by CTC Cambridge.
Enrolment: To book a place, email with subject 'Survival Skills for Cyclists 25 March 2023'.
sound+fury // 1 thread
There's a proposal to use speed cushions to slow traffic down on Shelly Row and Albion Row.
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
The new owners of Capital Park, Fulbourn, CB21 would like to meet and discuss any cycling issues relevant to the site.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
On-road section of Greenway which is unpleasant and dangerous, and certainly not suitable for riders of all ages and levels of confidence, as it should be.
sound+fury // 1 thread
22/05108/SCRE | EIA screening opinion under the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 for the proposed development to provide up to 12,442 sqm of employment floorspace in a building up to 34 metres in height with associated car parking, cycle parking and landscaping. | Vitrum Building St Johns Innovation Park Cowley Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WS
Created by Robert Watson // 1 thread
Grange Road has extremely narrow cycle lanes for most of its length, which include traffic calming bollards forcing traffic down to a single lane. While this design does slow traffic, the narrow space for the cycle lane means that trikes have to slow almost to a stop to pass safely -- or in some cases may not fit at all. This forces trikes out into the single centre lane, where cars may not properly give way, and also are the sites of speed bumps and significant potholes. If the lanes were about 20-30cm wider, then trikes could pass without a problem. This issue affects all of the bollards on both sides of Grange Road for its full length, but I’ve highlighted a particularly problematic one since I had to pick a spot.
(In general, the cycle lanes on Grange Road are too narrow for cargo trikes forcing them out into traffic lanes anyway, but it’s the brick bases to the bollards that cause a particular problem.)
Created by Robert Watson // 1 thread
On the northeast side of the Trumpington Road and Brooklands Ave junction, there’s a combined cycle and foot path around the corner that suffers two problems that make trike use problematic in peak times:
Created by Robert Watson // 1 thread
Bollards close Storeys Way to through traffic while allowing cycles through. However, the bollard spacing makes it difficult to get cargo trikes through -- e.g., Nohila and Winther products.
Where the new wands on East road begin if heading from the Newmarket road underpass into East road is a layby outside Mackays. The placement of the wands initially mean there is insufficient room to cycle on the road, but the layby is potholed, making it difficult to ride through. After the layby the spacing is wider and they are much better.
Created by PHG // 1 thread
The new wands on East road force cyclists on to the pavement, rather than the roundabout, where East road meets Newmarket roundabout. Why should cyclists be blocked from using Newmarket roundabout, which is the easiest way to access the bus lane on Elizabeth Way bridge.
Pulling out of the wands early is dangerous and annoying. more annoying is when you forget and have to stop, or go onto the pavement and round to use the ramp.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 8 threads
It is important that we engage with the candidates at each election, scrutinise their views, and press for their commitments to cycling.
Created by KW // 1 thread
Demolish and replace with terrace of three: conflicting bike store drawings, so which version already has permission?
sound+fury // 1 thread
Is this a cause for celebration?
Created by cpax // 3 threads
Like many other cyclists the majority being school pupils I have used the road between Perne Road and Tiverton Way as a way to avoid the traffic on Birdwood Road , however recently the work has begun to convert the bungalow and often with builders vehicles blocking the cycle path on Perne Road . Today I encountered a group of people gathered ( deep in discussion ) in the road adjacent to the empty site which lies closer to Tiverton Way and on hearing my cycle bell seemed reluctant to move . I am concerned that this could be a site for future conflict .
sound+fury // 1 thread
Reserved matters for another phase of Eddington, including landscaping, cycle and pedestrians routes, and cycle parking.
sound+fury // 1 thread
New cycle parking proposed for staff and on street.
Created by Sarah Hughes // 1 thread
We need to finalise the route for the Winter Lights ride on 10th Dec
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 2 threads
The full Council, comprising all 61 County Councillors, is responsible for setting the Council's budget, the Council Tax and agreeing the Council's main policies.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
The Audit and Governance Committee's role is to review the Combined Authority's financial affairs, internal control, corporate governance arrangements and risk management. The Audit and Governance Committee was established by the Combined Authority in March 2017 in accordance with the Combined Authorities Order 2017. The committee is made up of one member from each of the constituent councils of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority.
Sam // 1 thread
The bollards at the bottom of Herbert St haven't been replaced after the electricity cable was laid last week.
Rather than directly replacing the bollard slalom that existed beforehand, the bollard specialists might have suggestions on what the layout should be here which camcycle can suggest as for the replacement...
Created by Matthew // 1 thread
We've received a note from a concerned resident:
Not too sure if this has been informed of this but the Sawston to Babraham CyclePath is planned to be closed by a commercial property developer on 15th Sept. Don't know when it'll reopen. All cyclists will be forced to cycle on the main road that is a pretty hairy affair at the best of times. They did this already for 2 days back in August without any consultation. The cyclepath has become very popular in the last few years as many employees from the Babraham and Granta Parks use it for commuting. Also it's relatively new so can't believe that private developers are allowed to shut it basically to use it as a free convenient storage area.
Created by Tim Steele // 0 threads
Where the path splits there is a marker post that is completely invisible at night. It should be fitted with reflective material or removed.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by David Earl // 5 threads
Greater Anglia has just issued a consultation on cycles at stations and on trains
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
The cycle lanes here are a mish-mash of narrow legacy infrastructure, and are often awkward to use.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?