Panton Street - needs to be two-way for cycling
This area of town has lots of children having to cycle round the main road because there is one-way cycling - we should get the council to make it two way.
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.
Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.
You can create a new issue using the button on the right.
Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
This area of town has lots of children having to cycle round the main road because there is one-way cycling - we should get the council to make it two way.
Created by Rohan Wilson // 1 thread
An application for 148 homes 11/0008/FUL was refused by Planning Committee(against officer recommendation) on 4 April. Cycle parking "storage" is generally less easy to reach than car parking, and it appears that for the central blocks it is proposed in a shared basement area - I haven't found the drawing for the basement.
There is no access to the site except by the narrow road around the existing Westbrook office block - the site is a deep enclave.
The issues for cycling are probably virtually identical to previously. One of various reasons for previous refusal was "...lack of transport mitigation measures..." and the Highways provisional comment on the current one outlines concerns. I fear that cycle and pedestrian access issues were not previously considered grounds for refusal and that therefore we might be fighting a lost cause... have contacted the officer about this, and hope to submit a comment for Sustrans.
Created by cobweb // 8 threads
There have been problems before with unsatisfactory cycle parking and obstruction of the paths across this busy green space. New people are providing the ice rink this year though.
Created by // 3 threads
On Hills Rd Bridge (etc) a large message sign displaying 5 lines of text and two screens warns of delays because of upcoming building work in central Cambridge (Lensfield Rd etc)
I am minded to write to the city early on Monday
Re: Message signs warning of congestion due to street works
Dear Madam, Sir,
We would like to make an suggestion regarding the text displayed on the mobile message signs currently warning of major road works and congestion. Our suggestions would be to add the words “Thanks for cycling” and “Try the bicycle to avoid delays” (alternating).
We believe it is entirely appropriate to use any major road-works as an opportunity to encourage the use of active transportation, because it is proven to reduce congestion. Such messages will also deliver an important message about the status of cycling in the city. The expression of gratitude expressed in the first suggestion is especially important, as it sets a tone of public appreciation.
We would also like to remind you that a recent Freeway closure in Los Angeles was widely advertised by local authorities as “Carmageddon” and residents were encouraged to participate in local bike rides, organised by the regional transportation authority (METRO), to overcome the expected delays. Given our own little Carmageddon, should Cambridge not do the same ?
Feedback please, contacts, CCs to the press, Travel to work, etc
In summary: Staples and Lloyd’s bank are due to be demolished in this redevelopment. There's a consultation meeting next Friday from 2-7pm and on Saturday from 10am - 2pm at The Tivoli pub which is opposite.
Created by // 1 thread
Jim C raised this in an email to SUSTRANS: ...if staff from the London office would find an 'Awayday' in Cambridge an interesting outing?
> Cambridge can be great in the spring, and if a trip is in term time
you can see just the sorts of diverse cycles and cyclists (diversity)
> I'm sure we can create a good itinerary, covering innovative
locations, tourist hotspots, and key cycle facilities.
> As I said at the time, why go 'Dutch' to see examples of cycle
culture, when in Cambridge you can see what can be achieved in the UK.
Created by // 1 thread
International Cycling Safety Conference 2012, 7 Nov
Location: Helmond, The Netherlands
Costs: 150 Euro
Twitter hashtag: #safecycling2012
Created by // 0 threads
Proposal for a Business Improvement District which would replace (?) "Love Cambridge".
Proposal is all about safety, cleanliness, city ambassadors, ultimately revenue
Beverly Carpenter from has a very spirited and serious response in the local paper (does not include the "threat to diversity" argument present in the print version)
She calls it an attempt to privatise public space, privatise policing, (BID's don't honor Freedom of information requests) and turning the city centre into a shopping centre
I have seen these BIDs working in other places: ambassadors whizzing around on strange wheeled things, trying to enforce "no cycling" rules, but also a large budget which funded an annual festival.
The proposal has no language about car parking this is a topic that needs to be very closely watched from the bicycle saddle.
Created by Robin Heydon // 1 thread
What if we could create a standardised method of assessing cycling infrastructure, either proposed by developers or existing?
Northstowe used something called the "IHT Cycle Audit Guidelines" that appear to be from 1996. Perhaps something better can be done that follows a more continental approach?
Thoughts? Opinions?
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
This is a proposal for a link joining the Guided Busway cycleway and Hills Road bridge.
Several meetings, in each area committee location to discuss s106 money and how it should be spent. Details below.
On a bi-annual basis, the funding for S106 projects is to be reviewed with Area Committee recommendations going to Cabinet for final approval.
This is a change of use application to turn Mickey Flynns from a snooker hall to shops, financial services and a café.
Created by Richard Moss // 1 thread
Planning application for 5 retail units - cycle parking required.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
Change of use for the former Joshua Taylor building to provide 12 residential units over three floors.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
The possibility of a new cycle/walking route from Whittlesford station in part using funds from proposed adjacent development (Relocation of Welches transport depot from Stapleford/Shelford
The platform which is c 264m long extends beneath A505 overbridge.
Longest trains are 240m (12 coaches). This route was investigated some 10 years ago.
Greater Anglia say a route is not possible. I regard this as a stuck rather than locked door.
It may be possible with the use of a fence to take over all of last few metres or to have half (if half cyclist dismount signs may be needed)
As a very last resort to may be REQUIRED for those with bikes to walk.
I can see no reason why a walking route cannot be permitted.
Any 'risk' crossing A505 at grade must be orders of magnitude greater than using end of platform!
"Anyone who uses the racks in St John's Street, Trinity Street, and King's Parade, may have seen notices about filming this week. They're suspending cycle parking for Wednesday and Thursday 'due to the nature of the filming'. The mind boggles" (Bev)
The suspension notice (elevation, lifting?) says "We have been working with Cambridge council to achieve this. " This phrase probably means that the production company has negotiated a location fee with the city council for filming on Cambridge streets, and to film "bike free". If it is correct that the CCC represents Cambridge Cyclists, and in so far as our constituency bears the impact of this "suspension", we would be well placed to receive some compensation for the inconvenience forced upon local cyclists. 1000 £ or 2000 £ could buy us a lot of bike badges (pins), including blue ones of course
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
Two 5 bed houses, five 4 bed houses, internal access road plus car and cycle parking.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 0 threads
Poor-quality cycle parking at Geography.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
A new shop front for a Co-op store with an ATM to the side elevation.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
The installation of one stand in the boundary of M&S facing Market Hill Square.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
Madgelene College (at Cripps Court) wish to remove a cycle shed in order to build a timber furniture store. The design and access statement, justifying this, says that few of the racks are used.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
External works including pedestrian access ramp, alterations to bin storage, covered cycle parking, staff and visitor car parking etc.
Created by cobweb // 1 thread
8 cycle racks shown in the ground floor plan. A retail unit is likely to have some effect on traffic.
Created by cobweb // 0 threads
An application to demolish 191 and 193 Mill Road (opposite St Phillip's Church and replace with 6 studio units and a retail unit. It's a conservation area.
This map shows all issues, whether points, routes, or areas:
The most popular issues, based on the number of votes:
Tom McKeown // 1 thread
Drivers ignoring the marked priority at Magdalene pinch point is a regular occurrence when faced with city bound riders. At times this can be very dangerous. Especially when large numbers of riders are forced into a very small gap between the vehicle and the bollards. I should imagine the situation is especially unpleasant travelling with small children. Also difficult to resolve with a wider cargo cycle, trailer or trike.
Created by Phil Lee // 0 threads
What to do about disgraceful decisions like this: ?
Clearly, the magistrate erred seriously in matters of both fact and law - all the prosecution had to prove was that the way he drives falls below what would be expected of a competent and careful driver.
Equally clearly, it did - nobody who could possibly be described as "competent and careful" would run over something the size of a cyclist without even being aware of it. He even admitted that he was talking on the phone at the time.
It staggers the mind to think what on earth the magistrates were thinking - or what with. Maybe they slept through the case, so didn't hear the prosecution, but were woken up for the defence (how there can be any defence for that is beyond me). Maybe they are dangerous drivers themselves, so sympathise with others of the same ilk instead of adequately discharging the responsibilities they are charged with? Mark Tyler also deserves complete contempt for not pleading guilty, and so preventing this gross miscarriage of justice. He should have been thanking his lucky stars that the police and CPS are so incompetent as not to pursue Dangerous driving, which it equally clearly was.
How can we get rid of incompetent idiots like Phil King (the lead magistrate in this case) who asserted that "there were “significant gaps” in the evidence". It is obvious to me that this dangerous idiot is perverting the course of justice by remaining in his position.
Presumably his colleagues on the bench conspired with him in this perversion - they could (and should) have over-ruled him unless they were parties to the conspiracy, surely?
The evidence was all there - there was a cyclist in front of him - whether the cyclist was upright or on the ground is irrelevant. Mark Tyler drove over him. Neither of those facts were in dispute. That is not the action of a competent and careful driver, and it should be beyond question that a person being in front of the vehicle is something which the driver should be expected to be aware of, which means the test in s3ZA of the Road Traffic Act is satisfied, and the accused is guilty.
The evidence also meets the test in s2A (Meaning of dangerous driving) so there is no excuse whatsoever for clearing him of even the lesser offence of careless driving. With driving like that, it is clear, beyond reasonable doubt, that he should not be in possession of a driving license, and the magistrates failed in their duty to relieve him of it.
As long as dangerous criminals like Phil King are allowed on the bench, the roads will never be safe for anyone.
As a footnote, from the report is appears that this dangerous character commutes from Whitchurch, Hampshire to Clifton Way, Cambridge. What length does that make his effective working day?
It's about 120 miles each way, so at least 4 hours driving (considerably more if in the "rush hour") on top of a full workday. It's utterly moronic to make a commute like that - when I worked anywhere near that far away, I commuted weekly. But this happened on a Wednesday.
Created by Violinist John // 1 thread
Noticed this a couple of weeks ago. As you will see the sign is incomplete and misleading given that the place to see all the details is the end of Ferry Lane waiting to join High Street. High Street at this point is both Route 51 and Route 11.
Major points:
Left turn to go to Impington on Route 51 - I think not.
Abbey and Fen Ditton to the left when you could just go back across Green Dragon bridge.
No directions to Histon, Milton, Waterbeach probably others.
Also the lack of any idea where route 11 goes to the right.
This appears to be one of a number of new signs that have recently appeared. If anyone has seen any more let's get the info out there and try to get them fixed.
Created by Martin L-S // 1 thread
Ever since Tesco opened their new shop on East Road, there has been poor unloading practice.
The company is unloading always from the front of the store with a large lorry which:
- Is stopped in the (advisory) cycle lane.
- The tail of the lorry is opened into the carriageway without a banksman, with the corner of it at the same height as a cyclist having to merge round the lorry - there is real potential for a head injury because of the relative invisibility of this
- Causing traffic to be reduced to one effective lane (or two, just squeezing through, if no large vehicles), causing delays for a half an hour period.
They have stopped using the zig-zag lines.
This photo shows the danger that is created:
Created by jennifer Kirner // 1 thread
I am bringing up the problem that cyclists and pedestrians have crossing East Road to get to ARU and the neighbouring residential area. It would be helpful have a discussion about how to create safe routes in this area and how to get them implemented.
When I am cycling, I find it dangerous and difficult to cross East Road from Petersfield or Bradmore Street and I resort to using the pedestrian crossings with my bike because it is.
This area that really needs addressing for improvements to safe cycling and I don’t understand why given the expansion of ARU this has not been addressed.
The junction of Mill Road/East Road is also pretty scary for cyclists and pedestrians. The crossing at the slip road at the corner of Petersfield is difficult for pedestrians because it has no traffic controls and cars come quickly round this corner making it dangerous for anyone who is not alert , who is not tall enough to see, or who can't move quickly. This includes the young, the old, someone in a wheelchair. I wouldn't fancy pushing a child in a buggy across either.
Basically, it seems to me that the Junction and East road are designed for motor vehicles and traffic flow not for pedestrians and cyclists. Can we try and address this?
Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads
I am writing to point your attention to a "danger spot" on the Barton Road cycle route.
I and many others cycle this route every day and really appreciate how safe it is. However, there have been a number of near accidents at the sliproad from the M11 southbound onto the Barton roundabout. The problem is that the cycle path means that all cyclists must cross the road leading onto the roundabout. This is fine when the traffic is not busy. However, during rush hour the left lane going onto the roundabout is always queued up. This means that, to cross the the road, a cyclist needs to wait for a car to let them out. However, the problem lies with the right lane going onto the roundabout. If there is a queue in the left lane, you are unable to see into the right lane and so quite a few cyclists are nearly knocked off at this point
The problem is that:
a. The right lane is too short and so cyclists are unable to get out of the way in time if a car does not does turn onto it. It seems to me that there shouldn't be a right lane as it's too short to be of any use and poses more of a danger to cyclists.
b. Cars tends to (understandably) be going quite fast as they've just come off the M11 and also are usually looking onto the roundabout rather than the road in front of them. This has meant that I've seen lots of cars having to break very heavily having only seen a bike crossing in front of them at the very last minute.
I, and the other cyclists that routinely use this otherwise very safe route, would hugely appreciate it if this problem could be looked at.
[RL; sent by post, 27th June 2015]
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
The Eastern Gate proposals are a strategic attempt by the City Council to rework the Newmarket Road roundabout area towards a standard crossing, and create a welcoming entrance into this very run-down looking part of the city.
It is supposed to be being paid for by Section 106 moneys from developments, yet proposal after proposal is coming forward but nothing is happening.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
Fulbourn/Cherry Hinton Eastern Access is one of the five City Deal 'cross-city improvements' schemes.
"The growth of housing and employment sites in the Cherry Hinton and Fulbourn Road area, such as the expansion of the ARM headquarters will put further pressure on local roads. Improving the cycleways on Fulbourn Road would enhance cycle access to the city centre and contribute to the completion of the cycleway network in this part of south-east Cambridge."
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 5 threads
The Mill Road traders are planning a meeting (2016) to discuss congestion on Mill Road and have asked us to send a representative. What ideas do we have to for Mill Road?
Created by Anna Langley // 2 threads
This intersection needs a right turn light for bikes turning from St Andrew's Street into the Downing Street contraflow lane.
Doing so feels unsafe with buses coming up from behind, and little opportunity to get across the intersection.
I'm considering setting up a 38 Degrees petition on the matter, but wanted to see if this issue had been campaigned on before.
Created by Ben Brierton // 1 thread
The new road layout here means that eastbound cyclists travelling straight-on find themselves in the left-turn lane, stopped by a Red light, and blocking traffic turning left into the Park and Ride who have a Green left turn filter.
The road markings seem to expect cyclists in this lane to go straight ahead, even though it's the left turn lane, because it is guided into the onward eastbound cycle lane. Just feels wrong and leaves cyclists vulnerable to the left turning traffic.
There should be a 'redmac' cycle lane between the left turn lane and the right hand lane. The road markings should guide cyclists from this lane into the eastbound cycle lane instead of from the left turn lane.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads
Demolition of ancillary buildings and removal of 1930's facade at the grade II listed Cambridge Union Society. Construction of replacement facade, reinstatement and refurbishment of historic features and internal and external access and refurbishment works including enlargement of existing cafe (use class A3) and re-opening of 'footlight's' entertainment space (sui generis). Demolition of squash courts and un-listed 3-5 Round Church Street in the conservation area. Construction of new link building for access and ancillary uses for the Union Society. Construction of adjacent new building with ground floor restaurant (use class A3) with 41 room post-graduate student accommodation above (use class C2) together with basement storage and services.
Cambridge Union Society 9A Bridge Street Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 1UB
Application reference : 16/0673/FUL
Also a Listing Building Consent application: 16/0674/LBC Demolition of ancillary buildings and removal of 1930's facade at the grade II listed Cambridge Union Society
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 0 threads
Plans are emerging for development on the Coldham's Lane site with implications for the surrounding area including links with Cherry Hinton.
Created by Stephen Lawrence // 1 thread
Some people are especially sensitive to lights, including flashing lights, and lights which point directly into their eyes. Both these two situations can result in migraines for the unfortunate observer.I am glad to read that German law mandates downward-focussed lights. We should do the same.
Flashing lights used to be illegal (i.e. when incandescant lights were the norm) but the law was changed to specifically allow them. However, for the reason above, and also because judging the speed (and to some extent the position) of a bicycle is impossible when the light is flashing could actually make flashing lights less safe. Batteries have improved and LEDs are more efficient, and the battery life even on 'steady' mode is way more than in the 'days of yore' hat some of us knew.
Created by Al Storer // 2 threads
Cycling and Walking provision at Cambridge Science Park is poor. Lets try and get it fixed
Created by Guy Hill // 1 thread
If it is not bad enough in a cycle city that the Great Northern Road, the new road to Cambridge's main train station and cycle parking, does not have a segregated and safe cycle paths, the new development is now being proposed which will prevent a segregated cycleway from access to the Station a Devonshire road.
Does anyone agree that there should be a segregated cycle access to the country's largest cycle park?
Created by Paul Bearpark // 1 thread
Objections to U&Cs outline planning application need to be submitted by 10 April. There seem to be some interesting ideas for improving cycling infrastructure but a lot that could be improved upon.
Created by Jim Chisholm // 1 thread
A driverless pod system is proposed is proposed to connect CBC and Trumpington P&R.
It 'implies' it will use maintenance-track!
"An out-of-hours driverless shuttle service on the fixed path from Trumpington Park and Ride will aim to allevieate congestion on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus."
We need to find out more.
A similar system is proposed to connect Whittlesford station and Genome Campus. This should offer possibilites for a new walking and cycling route.
Martin Lucas-Smith // 1 thread
This junction is currently very poor. Cyclists end up doing awkward manoeuvres and visibility is not good.
It is possible this could be improved as part of the Chisholm Trail.
How could this junction be redesigned to make it best practice?
Created by Heather Coleman // 1 thread
I've noticed a few of these around Cambridge where there's a "no through road" sign but it's a through road for cyclists and pedestrians. As there's a post already, if the council had a ready-made stock of plates saying "except cycles", "except pedestrians", a single operative could affix the plate below the sign to made it correct. It is highly deceptive and not serving those using non-motorised transport if they go the long way round not realising they can get through a quicker route.
Created by Simon here // 2 threads
Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?
I cycle past this junction a lot, and sometimes the lights are red so I wait and look at the lanes and wonder why they're like this.
Created by Gingineer // 1 thread
I work near the station and the area out the front of the new building has short term cycle spaces for the shops there. These spaces are specifically for the retail units (ratios of this is in the planning application I understand). so the racks have to be installed and wont be policed by the retail units (such as the ones by Microsoft which are for employees) yet they fill with commuters who should be using the cycle park.
I have been thinking that Cambridge CC needs to agree a system (bye law?) to create short term racks. The colour should be different and signage provided but for racks that need controlling like this it is essential to stop antisocial cyclists piling up bikes.
Of course its difficult to police, and a heavy handed approach should be avoided but I see a growing issue across the city where racks for specific short term purposes are created but then filled with long term cyclists who should accept if they are parked all day that the extra 2 minutes walk for them to a proper cycle park is reasonable to expect. Otherwise this puts people off cycling the short distances as they fear they wont get a rack or will spend a lot of time scrambling for a spot.
Cyclists could be stickered and if caught again then fined. Or clamped to the rack with a fee to unlock (yes I know that sounds like it defeats the object but it should work after a while).
Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 25 threads
Camcycle is launching the first ever 'Cambridge Festival of Cycling' which we plan to grow into a recurring festival in September each year.
Along with a range of events, we also plan to conduct a month long Cambridge Cycling Survey.
The aims of the festival:
- Increase awareness of Camcycle leading to more members, volunteers and influence, particularly among new audiences
- Encourage more, better and safer cycling, for all ages and abilities
- Increase our income thorough sponsorship opportunities
- Increase engagement with our campaigning activities
- Create relationships with other community groups who can partner with us on festival events.
Created by GG // 1 thread
For a long time I have wondered about a crowd-sourced cycleability map.
In this, people cycle along a link (accepting the first question of how to define the beginning and end of this) then give it a thumbs up or down. After enough people do this, then others can see how popular it is.
Some people wonder about subjectivity but I think this should be less of a problem with more voters.
The reason I am asking is because this method could apply to a potential commercial project for a Council which wants to drive around 100km of rural roads and use a panel of 4 experts to grade meaningful segments on a 1 to 7 scale according to their suitability for HGV movements.
Any views on whether this is already done within an app I am not aware of, or could be it done by anyone as an add-on to something else, or is it something CamCycle could offer as a commercial package (there may well be more than one local authority looking for this sort of thing)