
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

  • Contractor's fencing part-blocking cycle path

    Created by Jon Warbrick // 1 thread

    Contractor's safety fencing for some of the work going on adjacent to Addenbrookes has been put up on the adjacent cycle path, presumably because it's easier to to that than put it up in the building site itself. Unfortunately this obstructs about a third of the path.

    Whoever did this obviously realised that this was problematic, since they have painted the path side of all the bases yellow. Unfortunately this doesn't help in the dark.

    I can't see any obvious contact details for the contractors, apart from 'Tamdown' on an attached 'Danger - Deep Excavation' sign. Anyone any idea how to get this addressed?

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  • Proper cycle provision on Cherry Hinton Road needed

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    Cherry Hinton Road is currently mainly typical 'blue sign on a pavement' provision, despite having the edge-to-edge width in places for proper cycle provision. A longer-term objective should be to upgrade this.

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  • Roadworks on the guided busway

    Created by Clare Causier // 1 thread

    This afternoon the guidedbusway was closed from Cambridge Regional College to Histon. There was a security guard in a car who provided information on the closure and diversion. However, there was no diversion signage for cyclists or pedestrians.

    When I returned home I checked cambridgeshire roadworks for further information but drew a blank.

    Is anyone aware if works on the busway is covered by any public notification system?

    Saturday afternoon is not a bad time for maintenance, but I imagine commuters would appreciate notice of works which affect their journeys.

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  • Temporary Traffic lights West site without cycle detection

    Created by Hester Wells // 0 threads

    Temporary traffic lights for building works between High Cross and Charles Babbage Road.

    I have received the following from our building facilities manager as these lights affect access to our building, and two others.

    "1. With effect from Monday 22 July there will be 3-way traffic lights positioned between the existing Charles Babbage Road and new CBR. This will last for 1 week. The lights will be installed on Friday ready for operation on Monday. These lights will have an operator to monitor traffic flow during peak periods (8.30am – 9.30am and 4.30pm to 5.30pm). Outside of these times the lights will operate on sensor detection for queued vehicles to avoid unnecessary queuing, and will automatically sequence between the roads when no traffic is present. Unfortunately the lights will not detect and activate for cyclists and cyclists will need to wait for the lights to operate on the normal sequenced rotation.

    2. Following the initial works and as work progresses along CBR, the traffic management will become 2 way light operation along the High Cross Access Road the CBR and this is expected to commence from Monday 29 July for a further 2 weeks.

    3. During the above the New CBR and Access Road to Schlumberger are being prepared and tarmacked – kerbs are being installed etc. Surfacing is to be complete by 12 August ready to opened for use by all to access via the New CBR after 12th August.

    4. Also after 12 August works will commence on finalising the junction at AVEVA/New Data Centre access and this will have 3 way traffic management and is expected to take 3 weeks.

    5. Finally the access road into site via High Cross will close from week commence 19 August and this will be for approximately 7 weeks. This closure will be fully diversion signed from Madingley Road and around the site with diversion management (sighs) taking us via JJ Thompson Road and round to AVEVA from there. However there will be a trial closure of the High Cross Road entrance on the Thursday/Friday 15th & 16th August prior to the work starting on 19th, just to ensure all the signage is correct and easily followed. "

    I am interpreting this as at least 6 weeks of temporary traffic lights which will not detect people on bikes.

    I suspect cycle detection was only mentioned because I had specifically asked this question when the issue of temporary traffic lights first came up.

    I have sent a message back to our facilities manager saying that I don't think this is acceptable as:
    1) Cycle usage is nearly as high has car usage here in summer
    2) I also see people using this as a through-route for Coton
    3) We are on a side road off a through-route for buses, so I suspect the lights on their normal sequence will not be at all favourable for a person on a bike trying to get out, as the normal sequence will not want to disrupt bus flow too much.
    4) I fear that the complete lack of provision will lead to some people breaking the rules, which could be dangerous.

    However, she is merely relaying these details to us and is not responsible for it. She can contact the site project managers about any issues, which I hope she will do.

    Any other ideas?

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  • North Cambridge 20mph consultation closes today

    Created by Ian Jackson // 0 threads



    The Cambridge City Council's consultation on 20mph speed limits in North Cambridge closes today.

    Here is the URL:
    If you haven't already done this survey, please do so.

    (I have said that I agree with all the proposals, and indeed that they don't go far enough.)

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  • Cyclists Dismount (Golden Hind Post Office)

    Created by Ian Jackson // 1 thread

    There are "Cyclists dismount and use footway" signs at some roadworks on Kings Hedges Road SE-bound outside the Post Office near the Golden Hind.

    I spoke to a worker who said the sign had been put in by their traffic management team, after getting permission from Cambridgeshire County Council.

    I have phoned the County who say one of their traffic management people will phone me back.

    I have also made this FOI request:

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  • Redevelopment of Ida Darwin site: SCDC planning application S/1066/13/OL

    Created by David Earl // 1 thread

    Ida Darwin Hospital, Fulbourn Old Drift, Fulbourn, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 5EE

    Approval is sought for a. A development brief for the Fulbourn and Ida Darwin hospital sites and b. Outline Planning Permission for the redevelopment of the Ida Darwin Hospital site with up to 180 dwellings (C3) including affordable housing, a 70 unit Extra Care facility (C2) with access and associated works, open space and landscaping, following the demolition of existing buildings on site.

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  • Garden Walk is two-way

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 2 threads

    Garden Walk is a two way street for all but the last few metres at it's junction with Victoria Road. At that end there is a cycle bypass to the no-entry. It's a bodge up that only transport planners understand.

    I've experienced it myself, but a resident of the street tells me of her frequent problems with aggressive oncoming traffic (mostly van drivers) that barge at her as she rides up the road. When she tries to point out how the street works they don't listen and challenge her knowledge because of her french accent.

    I've suggested these two signage solutions...

    Blue signs...

    Big bicycle markings on the road...

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  • Cycle parking at the fire station development

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread

    This new development is almost finished, but there is no obvious sign of cycle parking on the frontage - which I believe may be for shops - yet (and the back area is obviously not publicly accessible at the moment).

    Do we know what cycle parking is planned here?

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  • Railway Route between Cambridge and Cherry Hinton

    Created by Simon Nuttall // 3 threads

    The railway line from Cambridge to Newmarket turns out across Coldham's Common and right through the middle of Cherry Hinton, and then carries on passing to the north of Fulbourn.

    There are currently (2013) two main routes from the east of Cambridge to Cherry Hinton - the Tins and Snakey Path. However both have long very narrow sections involving pedestrian conflict.

    The railway line is single track - but satellite images show the bridges crossing Barnwell Road and Coldham's Lane were both built for dual track. So this means there should easily be enough room to accommodate a cycleway alongside the railway.

    This route could then connect up with the Chisholm Trail and provide a direct fast cycle route to and from the city and the Science Park area.

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  • University Arms hotel revamp

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    The University Arms (next to the entrance to Parker's Piece) is planning a new frontage.

    This could have cycle access issues.

    Also this would be a good opportunity to push for a contraflow from Hobbs Pavilion to Regent Street.

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  • Planning application 13/0646/FUL: Gonville Hotel

    Created by David Earl // 2 threads

    Key problem: they are trying to create a new car entrance off Gresham Road in the neck of the cycleway.

    "Demolition of Gresham House, and refurbishment and extension of Gonville Hotel to provide an additional 43 bedrooms and new spa/treatment rooms, with internal and external remodelling of the existing hotel to create a new dining area and hotel entrance, and associated external works and landscaping"

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  • Police refusing to take details of an accident over the phone

    Created by Heather Coleman // 2 threads

    A colleague has just come off the phone to the police, after being knocked off his bike on Hills Road. The Police are refusing to log this incident despite him being minorly injured and his bike being expensively damaged unless he comes into the Police Station in person to report it (he was cycling down Hills Road, person pulled out of side road without looking, in daylight and good visibility). As he works and lives near Addenbrooke's, this will take a great deal of his time, especially as he now has no transport, and he's just going "I can't be faffed, I've got work to do". This will also lead to him having to pay for the repairs to his bike, as, without an incident number, he cannot make an insurance claim.

    I note on our website the following advice: "If anyone is injured, the incident must be reported to the police. For minor injuries there may be little that they will do. However, they are obliged to record the incident so that it appears in statistics, and you will need an incident number from the police if any insurance claim is involved."

    I cannot believe that in the 21st Century, when I think we've had the telephone for over a hundred years, that people are required to physically visit the police station (of which there are fewer and fewer, and in many towns, hidden out of sight - my parents' nearest police station is now about 20 miles from where they live, despite living in a town of about 20000 people) to get an incident number.

    Is this true? If not, what can he/we do about the misinformation being peddled by the Police? If true, what can we do to drag our public servants (as a taxpayer, I help pay their wages, thus they are in effect my servants) into the 21st Century?

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  • Junction between Pembroke Street and Trumpington Street

    Created by fh // 1 thread

    At busy times of day, it is very difficult for cyclists to turn out of Pembroke Street when turning right onto Trumpington Street. Trumpington street has priority and there are no traffic lights. This creates the following problems:

    1) Cyclists turning out of Pembroke Street right onto Trumpington street when there is not enough space/time to do so. This causes a lot of braking and it is common to see a lot of people braking or hear a car horn because of this.

    2) Build-ups of cyclists waiting to turn out of Pembroke Street get in the way of buses turning into Pembroke street (as buses need more turning space).

    This is particularly bad around 9am.

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  • Huntingdon Road - wider cycle lanes needed

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 3 threads

    Huntingdon Road currently has rather narrow cycle lanes, which are unnecessarily so since this is quite a wide road.

    There is space here to create really high-quality, direct, cycle infrastructure which retains priority at sideroads and which would encourage new people to start cycling.

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  • Cambridge Cycle Brochure

    Created by John Hall // 0 threads

    Cambridge Cycle Brochure

    Just a starting point

    Format A4
    4 to 8 pages
    Images and artwork
    Audience - Provide solutions for:
    school run
    commuters - better experience
    older people
    non cyclists - journey times
    improve you neighbourhood
    car free households - Zip cars
    council officers
    village residents
    - taxi drivers and our critics

    Delivery - with News and Crier?
    A test delivery could be used to assess the response to the brochure in terms of new memberships or visits to a web page

    off road routes to drivers such as along the Cam
    3D barcode links to video etc
    Segregated cycle routes
    Hub and spokes to villages
    The CT
    West Cambridge Development
    Why should new development contain cycle paths?
    Why should new buildings have good cycle facilities?
    What kind of bike training is available?
    Membership form perhaps with a discount for direct debits?
    Priority over side roads / platforms / set back crossing
    Build it and it will be used e.g. Shelford Path 300k users per annum
    Health benefits
    Noise pollution
    Who pays for roads
    Cargo bikes
    Go Dutch

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  • University Technical College UTC

    Created by // 1 thread

    University Technical College (UTC) Cambridge is to be launched at the Long Road 6th From site.

    The UTC will open in new build facilities in September 2014 and will deliver a technical education to 670 students aged 14 to 19

    It is a collaboration of Cambridge University Health Partners, Cambridge Regional College, Babraham Institute, Napp Pharmaceuticals, Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Long Road Sixth Form College, Parkside Federation Academies, Cambridge Cleantech, Cambridgeshire County Council, East of England NHS, Anglian Water, The Cube, AmeyCespa

    Public Exhibition 11 April 2013
    4pm to 8pm
    Long Road Sixth Form College

    Cambridge Regional College in association with Long Road Sixth Form College, their industry partners and Cambridge University Health Partners are developing designs for an exciting new University Technical College on the Long Road Sixth Form College site.

    Project Manager is Laurence Wells
    c/o Cambridge Regional College
    Kings Hedges Road
    CB4 2QT
    Tel 01223 418502

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  • Traffic surveys

    Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread

    I'm just working out that it seems hard to start a thread without an issue, and something that doesn't have a specific location (actually, I think having to provide a location for something when not appropriate counts as a bug).

    Last Thursday (so Maundy Thursday so the day before the double Bank Holiday weekend), there were people on Riverside between the new Riverside Bridge and the path up to Tesco, doing a traffic survey. I can't think of a less appropriate day to do one (maybe Christmas Eve which is also not a Bank Holiday but might as well be), unless the aim was "to show no-one really commutes along Riverside, and no school children travel along there". As far as I can tell, every state school was having a teacher training day even though their holidays were supposed to start on the Friday, all the private schools were off, there are no students around, and no rowers, and even lots of normal workers were presumably taking a day's holiday judging from how full my place of employment and the general traffic levels everywhere during "rush" hour. The location of this survey is irrelevant, as the data generated, wherever it was, will be irrelevant unless the question was "how little traffic is there on a day when all the schools are closed and lots of people have taken the day off work?".

    Is there any logic to when traffic surveys are done? Since they generate data that the Council use to decide on road maintenance, gritting etc, it's important that these data are meaningful.

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