
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

  • Dangerous barrier on Fen Causeway pavement / cycle path.

    Created by olwen williams // 1 thread

    A cycleway runs along the pavement on the S side of Fen Causeway. There are various metal barriers, placed to prevent pedestrians coming off a footpath and going straight onto the road. 2-3 years ago, I collided with a barrier in the cycleway.because I was blinded by on-coming car headlights to my left. This barrier is uniquely dangerous because the oncoming cars are mounting the bridge over the river. In addition, oncoming cyclists on the right may both add to the difficulty in seeing the barrier and also narrow the cycleway. In rush hour, the barrier is obscured and invisible for about 25% of the time.
    I am aware of one other person who has run into the barrier, but I suspect there must be more. If you have done so, please get in touch! I have so far been unsuccessful in persuading the council that this barrier must be removed.

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  • Planning application : 17/0101/FUL Five self-contained studios cycle parking

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of five self-contained studios and associated works.

    150 Catharine Street Cambridge CB1 3AR


    Application reference : 17/0101/FUL

    Cycle parking will be covered Sheffield stands providing parking "for at least 5 cycles". (See Design and Access Statement)

    While this may meet the Council guidelines, it is insufficient for this location especially if there may be 2 people living in some of the studios or if they will have visitors.

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  • The need for segregated route to Cambridge Train Station

    Created by Guy Hill // 1 thread

    If it is not bad enough in a cycle city that the Great Northern Road, the new road to Cambridge's main train station and cycle parking, does not have a segregated and safe cycle paths, the new development is now being proposed which will prevent a segregated cycleway from access to the Station a Devonshire road.

    Does anyone agree that there should be a segregated cycle access to the country's largest cycle park?

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  • Consultation: proposed designation of South Newnham neighbourhood area and forum

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The CIty COuncil have received an application for the designation of a neighbourhood area and a neighbourhood forum, in accordance with the Neighbouring Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended).

    The area is named as South Newnham (Cambridge City) and the forum is named as South Newnham (Cambridge City) Area Forum.

    In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, the Council are inviting comments on the proposed designations through a six-week public consultation until 5pm on Monday 6 March 2017 More info:

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  • Bollards briefing

    Created by Monica Frisch // 0 threads

    There are quote a lot of bollards of different types on cycle routes in Cambridge. Many may be unnecessary, some could be improved, for example by being made more visible. This is a proposal to develop a position paper on the need for bollards on cycle routes and which types are most suitable.

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  • Coleridge Road

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    Perhaps this will be less of an issue when the Chisholm Trail is built? But I'm sure there are plenty of cycle users of this road for whom the Chisholm Trail will not be an appropriate alternative route, mostly people going shorter distances than I'm going or needing to do short stretches of it and not heading for Addenbrooke's.

    Owing to various pathworks on Stourbridge and Midsummer Commons, I've been taking a different route from Milton to Addenbrooke's, going through Romsey and down Coleridge Road the last couple of weeks. It's horrible. Parked cars in random places make it fairly unpleasant as you have to weave in and out with cars which aren't exactly adhering to the 20mph speed limit going past you.

    I know this is a pipe dream, but wouldn't it be nice if Coleridge Road was given the Gilbert Road treatment.

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  • Horningsea to Waterbeach

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    A Camcycle member is looking at starting a local campaign group with the aim of getting a cycleway to connect the villages of Horningsea and Waterbeach along the B1047.

    Please share your ideas and advice for the route here.

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  • Great Northern Road dangerous junction

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    The Great Northern Road and Tenison Road junction is on a key route for access to the station and had high traffic volumes. It has been poorly designed for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. Within only month of the route opening ta pedestrian has been injured here.

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  • Make use of flashing front lights illegal again

    Created by Stephen Lawrence // 1 thread

    Some people are especially sensitive to lights, including flashing lights, and lights which point directly into their eyes. Both these two situations can result in migraines for the unfortunate observer.I am glad to read that German law mandates downward-focussed lights. We should do the same.

    Flashing lights used to be illegal (i.e. when incandescant lights were the norm) but the law was changed to specifically allow them. However, for the reason above, and also because judging the speed (and to some extent the position) of a bicycle is impossible when the light is flashing could actually make flashing lights less safe. Batteries have improved and LEDs are more efficient, and the battery life even on 'steady' mode is way more than in the 'days of yore' hat some of us knew.

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  • Naming names in the Cambridge area

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    At the Camcycle AGM 2016, Robin suggested we should try to get cycleways named as a means of recognising them officially, getting them on emergency service databases etc. I'm creating this issue to take this forward.

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  • Street Cycle Parking

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 4 threads

    Motion for Camcycle AGM 2016: Street Cycle Parking

    Providing secure places to park bicycles is a simple and effective way to encourage cycling by making people on bikes feel welcome. In some areas of Cambridge residents have got used to all the spare street space being allocated to the storage of motor vehicles and very little for bikes. The result has been badly parked bikes cluttering hallways, clinging to drainpipes and other street furniture. The experience on Thoday Street where some on-carriageway racks have been installed is a good example of how the problem can be addressed.

    Camcycle resolves to:
    1. Champion the replacement of on street car parking with cycle parking where it is clearly needed
    2. Identify streets where this should and can be achieved
    3. Work with local councillors to survey demand
    4. Where there is sufficient local support work with local councillors to prepare proposals for funding. For example, from the Local Highways Improvement fund.

    This motion was passed by 46 to one.

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  • Blue Moon pub ('The Moonshine Still') lack of cycle parking 16/2055/FUL

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    The Blue Moon, which I see is proposed to be renamed as 'The Moonshine Still' has no cycle parking nearby, which is a long-running problem.

    It is proposed to make some alterations to the building to move the entrance, as per the planning application below.

    We should put in an objection that the opportunity to add cycle parking is not being taken.

    New main entrance to pub from Norfolk Street. Existing entrance to be bricked up. New bollards on paved area to demarcate area for external tables and chairs.

    The Blue Moon 2 Norfolk Street Cambridge CB1 2LF


    Application reference : 16/2055/FUL

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  • 12/1608/FUL Station Area Redevelopment Land To The North Of Station Road

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    I was unable to find this issue in Cyclescape. While the deadline has passed I am posting here for our records as there are certainly implications for cycling. Hopefully, these were previously dealt with in other threads.

    Planning Application 12/1608/FUL

    Demolition of existing buildings (City Roomz Hotel and former railway offices) and construction of a new office building comprising:14,326 sq.m office floorspace (Class B1a) and 1,205 sq.m of retail/cafe and restaurant floor space (Class A1/A3/A4/A5), including ancillary accommodation / facilities with a single level basement (4,020 sq.m) to accommodate 92 car parking spaces, associated plant and 568 cycle parking spaces; roof level plant and hard and soft landscaping, including the final phase of the Station Road Open Space.

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  • Knocked off by taxi, Bridge street

    Richard G // 1 thread

    I was knocked off by a taxi who ignored the priority southbound traffic signs.
    Does anyone know how I can :
    A, review any CCTV footage from then
    B, take that to the Council taxi licence people?

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  • Replacement traffic lights in Shelford

    Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread

    The traffic lights in Gt Shelford (Freestones Corner) are being replaced.
    They've already done the DDA compliant paving and the cabling for the new lights is I believe done.
    There may be an opportunity for ASBs and approach lanes on at least one of the A1301 approaches. Often motor vehicles turn left across those on cycles with only some 50% of left turning traffic correctly indicating

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  • Planning application: 16/1884/FUL sports pavilion, access, cycle shelter

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Demolition of an existing sports pavilion, erection of a new sports pavilion, alterations to an existing car park and a vehicular access, a cycle shelter, new flood-lit artificial surfaced sports pitches and associated soft and hard landscaping.

    St Marys School Playing Field Long Road Cambridge CB2 8PX

    From the Design & Access Statement:

    9.4 Cycle Parking
    The Cambridge City County Local Plan 2006 Appendix D obligates schools to provide 50% of cycle spaces for children aged 5 to 12 and 75% for children over 12 years old. Under the same Local Plan, the college is obligated to provide cycle spaces for all students plus 1 for every 2 members of the staff.

    The proposed pavilion will provide a changing space for maximum 4 teams of 20 players plus 2 staff each, therefore we declare to provide cycle stands for a minimum of 84 bikes.

    Current site layout allows for 62 cycle spaces under roof canopy and 64 uncovered stands, therefore exceeds the minimum requirement defined in the Local Plan.

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  • Planning application : 16/2041/FUL New dwelling with cycle store

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Erection of dwelling following demolition of existing triple garage block. New vehicular access from highway to serve existing dwelling.

    4 Cavendish Avenue Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7US

    House includes a combined bin and cycle store for three cycles. The space indicated on the drawing does not appear big enough for both bins and cycles. I question whether providing for three cycles is enough considering there is room for at least two cars.

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  • 16/0215/FUL St John's Innovation Park - office research building + cycle store

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Redevelopment of St John's Innovation Centre.

    Not sure how this application was missed. But we should be aware of what is going on here. There are a few conditions pending consideration which may provide an opening to make comment if we determine the need.

    There is a lot of sheltered cycle parking of both two-tier and Sheffield stand variety in several locations around the site.

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