23/02127/FUL Eighth floor proposed for Mayflower House
They propose to add an eighth floor to Mayflower House, and to increase the cycle parking.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
sound+fury // 1 thread
They propose to add an eighth floor to Mayflower House, and to increase the cycle parking.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Change of use of the first floor only at 13-14 Burleigh Street, Cambridge from use falling within Class E (commercial, business and service) to two flats comprising one 1xbed unit and one Studio unit (Class C3 (dwellinghouse)).
13 - 14 Burleigh Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 1DG
Application reference : 23/01966/PRIOR
sound+fury // 1 thread
Created by cpax // 1 thread
Post removed , increased usage by cars .
Created by Robert Watson // 1 thread
Turning from Hills Road onto Glisson Road going east, there’s a “cycles only” lane on the left-hand side, with a concrete separate from traffic in the other direction. The camber is extremely steep in the cycle gap, and risks our cargo trike overturning. The barrier is well meant, but ultimately the steep camber means we have to enter on the wrong side of the barrier, which is less rather than more safe than not having a battier at all.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Created by Nick Flynn // 1 thread
There are plans to redevelop the Westbrook Centre to a life sciences campus.
There is a "listening event" today Wednesday 17th May 3pm at St Luke's Church, Victoria Road.
Created by KW // 1 thread
Eight flats, six car parking spaces, eight bike parking spaces. Access from Cherry Hinton Road, within the queue region for the 'Robin Hood' junction, across the existing shared-use path.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Change of use of first, second and third floors from office (Class E) to student accommodation (Class C2) comprising 8 student rooms and ancillary facilities. External works comprising the installation of an external staircase and entrance, PV panels to the roof and an Air Source Heat Pump at ground floor level. Installation of two openings into the listed wall for means of access and daylight to the rear.
First Floor And Second Floor And Third Floor 98 Regent Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1DP
Application reference : 23/01701/FUL
Created by Ruth Corns // 1 thread
I noticed that on the plans for the ongoing Milton Road development, the plan for a new double split cycle/pedestrian crossing across Milton Road near Chesterton Hall Crescent/Ascham Road has the cycle crossing on the East side and the pedestrian crossing on the West side. The problem with this is it is the opposite way round from the way cyclists/pedestrians approach the crossing from Chesterton Hall Crescent (cyclists on the West, pedestrians on the East). In the mornings, this crossing is extremely busy with pedestrians and cyclists travelling from South to North (to reach Milton Road primary school and Chesterton Community College), and at the north side of the crossing, cyclists need to be on the West side to travel up Ascham Road and the pedestrians tend to walk on the east pavement. The new crossing plan would mean cyclists having to cross the flow of pedestrians on both sides of Milton Road. This would lead to queues of bikes on the crossing (in the road) and seems quite dangerous. I think it would create a natural flow if the crossings were switched to have the cycle crossing on the west (and this is how cyclists and pedestrians naturally organise themselves on the current toucan crossing)? I've included a photo where I've drawn arrows showing the cyclist/pedestrian flow lines in the current plan and if the crossings were switched. It hasn't been built yet so I wondered if there is a way to suggest this to GCP and do you think a change would be considered at this stage?
Created by cpax // 1 thread
Hi ! , I am writing to you to voice my concerns that the Bridleway ( Mile Road ) between the Roman Road and the A 1307 is
under threat .
As a regular user of this route ( cycle ) I first noticed that the finger post on the A 1307 had been removed some weeks ago
and on passing that way today found mounds of earth had been pushed up to the large gate making it almost impossible to
pass through . This route is heavily used by people wanting to go from Fulbourn to Babraham or just for walking . It is a well
defined route on all the maps / cycling Apps . I am incredulous that this threat to this route can so easily be blocked .
Created by Anna Williams – Head of Campaigns & Engagement // 4 threads
It is important that we engage with the candidates at each election, scrutinise their views, and press for commitments to active travel and sustainable transport.
Hybrid Planning Application at Land South of Coldhams Lane comprising: Full Application for 'Parcel A' Building 1 (Use Classes E(g)(i) (Offices), E(g)(ii) (Research and Development)) and the Hub Building (sui generis) with associated car and cycle parking, Outline Application for the remainder of 'Parcel A' for E(g) uses including office, research and development, car and cycle parking, landscaping, infrastructure and associated works, with all other matters reserved except for access, Full Application for ecological enhancements to 'Parcel B', Full Application for landscape improvements and access to 'Parcel C'.
Land South Of Coldhams Lane Cambridge Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/01683/SCOP
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
Temporary fencing, for no apparent purpose, that then becomes a hazard as it falls over or degrades.
Created by Jonny Camp // 1 thread
How can we tell whether a bicycling environment is good or bad? How many times have you been cycling along a piece of existing infrastructure only to find the word 'end' written on the pavement and yourself forced back onto the road into traffic?
With this in mind, I am undertaking a piece of research as part of my masters dissertation at Queens College, University of Cambridge. I am gathering primary data of existing users of the current cycling network across Cambridge. From this data I will be able to assess the coherence and directness of the existing cycle network and identify potential 'bottlenecks' and issues from the point of view of the users.
Created by Martin Wheatley // 1 thread
Because of a combination of subsidence and grass tussocks growing through the path, my wife's e-trike tipped over on the Greenway path between Lode and Longmeadow this afternoon. Fortunately she is only bruised and shaken but it could clearly have been a lot worse. I have reported it to Cambs Highways as an emergency.
Unless and until it is repaired, I would advise extreme caution on this section of the Greenway or use the Bottisham Greenway, Tunbridge Lane, Park End and Swaffham Bulbeck High Street instead. The on-road sections of the latter are usually pretty quiet.
sound+fury // 1 thread
The area covered includes the cycle route to Church Road. It may also be useful to look at the cycle parking.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
Downing College are proposing to extend and rework the old 'Pizza hut building' on the corner of Parker's Piece.
I can't see any obvious issues other than making sure that sufficient cycle parking is created. I think they are intending to put this within the main college grounds themselves, over the road, which probably makes most sense.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
Change of us from Class E to a composite restaurant (Class E) and takeaway use together with external changes
56 St Andrews Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 3DA
Application reference : 23/00795/FUL.
The plans indicate that the existing heavily-used cycle parking will, at least in part, be removed.
sound+fury // 1 thread
Not much information yet, but Hills Road Sixth Form College are hoping to create a second base to the north/east.
Plaza adjacent to proposed primary school on key phase 1
Waterbeach Barracks Key Phase 1 Primary School Plaza Denny End Road Waterbeach Cambridgeshire CB25 9PA
South Cambridgeshire
Application reference : 23/00872/REM
I haven't spotted whatever it is that is supposed to provide "access for picking up and dropping off pupils". There seems to be a 5-Sheffield toastrack ("exact product TBC") on what looks like the 'drive' (next to 'He' which means heritage surface coarse asphalt). I do not see anything that would encourage use of Bakfiets etc.
I have noticed that especially since the congestion charge there has been a lot of aggression towards Camcycle in social media comments. Notably on Facebook, Nextdoor, etc. I am aware that angry aggressive people have always been on the internet but I do feel the level has increased since congestion charge notoriety, with many people's opinions degenerating into conspiracy theories about Camcycle and the council.
I do worry about the effect this can have on increasing "us vs them" mentality and increasing aggressive behaviour towards cyclists on the road.
sound+fury // 1 thread
We might need to look at the road layout proposed here.
Created by Richard Holton // 0 threads
Works on the Greenway on east side of the Horningsea Road. No provision for cyclists to pass safely. Only option is to cross at previous pedestrian crossings, though there is no signage to indicate this.
Created by Gabriel // 1 thread
The County Council is proposing some of those cheap and nasty speed cushions at Birdwood Rd. Link: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/travel-roads-and-parking/roads-and-pathways/traffic-regulation-orders/permanent-traffic-regulation-orders#proposed-tro--reference-number-pr--------proposed-speed-cushions-in-birdwood-road--cambridge--9-0
Closing date for comment is 17 March 2023. Email to: policyandregulation@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Created by Robin Heydon // 3 threads
There is a need for a link between the A14 Histon interchange with Ring Fort Path in Orchard Park.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 17 threads
Many issues here about cycle parking - not only the station itself but the CB1 area
Aims of a bike harvest:
- Reduce bike ‘litter’
- Improve the number of available bike parking spaces
- Recycle bikes and provide affordable bikes (with lights) for new students
- Employ disadvantaged people
Various issues in Cambridge regarding bus driving and cyclist interactions. Work needs to be done to deal with this.
(This is actually a city-wide issue, but I've marked this as the bus station for now.)
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 1 thread
Rather than providing adequate cycle parking for their pupils this Sixth Form college is discouraging cycling and increasing the likelihood of cycle theft. The bikes that were previously attached to these railings are now left on the opposite side of the road where they are not so securely parked. See http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/27865/ #27865 or #27866
Although some cycle parking does seem to have been provided: http://cambridge.cyclestreets.net/location/28093/ #28093, #28092 it is clearly not enough
Created by Simon Nuttall // 1 thread
We'll hold a stall at this event, sign up for slots!
Energise Cambridge is an exciting campaign to get Cambridge students engaged
on climate change and persuade the university to change their energy supply
to renewable options. We are holding a massive rally on Parker's Piece on
February 10th at 12pm to show student support for the issues we are raising
and to generate publicity.
Find out more at http://www.energisecambridge.org/
Sign up at: http://www.doodle.com/w5qca6zspa29rvi7
Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads
Talk by local historian about cycling in Cambridge
Created by Jim Chisholm // 2 threads
Currently there are 'No cycling' notices despite this being a major cycle route.
Although it is unlikely that major works can be done to the bridge, changes on the approaches could reduce the conflicts, by improving 'intervisibility' between the different users.
A meeting between various parties (Councillors, County bridge engineer, cycling officers, and cycling campaign is proposed.
Created by David Earl // 2 threads
11 flats replacing existing building
Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads
Improvements and changes to Perne Road - making this as cycle-friendly as possible.
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
I've just sent a sharp email to the Council. It reads as below. If the council can't do joined up information on their own websites, how do they expect people to make these modal shifts in transport that they are so keen on?
"Dear Parking services,
I've just done a google search on this.
first item says "multi-story car park with cycle parking and pushchairs
for loan".
However, when you then go to the Park St car park page, it says nothing
about either cycle parking being available, nor about the pushchair loan
scheme. How about a link to
on the website, so we don't have to do a separate search, so that when
people go to the Park St website, they can get all of its features? They
may even then decide to cycle into town rather than drive.
I was looking for this information as I was just emailing a friend who
lives in Chesterton and has a nine month old child, who I wasn't sure
would be aware of this scheme, which she may find useful. However, if we
have to spend five minutes doing exactly the correct google searches, it
counts as a "secret facility" apart from those in the know.
I wasn't aware, for example, that you could also get pushchairs at the
Grand Arcade one. This information needs better dissemination, and
linking from within the car park and other public transport pages, so
that people can make a properly informed decision about their transport
choices when visiting the city. This, surely, is the way to get modal
shifts in people's transport choices?"
Created by cobweb // 0 threads
Permission given for 286 homes. Concern was raised in 2010 about the positioning of the 715 cycle parking spaces.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 2 threads
Access to and return journey from the Crematorium is a real challenge for the cyclist. Indeed, chances are you may end up in it if you try to ride your bike there.
Here we have a essential public service which is accessible by car only. Is this acceptable ?
These issues arise also if a convoy of bicycles was to accompany a coffin.
What is to be done?
Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread
Planning application here. Access issues need checking.
What general measures (publicity, fairs, web activity, leaflets, brochures, campaign manifestos) can we undertake to promote cycling in Cambridge in the most general sense?
This issue is a discussion area for proposals and discussion on creating general-purpose material and the approach that can be taken to promote cycling, and the difficult question of how this is balanced against difficulties that cyclists face in practice.
This issue is not for discussion of specific problematic infrastructure or helmet issues, or anything like that.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
The installation of one stand in the boundary of M&S facing Market Hill Square.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
A DfT consultation to see whether speed limits on single carriageways should be introduced for HGV's. This will clearly have implications for cycle safety.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 3 threads
Travis Perkins Development has major impact on Chisholm Trail.
We have a letter from the developer outlining their position - let's see if I can attach this...
There is a lengthy discussion of the Chisholm Trail, the gist of which is that they don't see why they should make any further accommodation for it when it is mainly Network Rail's land that is earmarked for the route. They dangle a small carrot in that they might release the corner piece of land to mitigate the pinch point you identified - but only if this application is given the go-ahead.
Created by cobweb // 43 threads
"The Greater Cambridge City Deal was signed by Central Government, Council leaders, businesses and the University of Cambridge and aims to secure hundreds of millions of pounds for the areas of Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire.
The Greater Cambridge City Deal aims to ensure that the success of the area continues by investing in the transport infrastructure, housing and skills needed to see future economic growth.
The first £100m of funding will be made available for transport improvements in the five years from April 2015."
The busway cycleway is sometimes flooded in this section.
The County Council need to address this.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 6 threads
How can we support the growth of local initiatives ?
How can we overcome the division urban and rural cycling?
Would it be useful to establish a network of regional groups?
Could such a network become an interesting partner for the county planners?
Would politicians be able to hear us better if we speak from a position of regional awareness, a a group of groups?
Would it help the elected to understand that things are changing on our roads?
Could such a network support constituent groups, facilitate exchange between these groups, become a more important player in the national context?
Could such a network attract its own funding?
What would be a good name for such a grouping (NAMES ARE IMPORTANT)
We have CTC, Ely, A10 Corridor, Martin T thinking about something in Bury St Edmunds, "Routes around Chatteris", Wisbech forum (set up by the County), - anything else ?
Gallagher Estate, master planners of Orchard Park will soon hand over the highways for adoption by the County Council.
We won't be able to fix this car centric development, but within it there are many pavement cycleways, "cyclists dismount" signs, cul-de-sac signs and others which are wrong or don't apply. There are also issues with dropped kerbs etc.
I am looking for volunteers to audit Orchard Park, making a list of corrections we require before Gallaghers hands this project over.
Created by velocipedus@gmail.com // 9 threads
Outline of issues affecting Histon Rd between Gilbert Rd and Victoria Rd. This stretch is without bike lane. Car parking on one side only, from Victoria Rd to pedestrian access to Recreation Ground.
The fuller length to the north is also part of a City Deal scheme.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 3 threads
AstraZeneca have announced they will by 2016 move to the Biomedical Campus on the Addenbrooke's site. We need to engage with them.
Created by Robert Asher // 1 thread
Hello, I'm wondering how many other Cambridge cyclists have shared the experience I've had (about once per month now) regarding a particular elderly lady who insists that bikes are not allowed on the "footpath" adjacent to the Trumpington allotments, between Shelford Rd & the new busway in CB2. This path seems clearly demarcated as a shared pedestrian-cycle path on the cycle maps provided at the council link (below). However, it is not clearly labeled as such on the path itself, leading her to become quite angry with any cyclist who gets near her & her dog while they're out walking (and obstructing the path to underscore her point). "It's a footpath" she yells, and storms away.
So my questions are 1) am I correct in interpreting the council map (below) as permitting bikes on this path and 2) how might one go about requesting proper signage, clearly saying bikes & pedestrians are both welcome?
Thanks for any feedback, Robert