
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Cambridge Cycling Campaign:

  • 18/0202/B1C3 NIAB site - Proposed change of use from B1 to C3 to create 77 flats

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    There are several boxes labelled 'cycle parking' on the plans, that's all the detail given.


    Prior Approval notification of proposed change of use from B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to create seventy seven flats.

    National Institute Of Agricultural Botany Huntingdon Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB3 0LE


    Application reference : 18/0202/B1C3

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  • Bin Brook solar studs consultation

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    City Council consultation:

    Solar-powered stud lights are a cost-effective way of lighting paths. We propose installing them on the path alongside Bin Brook between Cranmer Road and Gough Way.

    As well as helping people find their way, the lights will improve the safety and usability of the pathway.

    We propose to install about 40 stud lights along the centreline of the footpath, between 8 and 12 metres apart.

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  • 18/0182/FUL Trumpington - 8 guest rooms for pub with cycle parking, etc

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    In the 5601-403 SITE PLAN AS PROPOSED-SHEET 2 the two Sheffield stands are shown to be pushed all the way up against the rear fence, unusable if built as shown.

    Erection of two storey block to rear of public house to provide 8 guest bedrooms with associated car parking, cycle parking and landscaping.

    Hudsons Ale House 77 High Street Trumpington Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB2 9HZ


    Application reference : 18/0182/FUL

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  • Consultation: reinforcement of path edges on Parker's Piece

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Cambridge City Council, using S106 funding, plan to reinforce the 1 metre wide grass edges of the footpaths on Parker's Piece, where issues of ground churn (mud) have been identified.

    The reinforcement implementation method is proposed to be via plastic geo-cells, set on a suitable sub-base, wrapped in geotextile and covered with turf and/or grass seed.

    The construction is designed to be porous, with the foundation being able to store excess water thereby reducing puddles and muddy areas that are currently forming on the path edges.

    This should improve the grass edges for pedestrian and cycles without losing the grass covering.

    The proposed improvement sections are the paths running from the centre of the open space around Reality Checkpoint to the University Arms Hotel, and to the kiosk/toilets adjacent to Gonville Place.

    The majority of the reinforcements will be 1 metre wide. At the access near the kiosk/toilet, this width will be increased due to the high volume of traffic in the area and historical damage.

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  • Short Stay cycle parking

    I work near the station and the area out the front of the new building has short term cycle spaces for the shops there. These spaces are specifically for the retail units (ratios of this is in the planning application I understand). so the racks have to be installed and wont be policed by the retail units (such as the ones by Microsoft which are for employees) yet they fill with commuters who should be using the cycle park.

    I have been thinking that Cambridge CC needs to agree a system (bye law?) to create short term racks. The colour should be different and signage provided but for racks that need controlling like this it is essential to stop antisocial cyclists piling up bikes.

    Of course its difficult to police, and a heavy handed approach should be avoided but I see a growing issue across the city where racks for specific short term purposes are created but then filled with long term cyclists who should accept if they are parked all day that the extra 2 minutes walk for them to a proper cycle park is reasonable to expect. Otherwise this puts people off cycling the short distances as they fear they wont get a rack or will spend a lot of time scrambling for a spot.

    Cyclists could be stickered and if caught again then fined. Or clamped to the rack with a fee to unlock (yes I know that sounds like it defeats the object but it should work after a while).

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  • 18/0140/FUL: Change of use to student accomm. 90 - 92 Regent Street, Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Change of use from A2 offices at ground floor with C3 flat at first and second floor, to A2 offices at ground and first floor with C3 flats at second floor.

    40 High Street Trumpington Cambridge CB2 9LS


    Application reference : 18/0140/FUL

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  • S/0012/18/OL: Outline permission for 50 dwellings. Beach Road, Cottenham

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of up to 50 dwellings (use class c3) and associated works, including access, car and cycle parking, open space and landscaping

    Land Off Beach Road, COTTENHAM, CB24 8RL

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/0012/18/OL

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  • A10 Ely to Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 3 threads

    The Ely to Cambridge Transport Study is a wide-ranging multi-modal study which has made recommendations on the transport schemes needed to accommodate the major development planned at a new town north of Waterbeach, Cambridge Northern Fringe East (CNFE) and the Cambridge Science Park (CSP). The study has three strands:
    - Strand 1 looks at the overall transport requirements on the corridor
    - Strand 2 looks at the specific requirements for growth at Waterbeach
    - Strand 3 looks at the specific requirements for growth at CNFE/CSP

    The commission has delivered:
    - An options study and Strategic Outline Business Case for the overall package of
    interventions on the Ely to Cambridge corridor;
    - A transport study that identifies the infrastructure package and phasing of that
    package to provide for the transport demand of the development of a new town north
    of Waterbeach,
    - A transport study supported by modelling which provides evidence for the level of
    development which could be supported in the CNFE/CSP area and its phasing, in transport terms.

    The scope of the study was drawn up to incorporate three separate, but interlinked issues; namely the need for a Strategic Planning Document or Area Action Plan for both Waterbeach New Town and the CNFE, hence providing a Transport Evidence Base for Plan Making as required by National Planning Practice Guidance. Early thinking was also required on the requirements of the whole corridor to inform Tranches 2 and 3 of delivering the Greater Cambridge City Deal.

    The study is separate to, but links with the A10 Ely to King’s Lynn Study which was reported to the Committee in September and to the M11-A47 Extension Study which has been commissioned by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and is due to report in summer 2018.

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  • 18/0168/FUL: 4 x 2-bed semi-detached houses. 57 Ditton Walk, Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Change of use from commercial to residential, following demolition of existing light industrial unit. Erection of 2no 2bed semi-detached houses (4 in total).

    57 Ditton Walk Cambridge CB5 8QD


    Application reference : 18/0168/FUL

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  • 18/0166/FUL: Cycle store to the front garden. 9 St Bedes Crescent, Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Hard to tell what they are installing from the application. However, if the applicants are installing cycle parking it should be encouraged.

    Cycle store to the front garden.

    9 St Bedes Crescent Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 3TZ


    Application reference : 18/0166/FUL

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  • 18/0111/FUL: 2-bedroom dwelling. 193 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Demolition of a single storey garage and erection of new two-bedroom single-storey dwelling on land behind 193 Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge.

    Land Behind 193 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB1 7BX


    Application reference : 18/0111/FUL

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  • Hit and run by taxi - Milton Rd

    Created by Hilary Costello // 1 thread

    My friend was knocked off her bike by a grey taxi on Milton Road on Friday Feb 2 2018 between 8:40-8:45 am. She ended up in the middle of the road and no one stopped. She went to A&E and is thankfully OK, mostly just shaken up and bruised.

    She has reported the accident to the police who said they will mark it as an incident but not investigate. I've walked out to where it happened and there are cameras at the green end road/milton road intersection and at the guided busway that could help identify the taxi. Does anyone have any advice on how we could push the matter forward? It seems wrong that a taxi driver can hit someone, drive away and not even a little effort is put in to investigate?

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  • Lack of cycle parking in Fison Road Estate council flats

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    We've been contacted by a concerned resident of the Fison Road estate:

    The Freehold of the above 2 storey block of flats (part of the Fison Road Estate) is owned and managed by Cambridge City Council.

    Due to a number of thefts the residents of the 3 upper flats of this particular block secure their bicycles on the first floor landing adjacent to each front door (this is a covered open air space not an enclosed stairwell).

    Following receipt of a recent Fire Risk Assessment, the City Council have instructed the occupants of all the flats to remove all the bicycles from the landing.

    Cambridge Fire & Rescue visited the property on Monday (29 January 2018) and have advised that as the bicycles are secured back to the wall/railings and do not obstruct access to the front doors of each flat then they do not pose any significant fire risk and as far as they are concerned could remain.

    The City Council however have responded that it is a requirement of the Lease that all landings are to be kept clear of all items.

    The City Council were asked (as Freeholder and Management Agent) to investigate the possibility of providing suitable secured cycle parking so that the bicycles don’t need to be stored on the first floor landing.

    There are a small number of cycle racks on the ground floor under the concrete staircase but these only allow the front wheel to be locked, and one bicycle has been stolen in the last month from this rack.

    The City Council have responded that they are “not obliged” to provide cycle storage despite the arguement that they should be encouraging sustainable transport (especially for residents of their own properties).

    Suitable covered secured cycle storage would be a planning requirement of any new block of flats.

    Can Camcylce suggest if there is any support or advice that may be available to persuade the City Council to either relax its position on where the bicycles are currently stored, or for them to provide suitable and reliable secured storage facilities?

    The City Council have given 14 days for the bicycles to be removed (i.e. by next Thursday 8 February 2018).

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  • 17/2196/FUL: Replacement care home. 55 Bullen Close, Cambridge

    Created by Roxanne (CEO) // 1 thread

    Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a replacement care home (Use Class C2) arranged over three storeys together with associated car parking, landscaping and amenity space.

    Hinton Grange Nursing Home 55 Bullen Close Cambridge CB1 8YU


    Application reference : 17/2196/FUL

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  • Hobson Av / Busway

    Created by Daniel Dignam // 1 thread

    I complained to the council about the recent introduction of lights on the busway at Hobson Av. They're red for cyclists/pedestrians and don't appear to be triggered by bikes. There are 2 buses per hour that use Hobson Av so it seems entirely perverse for the priority to be as it is.

    In the reply justifying the priority for motor traffic it was stated that cars will soon start using this road to access a car park. Has anybody got knowledge about this, as I understood the planning consent access was going to be restricted to buses and emergency vehicles.

    I do think it's an accident waiting to happen, cyclists are going to get used to there being no traffic, and will cross on red (as they're allowed to if it's safe). If it was green all the time then it would be more obvious when they did change.

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  • S/3372/17/CW Incinerator at Waterbeach on A10 opp. Denny Abbey

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Obviously a big deal for Waterbeach and surroundings. I'll restrict myself to cycling-related notes:

    Transport Assessment:

    3.1.6 [Over 600 HGV movements per day, albeit many seem to be already occurring on-site.]

    3.3.4 ... Whilst this is not considered to be a
    significant issue for experienced cycle users, it must be recognised that the
    A10 corridor does operate under 60mph national speed limit controls and is
    used for regular large HGV journeys. Such busy high speed routes typically
    do not represent an attractive cycle option for many potential cycle users

    3.3.5 It is understood that longer term CCC aspirations include the delivery of a
    dedicated cycle greenway route to Waterbeach village & the proposed
    Waterbeach Barracks / Airfield re-development, which could include for
    extensions towards the Waterbeach WMP site. Such proposals are believed
    to still be at a relatively early stage.

    (Site is very close to the Cambridge Research Park, which will have a cycle link built to the new Waterbeach development)

    Cycle Shelter:

    For employees and visitors they are using the same off-the-shelf Broxap cycle shelter with substandard 800mm spacing that we objected to at the Science Park.


    I think that our interest would be in ensuring that they properly integrate into any surrounding cycle network that is created by the Waterbeach development and that people cycling and walking are protected from the HGVs by having separated infrastructure and not sharing space (e.g. the entrance to the site for people cycling should be separate from the entrance for HGVs).

    Application for full planning permission for the construction and development of a Waste Recovery Facility (Waterbeach Waste Recovery Facility – WWRF) at Levitt’s Field, Waterbeach Waste Management Park (WWMP), Ely Road, Cambridge comprising the erection and operation of an Energy from Waste Facility to treat up to 250,000 tonnes of residual waste per annum, Air Cooled Condensers and associated infrastructure: including the development of an internal access road; office/welfare accommodation; workshop; car, cycle and coach parking; perimeter fencing; electricity sub-stations; weighbridges; weighbridge office; water tank; silos; lighting; heat off-take pipe; surface water management system; hardstanding; earthworks; landscaping; and bridge crossings.

    Levitt’s Field, Waterbeach Waste Management Park, Ely Road,, Waterbeach, Cambridge, CB25 9PQ


    Application reference : S/3372/17/CW

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  • Toucan By University Arms Sequencing

    Created by Chris Howell // 1 thread

    The intended operation of the toucan crossing by the University Arms is fundamentally broken. The crossing sequence starts with cyclists from Parkers Piece being given a green filter to go both left and right onto Regent Street, followed by the left filter going red and pedestrians being given the green light to cross. Except of course literally 100% of pedestrians see the high level green filters, ignore their street level red and start crossing just as bikes turn left into them. How did anyone ever think this would work?

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  • Broxap cycle parking shelters do not meet standards

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    The Broxap 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelter (BXMW/CA/1) is intended and marketed to fit 24 cycle spaces provided by two rows of six Sheffield stands. The shelter is 5,000 mm long, which means that the spacing between Sheffield stands is only 800 mm, with 500 mm spaces on either side of the row:

    500 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 800 + 500 = 5,000

    The Cambridge Local Plan (2006) specifies that spacing between Sheffield stands should be 900 mm and newer advice suggests 1,000 mm.

    Should we write to the manufacturer and ask that they revise their design, especially if they intend to market this as a 'Cambridge' cycle shelter?

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  • S/4537/17/FL Science Park Unit 306 - new cycle shelters

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Proposal to demolish existing 24-space cycle parking (and a variety of other things) and renovate, including 3 new Broxap BXMW/CA/1 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelters with claimed 72 cycle parking spaces total. SCambs requirement seems to be 76 spaces, so slightly short.

    More alarmingly, it appears that the Broxamp 'Cambridge' Cycle Shelters are specified from the manufacturer to fit two rows of six Sheffield stands at 800mm centre-to-centre spacing, significantly below requirements!

    The applicants are simply installing what they believe are industry standard cycle shelters, but it seems that Broxap does not comply with typical cycle parking standards.

    Two storey entrance extension. External repairs to existing hard and soft landscaping. Erection of bin store and cycle shelter. Internal and external alterations.

    Unit 306,Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WG

    South Cambridgeshire

    Application reference : S/4537/17/FL

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