Cyclists Dismount sign
In advance of whatever fair it is appearing on Midsummer common, the "cyclists dismount" signs have appeared on the entrances to the common.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Created by Anna Langley // 0 threads
In advance of whatever fair it is appearing on Midsummer common, the "cyclists dismount" signs have appeared on the entrances to the common.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Leaflet through my door today about "new homes on land off Teversham Road, Fulbourn". Unspecific at this stage, will be revealed, no doubt, at consultation event on 28 June. But it must be big for the scale of the consultation. It also has a website: but that also says nothing very specific as yet.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Cambridgeshire County Council order proposing additional parking restrictions outside Coleridge college on Radegund Road
Sam // 1 thread
Herbert St is one of the closest streets to the centre of town that has free on-road parking. As a result, it's a little chaotic.
Councillors are working towards resident only parking (and seem to have been for some time).
Given that it's part of the cycle route from Midsummer common, and has small gardens, narrow pavements etc, is it worth seeing if there can be some cycle stands added or some other improvements at the same time?
There are some by the co-op on Chesterton Road, of which about half seem to be used by residents.
Created by Phillip Barnett // 2 threads
As part of the station redevelopments, the existing cycleparking is being replaced through June-August 2014 with two-tier stacks 'with the same capacity as the current arrangements'
Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 2 threads
I've long thought the Green End Road area, specifically the section closest to Milton Road, is prime territory for a big reallocation of space, with segregated cycleways, pavements and a narrowed road.
There is a *small possibility* of including an ambitious plan for this in the station project.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Changes are proposed to this junction (thread and attachment to follow)
Created by Al Storer // 1 thread
Cambridge City Council planning application 14/0713/FUL. Nursery to be demolished and replaced by housing
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
I'm getting reports of a very serious accident at the crossing of the Addenbrooke's Trumpington cycleway and the Guided busway from the city centre to the Park and Ride, and the Addenbrooke's spur.
Created by Al Storer // 1 thread
A local campaign group has been formed to push for improvements to this busy roundabout
Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread
Consultation on road markings and traffic signs at
There are a number of things which I believe affect cyclists, see
This is really a national issue, but didn't want to spam all users.
Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread
s106 money has been set aside from the West Cambridge development for a route into Central Cambridge.
Created by Hester Wells // 1 thread
There is a campaign for a cycle route between Bar Hill and Cambridge, also connecting Dry Drayton, Madingley and Coton to North-West Cambridge.
Currently cycle provision for these villages is poor. Bar Hill has lower rates of cycling than other villages that are closer to Cambridge.
The campaign site is:
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
I've just spotted a County Council public notice on the post at the point noted, but applying to various areas as far as I can tell. Was in a bit of a hurry - stupidly didn't think of taking a photo of it. But the Council appear to be suggesting putting bus lane enforcement cameras in! I think this has to be good news, and ought to help cyclists - what do other people think?
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
The Guided Busway is a huge success. It carries many adults and youth to and from many destinations, a major destination being the Cambridge Regional College bus stop. Unfortunately, the volume of bicycle and pedestrian traffic along the line of the busway at this point probably wasn’t considered and is now causing problems. It will probably cause even more problems once the new Science Park Station is built at the far end of the busway.
Current Situation
When I started looking at this junction, I tried to ignore what was “built” and instead tried to observe how people moved through the junction. In the first diagram I’ve shown the main desire lines. Desire lines are where people actually move rather than those which engineers designed. For example, when crossing the access road to the college, from the busway, people walked in as straight a line as possible pretty much ignoring the supposed 90º toucan crossing.
Many people on bicycles don’t bother with the toucan but instead just wait for a gap between the traffic light phases and quickly scoot across. Many people ignore what has been designed and have found new, possibly better, ways through the junction - for example, creating a path from King Hedges Road over bare ground. This informal crossing obviously works, but is it safe? Do the bus drivers expect people to cross at this point?
There are many conflict points, some less bothersome than others. The two biggest problems are at the bus stop exit junction with the science park entrance, and between the toucan crossing and the brick surround of the gas supply for the area. When cycling there can be many people trying to cross the road, especially after the bus has stopped, or just before classes are due to start, all getting in your way. Of course, we are getting in their way too, and this isn’t helped by the poor sight lines.
I would therefore summarise that the problems are simply:
1. Severely limited space at the toucan crossing and busway crossing points.
2. Informal pedestrian crossing show junction isn’t working as desired.
3. Very narrow access to science park with poor sight lines.
Proposed Solution
First, we should always respect peoples desire lines. They are voting with their feet, it is obviously safe enough for them to do it day after day, and they have left plenty of evidence that it works by wearing down the grass. So we should make this a proper pedestrian route. This actually has two benefits: it moves a lot of the pedestrian traffic to the west side of the busway stop reducing the number of people at the science park entrance, and it allows a more “directed” path to the north side of that brick building.
Second, we should separate the CRC traffic and guided busway traffic as much as possible at the CRC junction. The busway traffic should follow their natural desire line which is straight on. There are wide turning splays for buses to access the busway from the CRC, yet no buses do this. We should remove them and make a straight on toucan in line with the busway. The CRC traffic would be given their own toucan on the north side of the brick building. Some of the existing railing (cycle parking) here may need to be removed, and the car stop line pushed back a car length or so. The space between the car stop line and the new toucan could usefully become an advanced cycle box.
Third, we should build a proper segregated footway to the north of the cycle track that links to the existing footway going to the “new” toucan. This would be built similar to the Coton path such that pedestrian traffic would be encouraged to seek the higher and safer ground.
Forth, we should straighten the line for access from the science park to the busway. The current facility bends away from the busway crossing, is very narrow, and limits the flow. I’ve seen times when people are queuing cross the busway to travel through this gate. On the south side, the highly restrictive chicane should be removed. People happily cross the busway at multiple points without problems, as here the buses are moving very slowly as they approach the station.
Lastly, we should alter the phasing of the traffic lights. A simple desire for people on bicycle is to wait as little time as possible, but we take very little time to cross a road. Therefore, I would suggest that bicycles are given a green light between every car phase, but only for a few seconds. They should also be given a green light whenever the busway is given a green light. The individual phases may need to be lengthened slightly, say from 25 seconds to 30 seconds to maintain the “capacity”, but the advantages it gives to bicycles would be huge. Also, the pedestrian crossing could be changed to a zebra crossing. This route would then become preferable to the slower toucan crossing further pulling people away. It would also allow for a much more pedestrian focused environment around what should be highly walkable area.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Demolition of Edinburgh Building, warehouse and associated buildings and erection of office development of up to 41,750 sq. m. gross external area with development generally being of between 4 and 5 storeys (with limited areas of screened rooftop plant), a single tower element with two further storeys of accommodation, up to 189 car parking spaces (+/- 10%), up to 1325 cycle parking spaces (+/- 20%), up to 26 motorcycle spaces, hard and soft landscaping and ancillary facilities including staff canteens, meeting rooms, refuse enclosures, plant rooms, social break-out spaces etc. all to serve as the new office campus headquarters for Cambridge Assessment.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
Bella Italia have applied to Cambridgeshire County Council to put outside seating (19 tables/38 chairs) at the Mill Pond outside their restaurant:
(I'll put the detailed plan on the thread to follow).
Created by Al Storer // 1 thread
The Draft Cambridgeshire Long Term Transport Strategy and Local Transport Plan Refresh has, as a City Deal item, a £43million project to create "Comprehensive segregated bus priority / Busway on Newmarket Road into Cambridge between Airport Way and Elizabeth Way / East Road."
This is quite clearly an opportunity to get far better cycle provision on this corridor.
Created by MJR // 0 threads
For a change, I tried following the route signs for the station today. As well as a mystery tour near the Grafton centre where the signs simply stop, my route was blocked at Gresham Road by "WET TAR" and a sign proclaiming it. No diversion was signed and there were no advance warning signs that would have let me pick a better route earlier. Plenty of people were riding along the footways - enough that it was too crowded for me to feel safe doing so. I performed a U-turn, waited a second time at the crossroad traffic lights and rode along the very busy Gonville Place and Hills Road instead.
I've tweeted at Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridge City Council in because I don't think that is legal - a cycle route suddenly being blocked by wet tar does not comply with the code of practice on safety at streetworks, which is required by law. I'm disappointed to encounter this in Cambridge.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
"14/0447/FUL | Change of use from motor bike show room to supermarket with cafe [without cooking facilities] and installation of air compressor unit. | 192 Green End Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 1RN"
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
When I popped into the Cambridge Wine Merchants last night, there were signs on all the posts and sheffield stands saying "no cycle parking from 6am, 7th April". I assumed some royal visit. I asked the man in the shop if he thought people not being able to park would affect trade and he said he hoped not. However, by the post where I normally park there's a big "road closed" sign, 6am-6pm (I think).
He is under the impression that there is filming going on from 7am-10am. It is period filming in the 1950s therefore you can't have sheffield stands (probably not invented) or modern bikes.
My main question/gripe is, when I see a "road closed" sign, I assume I will be able to get through even if I need to dismount and wheel my cycle. Sometimes, if it's a long walk, it may be quicker to cycle via another route. From the nature of what I've been told is going on, it sounds to me as if actually the road will even be closed to pedestrians, well unless they're wearing authentic 1950s dress.
Does anyone know any more? Does anyone know anything about the legal status of forcing pedestrians to take a lengthy diversion from what is the public highway? There are various cyclescape threads which have mentioned that although cars only have a permissive right to use the road, pedestrians have some stronger right. Can they force pedestrians and dismounted cyclists to go another route, when it's not an issue of national security?
Created by Colin Bell // 1 thread
Has there been any improvement in the "new" NCN 11 route from Waterbeach to Lode since last summer? Last time I went that way I had to wheel the bike across fields and carry it over two or three stiles.
Any information, including a forecast date when a proper route is likely to be built, welcome. Thanks.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
In 2012 a long list of candidate one way streets for conversion to two-way cycling was drafted.
Two years later the County are now proposing a short list of 11 streets for conversion.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by David Earl // 5 threads
Greater Anglia has just issued a consultation on cycles at stations and on trains
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
The cycle lanes here are a mish-mash of narrow legacy infrastructure, and are often awkward to use.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
Proposals are coming forward for the redevelopment of part of the Cambridge University Pres Site as a single location for Cambridge Assessment. Some public engagement will apparently start in November
Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread
The link from Barton Road to the Lammas Land car park (and the car park itself) have been closed to all use by the County Council for some development work. This is a buisy cycle route, and no effort has been put into providing a diversion. Currently most people are cycling across the grass behind the hedge beside the road (though how long this will remain possible if it rains is unclear); an alternative is to use other paths across Lammas Land, but they are narrow, not actually marked for cycling, and it's further.
According to a notice at the junction with Barton Road this work will continue to the start of December. There was and is no warning when approaching from east of the river.
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?