20/04228/PRI03O: change of use from office to dwelling, Pemberton Place
20/04228/PRI03O | Proposed change of Use from B1(a) Office to C3 Dwelling to create 1no dwellinghouse. | 1 Pemberton Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1XB
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/04228/PRI03O | Proposed change of Use from B1(a) Office to C3 Dwelling to create 1no dwellinghouse. | 1 Pemberton Place Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1XB
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/04135/FUL | Conversion of existing integral garage to ensuite bedroom and change of use of dwelling (C4) to sui generis (a large HMO (7 persons) | 333 Milton Road Cambridge CB4 1XL
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Change of use from Class C3(a) to C4 turning a 7bed dwelling into:
6no bed HMO (6 persons) and
1no 2bed and
1no 1bed self-contained flat.
1 Hurrell Road Cambridge CB4 3RQ
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Conversion of existing dwelling to 2no dwellings including single storey rear extensions, first floor rear extension on new dwelling and roof extension to main dwelling.
1 Silverwood Close Cambridge CB1 3HA
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
The main role of the Transport and Infrastructure Committee is to make recommendations on the following matters to the Combined Authority Board:
The Local Transport Plan Bus Strategy
The transport revenue budget, including any transport levy
The annual programme of strategic transport projects and the associated capital investment budget
Borrowing powers exercised as the Local Transport Authority
Creation of the key route network
This thread is for listing committee meetings.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee was established by the Combined Authority in March 2017 in accordance with the Combined Authorities Order 2017. The committee is made up of two members from each of the constituent councils of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority. The role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to review or scrutinise decisions and actions taken by the Combined Authority or the Mayor. The Chair is Cllr Lorna Dupre.
This thread is for listing committee meetings.
Created by Sergei Shishlov // 0 threads
The blue road sign which indicates the cycling route towards Addenbrookes, Trumpington and Newnham is pointing in the wrong direction. It currently points along High Street to the north, whereas the in fact both locations are to the south. So the sign is pointing in the opposite direction and needs to be turned at 180 degrees. Two other signs attached to the same pole pointing to Fulbourn and various other locations in Cambridge are positioned correctly.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Change of use of single dwelling to 4no. flats, first and second floor side and rear extension and rear terraces, porch and roof lights to front elevation and erection of bike store to front.
338 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge CB1 8AZ
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Cherry Hinton Hall is a house and park in Cherry Hinton (south Cambridge). The house and grounds are owned and managed by Cambridge City Council.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/03912/FUL | Residential development containing eight flats along with access, car parking, landscaping and infrastructure | Land Rear Of Gibson House Paradise Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 1DJ
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/03838/FUL | Demolition of existing house and the erection of 3 No. dwellings | 38 High Street Chesterton Cambridge CB4 1NG
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/03877/FUL | Change of use from residential (C3) to large scale HMO for 12 persons (Sui Generis)
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/03966/FUL | Change of use from one dwelling to four flats, single storey rear extension and external alterations. | 1 Blackhall Road Cambridge CB4 3NJ
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
New thread for committee meetings
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
20/03034/FUL | Erection of new 2-Bedroom house adjoining existing house (number 168 New Street). | 168 New Street Cambridge CB1 2QX
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
Demolition of existing buildings comprising Anglia House, Kendal House inc. flats above, Regency House and Marble Store to rear and 1 Cambridge Road inc. flats above; redevelopment of the site comprising 28 new-build Class C3 residential units, and associated parking, 2no. A1 use class commercial units at ground floor level, inc. 2no. commercial parking parking spaces; proposed new landscaping and public realm improvements to Cambridge Road.
Land Comprising, Kendal Court, Anglia House, Kendal House, Regency House And 1 Cambridge Raod Cambridge Road Impington Cambridge CB24 9YS
Application reference : 20/03742/FUL
20/02728/REM | Approval of matters reserved for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/3064/16/OL for 155 dwellings following demolition of two existing dwellings | Land South Of 279 St Neots Road Hardwick Cambridgeshire
Created by Paul Robison // 1 thread
Storey's Way open again to through traffic
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
The Greater Cambridge Partnership operates as a Joint Committee, under powers delegated by its three local authority partners.
It is led by a decision-making Executive Board which coordinates the overall strategic vision and drives forward the partnership’s programme of work. It is run in accordance with a clear governance structure, agreed by all partners.
The Executive Board is made up of one representative from each of the City Deal partners. While the law governing Joint Committees only allows the three local authority representatives voting rights, they consider the advice of the other representatives, to make sure decisions also represent the business and academic sectors.
The Board is advised and informed by a Joint Assembly. The Joint Assembly provides advice to the Executive Board, drawing on the broad expertise of its 15 members. The Assembly’s membership is made up of three elected councillors from each of the three councils in the Greater Cambridge area, and reflects the political composition of their council. The other City Deal partners each nominate three representatives, as stakeholders from a range of organisations within the fields of business and academia.
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 3 threads
Issues related to Milton being worked on by Milton Cycling Campaign, a new group formed by Camcycle members living in the village.
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
There's a wet greasy line the length of the southbound carriageway on Hills Road between OLEM and Station Road, just outside the bike lane. When I cycled down there around 8.50am there was a very strong smell of diesel.
TAKE CARE. Diesel doesn't just evaporate as petrol would but leaves a greasy slippery residue that can persist for some days.
I've tried reporting to County, who don't want to know. I've bounced the report to City; who knows if they will do anything or say it's not their problem either.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
The Planning and Transport Scrutiny Committee consists of nine councillors who scrutinise the decisions of the Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Open Spaces and the Executive Councillor for Transport and Community Safety.
20/03523/FUL | Erection of a 5 storey building and a 6 storey building for commercial/business purposes, erection of a transport hub, gymnasium, surface parking, landscaping and associated infrastructure including demolition of the existing building (St John's House) and associated structures. | Land In The North West Part Of The St Johns Innovation Park Cowley Road Milton Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0ZT
Residential development of 75 dwellings along with access, car parking, landscaping and all associated infrastructure
Development Parcel L2 Topper Street Orchard Park Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 20/03802/FUL
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
Redevelopment of land off Home Close and within the boundary of the Hain Daniels Group factory, in Histon, Cambridge, CB24 9NR. McCarthy & Stone’s initial plans propose to redevelop the site with Retirement Plus (Extra Care) accommodation with 65 apartments, 36 bungalows and seven cottages, all set within attractive landscaped gardens and with 45 on-site car parking bays.
A virtual consultation is available at https://mccarthyandstoneconsultation.co.uk/histon/proposals/ between Wednesday 16th September – Wednesday 23rd September 2020, looking for community feedback ahead of formal planning application.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by David Earl // 5 threads
Greater Anglia has just issued a consultation on cycles at stations and on trains
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
The cycle lanes here are a mish-mash of narrow legacy infrastructure, and are often awkward to use.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?