This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
20/01979/PRI03M - change of use, new dwelling
Prior approval for a change of use from Class A1 to Class C3 to become a dwelling. | 153 High Street Chesterton Cambridge CB4 1NL
20/01501/PRI0 30 - change of use - 68 new dwellings, Huntingdon Rd
Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to create 68 dwellings. | National Institute Of Agricultural Botany Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0LE
20/01426/FUL - 87 2 bed apartments, assisted-living, Maris Lane
Construction of 87 2bedroomed apartments, flanking a new public park to the south of Anstey Hall in order to provide assisted-living accommodation for people over 65. The Listed house will be adapted to serve as the central facilities for the retirement community. | Anstey Hall Maris Lane Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 9LG
20/01368/FUL - Two 2bed dwellings, Trefoil Terrace, Budleigh Close
Erection of 2no 2bed semi-detached dwellings with associated external works and drainage, with access via existing parking area at Trefoil Terrace. | Trefoil Terrace Budleigh Close Cambridge CB1 3BJ
20/01318/FUL - Three 3bed houses, Coldhams Lane
Demolition of existing single storey bungalow and erection of a terrace of 3no. 3bedroom houses along with new parking arrangements and associated works. | 248 Coldhams Lane Cambridge CB1 3HN
20/01101/FUL - Two dwellings, Marshall Rd
Subdivision of 1 Marshall Road, Cambridge to form two dwellings | 1 Marshall Road Cambridge CB1 7TY
20/01329/FUL - 9 person HMO, Mill Road
Change of use from staff accommodation to Large HMO (9 person). | Flat 111 - 113 Mill Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 2AZ
20/01847/PRI03O - 2 bed house plus study units, Newnham Rd
Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to create 1no 2bedroom plus study unit. | 32 Newnham Road Cambridge CB3 9EY
20/01273/FUL - new 1 bed dwelling at 95 Cherry Hinton Rd
Erection of new one bedroom dwelling on land to the rear of 95 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7BS
20/01355/FUL - demolition & construction of 9 dwellings, Newmarket Rd
Application for demolition of existing and construction of 9 dwellings and associated external works.
P4 of Design and Access Statement states: 'Covered & secure cycle spaces are illustrated on the drawing and under current standard guidelines for new residences. They are generally near the entrances to each flat or available for visitors.'
However, 'Sheffield hoop under stair' is only indication I can see on site plan, so looks as though they are light on detail here and difficult to see if sufficient provision will be made for cycles.
Documents here:
Coldhams Lane Roundabout
What can be done to make the Coldhams Lane roundabout safer for all road users?
20/02072/PRI03O: Prior Approval notification. Change use offices to 33 dwellings
Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to create 2 studio apartments and 31 x 1bed units.
509 Coldhams Lane Cambridge CB1 3JS
Application reference : 20/02072/PRI03O
Abolition of Cambridge Joint Area and Joint Development Control Committees
Constitution and Ethics Committee
Date/Time: 22 Apr 2020 - 14:00 to 16:00
Virtual Meeting
The County Council's Constitution and Ethics Committee is asked to recommend the changes to the County Council Constitution, as set out in the report, to full Council:
i) the abolition of the Economy and Environment and Highways and Infrastructure Committees;
ii) the introduction of the Environment and Sustainability and Highways and Transport Committees;
iii) revisions to the terms of reference of the General Purposes, Adults, Children and Young People, Commercial and Investment, Communities and Partnership and Health Committees;
iv) the abolition of the Cambridge Joint Area Committee by the end of July 2020 following the discussions set out in paragraph 3.3 of this report;
v) the withdrawal from the Joint Development Control Committee for Cambridge Fringes by the end of July 2020 following the discussions set out in paragraph 4.4 of this report; and
vi) increase the membership of General Purposes Committee from fifteen to seventeen.
20/01972/OUT Netherhall Gardens / Farm - up to 200 dwellings
Outline application (all matters reserved except for means of Access) for the erection of up to 200 residential dwellings, with associated infrastructure works, including access (vehicular, pedestrian and cycle), drainage, public open space and landscape.
Netherhall Farm Worts Causeway Cambridge CB1 8RJ
Application reference : 20/01972/OUT
Campaigning during the Coronavirus pandemic
Campaigning for cycling during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic. What temporary changes should we campaign for? What longer-term changes should we be pushing for now?
20/01293/FUL - 6 new 1 bed flats, Cherry Hinton Road
Proposed conversion and extension of an existing HMO with one self contained flat into 6 x 1 bedroom self contained flats.
20/01261/FUL - extension & construction of new dwelling, Leete Road
First floor rear extension and demolition of outbuildings to the rear & construction of new 1 person single storey dwelling.
Upgraded cycleway from Cambourne to Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
Hardwick is seen as a commuter village for Cambridge but currently there are no cycle paths at all within the village, other than a 2 mile long on-road advisory shared with 40 mph traffic. There is also no cycle path north-south through the village - just over a mile. This is a village of around 1250 homes currently being extended to around 1500 but with little attention being paid to cycling yet.
In the S.106 Agreement for West Cambourne construction (2350 homes), SCDC Planning Reference S/2903/14/OL, Cambridge County Council have included an upgraded Cycle and footpath from West Cambourne to Cambridge passing through Hardwick. This can be seen in the S.106 Agreement Schedule 13 and is shown as Fully Funded in the current Cambridge County Council Transport Investment Plan, Scheme number 123.
Before construction of this goes ahead, will there be consultation with villages and residents along the route and do we have any indication of when this might commence? I note there should be plans available but these plans should be readable, clarified and modified with input from the villages on the route including Hardwick.
In the original plan submitted it seems the cycle paths proposed pass directly in front of 150 or so businesses and residential properties accesses and driveways which would seem to be entirely inappropriate for serious cycle-to-work opportunities.
This route appears to be independent from the Cambridge County Council "Greenways" initiative which also did not engage with Hardwick either
Contraflow on Park Terrace
The section of Park Terrace behind the hotel is wide enough for a cycle contraflow.
Although people can cycle in front of the pavilion, this is shared use and can be busy with pedestrians. It also means encountering traffic lights involving a wait unnecessarily.
Given that there is space, there seems no good reason not to provide a contraflow - in line with the principle that two-way cycling should be possible unless there is no space to do so.
20/01640/REM 286 No. dwellings, Cambourne
Approval of matters reserved for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission S/2903/14/OL for 286 No. dwellings including affordable housing, associated hard and soft landscaping and all ancillary works.
Parcels 1.3B, 1.3C, 1.3E, 1.4A And 1.4B Sheepfold Lane Cambourne Cambs CB23 6EA
Application reference : 20/01640/REM
Allowing motorcycles in bus lanes
The County Council would like to know our opinion on allowing motorcycles to use bus lanes.
Motorcycling has become increasingly popular as it is a cheaper alternative than travelling by car, it provides independence and mobility and reduces journey times and emissions on congested roads.
As part of the climate change strategy action plan, the County Council at its meeting on 19th December 2019, agreed to consult on the use of bus lanes for motorcycles and scooters, collectively referred to as powered-two-wheelers.
Over 30 UK towns and cities permit motorcycles in bus lanes since the original trials in London back in 2009 and 2011 demonstrated reduced journey times and environmental benefits with no significant safety issues for motorcyclists or other vulnerable road users.
We would therefore welcome your views on whether you support the use of bus lanes by powered-two-wheelers, these together with any additional comments should be sent in writing to the undersigned or by email to by 10th April 2020 quoting reference PTWBus.
The feedback we receive will help us understand the level of support for the scheme.
Coldham's Lane/New St/Retail Park
Hard to exit from New St onto Coldham's Lane. Difficult to negotiate the retail park roundabout.
Newmarket Road/Elizabeth Way roundabout
This is a large roundabout, with a unsatisfactory underpass, that is in need of a total reconfiguration, ideally involving its removal.
Bridge Street
The pavement here is narrow. Is there a way of improving the environment for walking and cycling at the same time?
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Babraham P&R to Addenbrookes cycleway
Out of the A1307 Linton Greenway consultation has come a plan for the section between Addenbrooke's roundabout and the Babraham P&R, which the county/GCP are keen to move forward. There was an initial invite-only consultation event on Thur 31st Jan for local residents/residents associations to comment.
Spicer's Site Sawston (Formerly CDC Building)
Huawei plans to develop R & D superhub at the 550-acre Spicer's Site in Sawston.
Cherry Hinton Road improvements
The County Council have a consultation running on "improvements along Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge, to make it safer and more attractive for walking and cycling" between Hills road and Perne Road.
The consultation runs until Tuesday 18 June. There are two consultation events at Rock Road Library, 69 Rock Road, Cambridge on Tuesday 21 May and Tuesday 21 May.
Coldhams Lane
The road is unloved, has very few trees, has a lot of traffic, moving fast or jammed. Air quality is poor. Cyclists cycle along the pavement very fast which is dangerous for pedestrians. The cycle lanes on the road are not safe. It is difficult for cyclists to cross the road since there are not enough crossings. A lot of people park near Coldhams Common on Saturdays. Many people have created driveways to avoid people parking in front of their houses in the parking bays. Crossing the little roads (Brampton, Vinery Road, Vinery Way) is difficult because the cars block the path as they wait to get onto Coldhams Lane and greenery prevents pedestrians from going behind those cars.
Dangerous Snakey Path trail
I am cycling on the snakey trail every day, and there is a high risk that somebody falls into the Cherry Hinton Brook one day. The path and bridge is really too narrow and many people are taking it both ways.
Trumpington busway - campaign for improvements
As described in the winter 2019 Camcycle magazine there is a group working on getting some improvements to the Trumpington busway. The magazine concentrates on the northern end of the busway but we are also seeking upgrades to the Addenbrookes spur junction and the crossing at Hobson Avenue/Lime Avenue as well as adding pedestrian footpath from the Hills Road Bridge all the way to Drury Avenue.
The group would like to start getting this out to users of the path for input, discussion and help with campaigning. Many Biomedical Campus commuters presumably use this path frequently, even daily. It would be great to get some input.
New barrier on Addenbrookes busway bridge
A new set of barriers has appeared on the hospital side of the usway bridge at Addenbrookes.
Creates the usual set of problems for cargo bikes and less confident bike users, with the added bonus of being on a steep hill that ices up regularly, and right next to a busway with a record of squishing people who fall onto it. -
E-scooters and micromobility
The government has announced it will hold a consultation on the introduction of the battery-powered scooters to British roads.
What are the implications for people cycling, walking and scooting?
What is Camcycle's position/policy about e-scooters?
Fitzroy Lane has no pavement
Fitzroy Lane is a major walking route to the Grafton Centre, but bizarrely has no pavement.
One of the two parking queuing lanes should be removed, and pavements added on at least the east side of the street, if not both sides.
Hostile driving on Red Cross Lane
"Daily parking wars make Red Cross Lane dangerous"
Need to improve this area for cycling and walking.
Red Cross Lane and Greenlands are marked for 20mph and they're very narrow streets barely two cars wide.
Huntingdon Road: Girton Corner area improvements needed
The A14 project is bringing a cycleway into the city as far as the University farm. Previous County projects have created a decent inbound cycleway from Laurence Weaver Road and an almost OK painted lane outbound to here. There's a section of cycleway from Girton Corner to Eddington Avenue, and at Girton Corner there's a connection to The Ridgeway along Bunker's Hill. There are Cycleways intercepting Huntingdon Road at Whitehouse Lane, both into Eddington and into Darwin Green.
But oh dear. Laurence Weaver Road junction is awful. Eddington Avenue junction is awful, and there's a very narrow and much over-run cycle lane to the north of it. Girton Corner junction is poor and serves poorly those who want to go from Girton village and College to the Ridgeway.
The section of road needs a holistic approach that incorporates the route along and the routes crossing in a coherent manner. -
insufficient visibility due to solid building site boundary
The site for the new building between in the triangle between the cycle path the busway, and non-busway road has a solid hoarding around it. To help visibility, the solid hoardings have been removed for 3 panels on the cycle path side, and only 2 on the road side, so traffic has greater visibility of cyclists that cyclists have of motor vehicles - so vehicles assume there is nothing coming and slow down less than they should.
To increase visibility on the corner, the third solid panel should be replaced with the mesh fencing, as has already been done for the first two on the other side.
Mere Way ( ancient path )
This ancient right of way is used by cyclists ,horse riders and walkers and is becoming un approachable with no drop kerbs and
with new roads being built that ignore the existence of this route and lack of clear signage , we are in danger of losing this
important route .
S/3018/15/COND5 Northstowe Phase 1 cycle routes details
Surfacing includes gravel and grit.
Cycle chicanes shown on diagrams.
20/04969/FUL: Extensions and alterations to Babbage House, CB3 0AT
20/04969/FUL: Three storey front and rear extensions, alterations to the office building, replacement cycle store, new plant compound and installation of EV charging points.
Babbage House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AT
CBC Wayfinding Survey
Cambridge Biomedical Campus (CBC) is currently in the process of developing a new wayfinding system for the communal, external spaces within the campus. This system will include new maps and signage to improve navigation in public spaces for staff, patients and visitors to the site and help to reduce stress when visiting the campus. In order to fully understand how the campus is currently used and the key issues, we would like to gain your invaluable input.
Note that the new wayfinding system will be focussing on the public space rather than the internal space of individual buildings, please limit your feedback to your experience of finding your way through the external public space on campus. Thank you in advance. -
Cambridge Children's Hospital
A children's hospital is planned for the Biomedical Campus (Addenbrookes) and is planned to open in 2025.
Removing exclusionary barriers across Cambridgeshire
Camcycle's time and energy is consistently taken up removing exclusionary barriers (e.g. Biomedical Campus, A14 active travel bridges, Warren Road). We need to consider long-term ways to prevent new barriers going in and remove existing ones which prevent people of all ages and abilities cycling.
Long wait to cross Busway / Station Road, Histon
Pedestrians and cyclists at the toucan crossing where the busway meets Station Road, Histon have to wait a long time for the lights to change even if there is zero bus or road traffic.
This seems inconsistent with Highway Code rule H1 about the hierarchy of road users. Pedestrians should have priority over non-existent buses!
Unlit post hazard
Where the path splits there is a marker post that is completely invisible at night. It should be fitted with reflective material or removed.
Downing College now banning cycling through their grounds
Downing College are cracking down further on people cycling through the area. Gate now moved and is locked.
Abuse for not using cyclepath
People cycling being abused by drivers for not using cyclepaths, even where they are sub-standard or useless.
Poor road quality on Newmarket Road
It has an uneven degraded surface in the cycle lanes from the Elizabeth Way roundabout until the bridge.
Visibility at Perne Road / Cherry Hinton Road junction
It is intimidating to use this roundabout because of the high shrubbery in the middle. It is supposed to slow traffic down but my subjective feeling is that it doesn't
A14 Histon Interchange is Hostile to Bikes
The A14 Histon Interchange is hostile to bikes as their is no way to safely cross the entrance slip roads onto the A14.