22/00231/FUL Erection of a 1bed dwelling, Birdwood / Gray Road
Erection of a 1bed dwelling.
42 Birdwood Road Cambridge CB1 3SU
Application reference : 22/00231/FUL
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Erection of a 1bed dwelling.
42 Birdwood Road Cambridge CB1 3SU
Application reference : 22/00231/FUL
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Change of use from vacant retail to 7 No. apartments (Use Class C3)
212 - 214 Newmarket Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB5 8JL
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
First floor and single storey rear extensions of existing bungalow to create 3no. flats.
538 Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8LL
Application reference : 22/00219/FUL
Proposed installation of parking places for electric vehicles in the De Freville Avenue and Riverside areas, Cambridge. Closing date for comment is 31 January 2022.
One diagram at least shows incursion into the pavement.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
21/05431/FUL | First floor side and single storey rear extensions to create two self-contained flats. |
17 Greenlands Cambridge CB2 0QY
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
21/05578/FUL | Change of use to large 7bed HMO (7 persons) sui generis. Rebuild and extend existing garage to bedroom 7 including changing to pitch roof. First floor rear extension (bedroom 6, previously approved under 20/01261/FUL). |
45 Leete Road Cambridge CB1 9HB
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
21/05549/FUL | Retention of building frontage facade and introduction of a mixed use development comprising basement and ground floor public house and an office/business Use (Class E(g)) to the rear and on the upper floors along with access, cycle parking and associated infrastructure following demolition of existing buildings.
The Emperor 21 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 1NW
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
21/05362/FUL | Single storey front and side extension and first floor extension to create a 1no 1bed flat above existing detached building at the rear of 6 Kings Hedges Road.
6E Kings Hedges Road Cambridge CB4 2PA
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Request for a formal scoping opinion for Hybrid Planning Application comprising Full Planning Permission for c47,280sqm (GEA) of Class E floorspace comprising an office building (One Milton Avenue) and two lab buildings together with ground floor amenity uses, a Mobility Hub comprising of c1031 car parking spaces including c3,742sqm of Class E floorspace at ground floor level, a temporary car park of c379 spaces, a wildlife habitat area, Network Rail compound area, enabling works and associated infrastructure; and Outline Planning Permission for c41,940 sqm (GEA) of Class E floorspace comprising one lab building and one office building, together with ground floor amenity uses, enabling works and associated infrastructure.
Cambridge North Commercial Quarter
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
21/05042/FUL | Elevational changes to accommodate 7 No. dwellings. | 212-214 Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8JL
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 2 threads
Reserved Matters application for third housing phase (known as BDW3) including 210 dwellings with associated internal roads, car parking, landscaping, amenity and public open space. The Reserved Matters include access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale and related partial discharge of conditions 8, 10, 14, 17, 18, 22, 25, 26, 28, 35, 40, 49, 58, 62, 66, and 69 pursuant to outline approval 07/0003/OUT | Darwin Green One BDW3 Development Site Huntingdon Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Darwin Green One BDW4
Development Site
Huntingdon Road
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Erection of a new dwelling
Land At Rear Of 1 Priory Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 3QH
Created by Finlay KM // 1 thread
The brook conduit has partially collapsed under the road and the shared-use path. It is currently being repaired (after nearly a year) but the contractors have made use of a very interesting "Cyclists dismount and get an escort" sign. A yellow ramp also makes passing on any non-standard cycle a real challenge. Both of these items are really bad practice and actively discriminate against anyone on a non-standard cycle.
Created by Billboyheritagesurvey // 1 thread
The new active travel route is due to open very soon. What needs fixing?
sound+fury // 1 thread
It's a hefty application that will need careful study.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Cross-party group
Active since 18 May 2021
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
A pilot of delivery robots may be coming to Cambridgeshire.
What are our views/policies about delivery robots?
What do we know about other places they have been trialled?
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
(Demolition of existing garages, relocation of existing sub-station within the site, and redevelopment to provide 8no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated infrastructure and landscaping)
Land Rear Of 5-17 New Square Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 1EY
Created by Joseph Tucker // 1 thread
A friend recently smashed her shoulder by cycling into the car trap which awaits anyone who misses the "Except guided buses" sign and then misses the "Car trap" sign, while heading from North Station towards Milton Rd.
In the dark, this is actually an easy mistake for an inexperienced rider, since
a) you believe that you're on a road when actually you're on a piece of Guided Busway
b) these signs can appear to belong to the cycle path, where they are mounted.
Someone appears to have dumped large rocks and rubble into the pot holes in Daws lane. This might make the area more passable to cars that use it to access the allotments but poses a severe danger to cyclist given the size of the rocks, and that the area is poorly lit and frequently flooded.
I tried reporting the issue to the council but received the response:
The issue you raised with us is the responsibility of the landowner. Unfortunately we do not have records of who is responsible for this location and we are therefore unable to take any action.
Created by David Green // 2 threads
I run 1-day Wheel Building Courses in Cambridge
These are well-established intensive 1-day practical courses offered at 'level 1 (beginner) and level 2* (refresher/intermediate) level.
You learn how to build strong and durable bicycle wheels in a controlled, supportive environment. Group size is kept small to ensure a high student-teacher ratio. All equipment is provided, but you can bring your own components to build if you want to.
For fully information, dates and booking details please visit https://www.cambridgewheelbuilding.co.uk/
* dependent on demand.
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Application reference & documents: 21/04952/FUL
Erection of new 2nd floor to provide two new dwelling units with balconies.
208 - 208A Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge CB1 7AW
Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread
Change of use from residential (C3) to 6bed HMO for 6 persons (sui generis).
5 Britten Place Cambridge CB1 3TS
Application reference : 21/04935/FUL
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread
A Camcycle member is looking at starting a local campaign group with the aim of getting a cycleway to connect the villages of Horningsea and Waterbeach along the B1047.
Please share your ideas and advice for the route here.
Created by Jamie // 1 thread
At the moment it is possible to cycle from Cambridge Road, near Madingley, to Girton, on a bridleway that crosses over the A428 and then passes under the M11 at the Girton Interchange. You can then cross three roads (A1307) and reach a pavement on the North-East side of the Interchange. Using the pavement you can then reach Washpit Lane and cycle up towards Girton. (The pavement is marked as a shared-use route on the OSM Cycle map, although I am not sure that it really is.)
Apart from having to be careful when crossing the A1307 junction it is a rather pleasant route to ride.
The Girton Interchange is being "improved" to reduce the bottleneck for cars. Does anyone know what plans there are to ensure that the current route through remains open and whether there are plans to improve the bridleway route through? Or will this be another example of roads being developed to the detriment of footpaths/bridleways.
Created by Richard Jennings // 2 threads
Because of queuing for the Grand Arcade car park, amongst other things, the mandatory cycle lane on Pembroke Street and Downing Street is routinely abused by motor vehicles – one every 66 seconds on a Saturday afternoon http://www.cyclestreets.net/galleries/221/.
The corner at Free School Lane is a particular concern because vehicles traveling east can't see oncoming cycles.
Created by Colin Bell // 1 thread
Has there been any improvement in the "new" NCN 11 route from Waterbeach to Lode since last summer? Last time I went that way I had to wheel the bike across fields and carry it over two or three stiles.
Any information, including a forecast date when a proper route is likely to be built, welcome. Thanks.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
There's a very poor dogleg right-angle with barriers at the entrance/exit from the West Cambridge site to Clerk Maxwell Road.
This should be turned into a wide splay with good visibility.
Sam // 1 thread
The bollards at the bottom of Herbert St haven't been replaced after the electricity cable was laid last week.
Rather than directly replacing the bollard slalom that existed beforehand, the bollard specialists might have suggestions on what the layout should be here which camcycle can suggest as for the replacement...
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 12 threads
Project Orange is an attempt develop our general strategy during the year 2013.
It involves
1) Should Cambridge Go Dutch (or Copenhagenize)
2) A more assertive stance in our interactions with agencies: Demanding of them to make feasible what seems infeasible
3) focus on a regional area 10 miles (15 km) around Cambridge and a dartboard network structure to connect villages,
4) the development of a Bicycle Infrastructure Assessment Tool (BIAC) which will allow us to grade and praise provision
5) Priority over sideroads as part of a Dutch-style approach
5) Development of Visualisation Tools for major projects (Chisholm Trail, Newnham to Newmarket Rd, Mitcham's Corner)
Martin Lucas-Smith // 4 threads
London Cycling Campaign has reorientated its policy towards a 'Go Dutch' approach.
This aims to learn from best practice abroad rather than continuing with the 'hierarchy of provision' that, in 20 years in the UK, has arguably failed to deliver meaningful change.
This is an overarching issue for conceptual discussion of this issue.
Created by David Earl // 4 threads
There are some evil short grey posts on the busway cycleway that are really hard to see in the dark. I have heard of a number of people hitting them with disastrous consequences
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 3 threads
Travis Perkins Development has major impact on Chisholm Trail.
We have a letter from the developer outlining their position - let's see if I can attach this...
There is a lengthy discussion of the Chisholm Trail, the gist of which is that they don't see why they should make any further accommodation for it when it is mainly Network Rail's land that is earmarked for the route. They dangle a small carrot in that they might release the corner piece of land to mitigate the pinch point you identified - but only if this application is given the go-ahead.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
A DfT consultation to see whether speed limits on single carriageways should be introduced for HGV's. This will clearly have implications for cycle safety.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 1 thread
Rather than providing adequate cycle parking for their pupils this Sixth Form college is discouraging cycling and increasing the likelihood of cycle theft. The bikes that were previously attached to these railings are now left on the opposite side of the road where they are not so securely parked. See http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/27865/ #27865 or #27866
Although some cycle parking does seem to have been provided: http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/28093/ #28093, #28092 it is clearly not enough
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
The installation of one stand in the boundary of M&S facing Market Hill Square.
What general measures (publicity, fairs, web activity, leaflets, brochures, campaign manifestos) can we undertake to promote cycling in Cambridge in the most general sense?
This issue is a discussion area for proposals and discussion on creating general-purpose material and the approach that can be taken to promote cycling, and the difficult question of how this is balanced against difficulties that cyclists face in practice.
This issue is not for discussion of specific problematic infrastructure or helmet issues, or anything like that.
Various issues in Cambridge regarding bus driving and cyclist interactions. Work needs to be done to deal with this.
(This is actually a city-wide issue, but I've marked this as the bus station for now.)
Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread
Planning application here. Access issues need checking.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 2 threads
Access to and return journey from the Crematorium is a real challenge for the cyclist. Indeed, chances are you may end up in it if you try to ride your bike there.
Here we have a essential public service which is accessible by car only. Is this acceptable ?
These issues arise also if a convoy of bicycles was to accompany a coffin.
What is to be done?
Aims of a bike harvest:
- Reduce bike ‘litter’
- Improve the number of available bike parking spaces
- Recycle bikes and provide affordable bikes (with lights) for new students
- Employ disadvantaged people
This junction has often been suggested a prime site where a continental-style 'all green phase' signalling scheme could be tried.
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
County Council press release: http://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/CMSWebsite/Apps/News/Details.aspx?ref=1154
Created by Clare Gibbons // 0 threads
I propose the creation of bike/bus scheme: a bus service for Sundays and Bank holidays leaving Cambridge Rail Station, heading out through Barton Road and linking Burwash Manor, Wimpole Hall, Gamlingay Woods, Great Gransden Woods etc in a circular route. Short cycle routes to be developed around villages along the route. Cyclists can choose the length of journey they want to make and be assured of a ride home by bus if they do not wish to cycle back to Cambridge...
A 24 cycle bike-trailer can be towed behind a 20 seater bus, providing sustainable tourism access to South Cambridgeshire and passenger transport services for settlements that do not currently have Sunday services. Please respond and state whether you would be interested in such a service.
Created by cobweb // 0 threads
Permission given for 286 homes. Concern was raised in 2010 about the positioning of the 715 cycle parking spaces.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 17 threads
Many issues here about cycle parking - not only the station itself but the CB1 area
Created by David Earl // 1 thread
It is intimidating to use this roundabout because of the high shrubbery in the middle. It is supposed to slow traffic down but my subjective feeling is that it doesn't
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
Is it legal or not to ride on either Christ's Lane or Milton's Walk ?